Category Archives: World

“…if you want the best for them point them to Jesus, and do not lie to them by saying that their nation is protected by divine prophecy. This is a grand error and a terrible lie.”

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“I don’t want somebody coming from London or somebody coming from the other side of the world to tell me what is the struggle of the Palestinian children.”

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“By all appearances, 8371 is a pretence for a ban on religious freedom, period.”

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“Be careful what rhetoric you use to argue against the existence of this or that nation in this world. You might find your logic being used against you one day.”

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“Woke Jihadists cheering on Islamic jihadism isn’t a surprise to those who’ve long been acquainted with the fine print.”

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“The year 2032 will be 100 years since Huxley published his book. Maybe the UN is emulating a ‘Brave New World.’”

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“According to Orbán, failure to comply with the demands will result in funding cuts from Brussels, along with financial support for Hungary’s domestic Left-wing opposition courtesy of the ‘Soros empire.'”

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“Tyrants always attack the family and substitute the state as parents to the children. That is standard practice of the communist apparatchiks.”

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“When we see powerful and evil nations today, it still can seem like they are on the ascendancy, and even darker days lie ahead.”

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“Job was able to remain grounded in one of the most terrible moments of his life, because he knew that every good gift he had came from God above…”

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“Wickedness wants others to have guilt on their hands, because those who have a guilty conscience often find it harder to stand up in boldness, because they are already defeated in their own mind.”

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“Over two million children a year are being sucked into the deepest recesses of hell.”

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“Rodrigo Ivan Cortes and Gabriel Quadri were accused, tried, and convicted of ‘gender-based political violence’ after criticising transgenderism online.”

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“We live in an age where truth is spurned, reality is ignored, and radical agendas are embraced as gospel.”

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Reaching back to events in Manipur, where two Christian women were paraded by Hindu men naked down a street, then gang raped in a field, Supriya Sule said, “What happened in Manipur is shameful. I demand Manipur’s Chief Minister, Biren Singh, resign immediately. Ask your conscience, how can I support this government?”

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“Either they willingly and gladly bow the knee now to the one true sovereign, or they will find themselves underfoot – in more ways than one.”

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“The prudent use of the death penalty can emphasize, as no other penalty can, that malefactors are responsible for their own actions and that the deliberate, willful taking of innocent life is the most abhorrent of all crimes precisely because the right to life is the most precious of all rights.”

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“Government decided that protests were essential, strip clubs, liquor stores, and marijuana dispensaries, were labelled essential. You could pack into Costco, and Walmart, but not the church.”

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“Robert F. Kennedy Jnr. says he’s happy to join Elon Musk’s lawsuit against libellous ‘hate watchers.'”

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“Your presuppositions have been tried before, and they’ve led to catastrophe… My presuppositions have led to Western civilization.”

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