
COVID Inquiry Recommends Bigger Government, More Power

"Instead of bringing to the table a bill of rights to protect citizens from politicians abusing power, the Labor government jumped all over the recommendation for more power."

Anthony Albanese’s alternative to a COVID Royal Commission has recommended Labor create a centralised source for information and control during a public health crisis.

Dubbed the Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC or ACDC), this new government department will be an “authoritative, and trusted repository for disease data, evidence and advice.”

The ACDC will be your single source of truth, ruled by an Australian version of American COVID Czar, and career bureaucrat Dr. Anthony Fauci.

After throwing a half-hearted acknowledgement in about government overreach, the 877-page report explained that trust needed to be rebuilt.

Trust was – and will be – essential for compliance, they asserted.

“We have heard that the trust in governments and science required to do this has waned as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the response,” the report said.

Upbeat, in spite of Big Guns in government turning “two weeks to flatten the curve” into totalitarianism, the report declared, “Overall, we believe that people should be proud of what we achieved during the pandemic.

“We achieved this because communities that accepted strict restrictions” made in the “country’s best interest.”

The COVID-19 Response Inquiry’s findings were not the government’s Back in Black wake-up call.

There was no proverbial slap-in-the-face, even though human rights are mentioned 269 times.

For example, the paper encourages the National Cabinet to establish mechanisms that will allow the panel to receive “expert” advice on “social, human rights, economic” impact.

To their authors’ credit, they tell the National Cabinet to embed human rights considerations into their decision-making.

This means balancing PHOs with civil liberties, and clear, objective communication about health emergencies and demands on the public to respond.

“Particularly where measures are intended to significantly restrict rights and freedoms.”

Part of this recommendation is a recommended “national strategy” for transparency.

This includes learning from past mistakes.

Such as running a review of the impact Public Health Orders (PHO) have on human rights – for the sole purpose of “rebuilding trust between government, and the community,” including “vaccines.”

Greater surveillance was also suggested.

A “comprehensive surveillance infrastructure” to provide “public health” information was declared vital for the success of the ACDC.

Overall, those Thunderstruck by Australian bureaucrat’s walking with the Chinese Communist Party down lockdown lover’s lane, will find this to be a Highway to Hell, not respite, nor relief.

There is no call for repentance for all of the government’s dirty deeds.

Alarmingly, page 49 recommends an urgent response by health ministers to improve COVID vaccination rates.

“Health ministers should urgently address the broad decline in COVID-19 vaccination, with a view to formalising policy responsibility to improve these vaccination rates by target dates.”

On overreach, the panel concluded, “evidence suggests that some restrictions were poorly justified in extent and/or duration, disproportionate to the risk.”

The report mostly applied its complaints about human rights breaches to “minority groups.”

Implying a distinction between inconvenienced, and disadvantaged, for the most part, the report legitimises government coercion and control of the majority.

Although mentioned five times, nowhere in the report, does the inquiry declare the government’s COVID-19 overreach “heavy-handed.”

While they do castigate the government for failing to be more transparent, they blamed “misinformation and disinformation” for the rise in dissent.

“Public advice was at times inconsistent with the advice received by and from medical practitioners, causing confusion and promoting scepticism” they said.

The government’s trouble trying to keep up with the changing science, “compounded confusion.”

“The withdrawal of the AstraZeneca vaccine from circulation,” only fuelled “vaccine hesitancy, distrust in the government and medical science.”

Calling “vaccine” side-effects “extremely rare,” and the “vaccine” safe and effective, the inquiry said “independent research shows that the unvaccinated aged 50 and above, had a greater mortality rate.”

Mandating the so-called vax, “saved lives,” they asserted.

As did “closed borders, lockdowns, physical distancing, isolation requirements, mask mandates, and hand hygiene.”

This made Australia a beacon of brilliance in regard to the public health benefits of “aggressive suppression.”

To no surprise, Laborites cheered on the report.

Especially the creation of the ACDC.

This will be a new tax-payer-funded, “independent” organisation, which reports directly to the government.

As if all planned, Katy Gallagher, minister for finance, and women (a term she won’t define), plastered X with polished information sheets, stating,

“Having the Centre for Disease Control in Canberra is a big win for our city.”

Money talks, “it’ll boost our local economy by supporting hundreds of jobs,” Gallagher added.

“It’ll also mean, Australia will be better prepared to manage future public health challenges.”

Adding to the noise pollution, Labor’s health minister, Mark Butler said the ACDC would rebuild trust.

However, he added, it’ll be a long way to the top.

The ACDC doing battle with high voltage, COVID-fuelled misinformation and disinformation won’t be easy.

While the inquiry mentions the potential for a “human rights national framework,” the authors abandoned Australians to a continual walk along the razor’s edge.

Notably, instead of bringing to the table a bill of rights to protect citizens from politicians abusing power, the Labor government jumped all over the recommendation for more power.

In essence, the Australian bureaucratic caste’s mea culpa response to the COVID overreach is:

“The solution to bureaucratic bullying is creating an even bigger bureaucracy.”

Hells bells!

If the LNP doesn’t nuke this, vote Libertarian.

They will.

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