The Church ensured the rise of transgenderism when it denied the biological reality of gender roles; man as provider, and woman as nurturer.
When the Church denied these fixed biological realities flowed on up to how men and women should function in society, it effectively cut the anchor that was holding the ship in place. Once that anchor was cut only chaos could result, an ever-increasing and rebellious chaos.
This gender Gnosticism which denies the vital connection between the physical and spiritual realities of the human experience has completely unmoored men and women in the Western nations which promote such thinking. And the Church is responsible.
Some would say, correctly, that the gospel is the only true answer to this, and many different gospel-believing Christians have different views on gender roles.
Such people forget that at the heart of the gospel is a man dying for his bride to provide for her, not the other way around. The fixed gender roles that Paul explains are an image of Christ and his church. Gender roles are intrinsic to the gospel account in many ways in the Scriptures.
The gospels tell us we are saved by a man, born of a woman, a mother who fulfilled the highest calling of the woman, and that man grew to be the one who laid down his life for his bride. In every way, Jesus is the ultimate man, and Mary, the model of woman.
These gender roles help serve as an anchor to stabilize the family of God, which is largely made up of human families.
The Church cut this anchor, unfastening the clarity of gender roles in the West, and as a result, ensuring insanity. The Church created the problem of Gender Gnosticism for society.
Yes, it was influenced by outside forces, but it should have known better, and it is responsible because although it was infiltrated from without by those with evil ideologies and ideas, it was the churches alone which had the authority to change their doctrines and official positions and sell them to society.
Rather than teaching the true roles of men and women, the Church has almost universally capitulated to Gender Gnostic teachings. Until the Church repents of this, the West is in serious strife.