The LNP Prepares for War While Far-Left Australian Labor Pampers to the Privileged
Which party has its head in the clouds, and which party is in tune with the corrosive state of the world?
The Ventriloquists Behind the Biden Administration
Harris — along with Democratic socialists such as Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Rashida Tlaib — are essentially acting as ventriloquists for a President who is barely able to string a sentence together without stumbling.
An Open Letter to Andrew Bolt
“Indeed, you seem to understand the Christian message better than many church leaders.”
Mary, A Sword Will Pierce Your Soul
Here was a mother having her soul pierced as though with a sword, as her innocent son struggled to breathe in front of her on the cross. Here was a good son, worrying about what would become of his mother.
Don’t Miss the Irony of Feminists Calling on Big Brother to Restrain a Free-Sex Society
Feminism hasn’t delivered a utopia for women, it’s in fact bought them a ticket on the Titanic.
Batman vs Mao: Australian Gallery Removes Artwork Criticising China Because ‘That’s Racist’
China’s new ‘thing’ is to accuse the West of racism every time it attempts to criticise humanitarian violations and breaches of international law.
The Death of Democracy in Western Australia
“As a refugee child from a communist dictatorship regime, I will not stop fighting to preserve the rights and freedoms of Australia’s constitutional democracy, founded upon the Christian heritage and principles of love to our fellow man. I will continue to do so in the future.”
The Conversion Therapy Bill Threatens Not Only Journalists and a Free Media but Also the Very Foundation of Democracy
Communism is the new black, and it’s finding its latest iteration in the West through the leftist agenda of sexual identity politics. But as with every other form of socialism, it is already manifesting the underlying totalitarian tendencies.
The Apocalyptic Climate Change Bandwagon Is a Lucrative Cash Cow
It’s beyond the pale that Australia’s bureaucratic caste would major in chasing the apocalyptic climate change fairy, by entertaining apocalyptic climate change fever, rather than major in securing, cultivating and better managing our most important natural resource.
‘Hey, Hey It’s Saturday’ Star Slams Cancel Culture, Accuses It of Killing Comedy
“You couldn’t get away with half the stuff you could on Hey Hey now, because of political correctness and cancel culture. It’s a shame because showbiz doesn’t get much of a chance.”
Australian Senators Standing Up to the Transgender Agenda
“When you get to the heart of the transgender debate, you realise that you and I are being expected to abandon objective truth.”
We Created a Society Where a Dad Can Be Jailed for Refusing to Refer to His Biological Daughter as a Boy
If your government doesn’t kneel before King Jesus, you will inevitably kneel before your government.
Proof The “Australia Burns Because of Climate Change” Narrative Was Propaganda
When our politicians start sounding like beauty pageant contestants, citing “Fight Climate Change” in the same way as “World Peace,” you know they’re signalling towards virtue, not science.
Australia’s Trade Relations with China: A Problem Too Big To Ignore
It seems as a nation we’re more vulnerable when we put too many of our economic eggs into the one basket. That vulnerability is exacerbated when the basket is woven by a totalitarian communist state that uses trade as a political weapon.
Cancel Culture Is About Control, The Grammys Just Proved It
Cancel Culture is not about censoring offensive content. It’s about control.
Meghan, Harry, and Oprah’s Oppression Session Silenced a Poor Christian Nun Fighting the Real Thing
While the world obsessed over three excessively rich Westerners, decrying their alleged oppression at the hands of other excessively rich Westerners, a poor Christian nun from Myanmar was kneeling in front of real oppressors, asking them to turn their guns away.
Kirkup – The Matt Kean of the West
This is what happens when you take a page out of Queensland and Victoria’s Liberal Party manual for ‘How to Lose an Election by Being Invisible and Offering Nothing’.
Why Alternative Media Is So Important
Even if you despise alternative media, at the very least, surely we can all agree that it provides some necessary balance to provoke questions and help see through what we might have otherwise accepted without thinking twice.
The Purpose of the Censor Is to Praise the Tyrant
People are conditioned to embrace the tyrant as an altruistic patron of the people, and tyranny as their benevolent benefactor.
Has Jordan Peterson Become a Christian?
“The ultimate example of that in principle is supposed to be Christ. But I don’t know what to do with that…it seems to me to be oddly plausible.”