Zuckerberg Says He Regrets COVID Censorship and Caving to Demands of Biden Administration
“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,” Zuckerberg said.
John Rich to Jordan Peterson: Christians Are Country Music’s New Outlaws
“From tone it down, to you can’t post that, Rich told Peterson, he’s encountered it all.”
Can Common Values Hold in Australia?
“Values cannot be held in common if beliefs are too far apart.”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr Backs Donald Trump
“The Democrats have become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big Pharma, big tech, and big money…”
The Book That’s Making Many Evangelical Leaders Squirm
“For the elites, the only thing worse than a hick evangelical is one of these whistleblowers.”
UK Dads Step Up to Defend Kids’ Events After Southport Knife Attacks
“UK Dads are providing free security services for dance classes and kid’s summer events.”
‘Infanticide’: Senate Votes to Deny Medical Care to Babies Born Alive Following Botched Abortions
“The vote reveals that our elected officials regard human life, not as an immutable right bestowed by our Creator, but a privilege that is granted and revoked at the arbitrary will of those in power.”
On the Chicago DNC
“The pro-death religion being seen so clearly at the DNC should be enough to convince any sensible person, any moral person, and certainly any Christian, what a demonic group of people these really are.”
Actor Rob Schneider Credits Being a Dad for Bringing Him Closer to God
Schneider said, “Evil does exist, and we need to arm ourselves with God and arm ourselves with knowledge, so we can protect ourselves.”
UK To Release Prisoners Early To Make Room For “Anti-Immigration Protesters”
“This change is expected to result in the early release of approximately 5,500 prisoners in September and October.”
Big Eva Just Wants to Be Loved
“To make it into the good books of CNN and the NYT, they are happy to jettison or water down key biblical beliefs and values. Some are willing, in other words, to sell their souls for a bowl of porridge.”
Australian Pro-Life Advocate Wins Academic Freedom Case Against Pro-Abortion Activists
“I’m doing this for our freedoms, for all Australians who are sick and tired of the bullying and the harassment of the radical left who expect us all to comply with their Woke religion.”
Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda
“There have been deliberate attempts made to undermine the gospel and the churches and to see them replaced with fake gospels and fake churches. And this even involves some well-known evangelicals.”
The Enlightenment and the Dismantling of the Foundations of Truth
“Our neighbours, and many Christians, are likely more influenced by Hegel than they are by Christ.”
Is the Free Church of England a Safe Harbour for Faithful Anglicans?
“The last thing faithful Anglicans escaping false teaching want is to run into another Justin Welby-type figure! It would be devastating for any clergyman or layperson to jump from the frying pan and into the fire.”
Christian Conference Leader Reported to Human Rights Commission After Replacing ‘Welcome to Country’ with Psalm 24
“The conferences open with the ode to God’s ownership of the land, instead of genuflecting to Indigenous ancestral worship.”
The West Is Quickly Descending Into Totalitarianism
A Review of ‘The Total State: How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies,’ by Auron Macintyre.
Pakistan’s Two-Tier Policing: Christian Mum Falsely Accused of Offending Islam Arrested, Muslim Lynch Mob Goes Free
“The poor woman will now have to suffer in prison for years while her two children will be deprived of her love and care.”
The Problem With Multiculturalism
“What happens when an imported culture that doesn’t subscribe to the ideals of multiculturalism begins to gain dominance over the host culture, either through mass immigration or a higher birth rate?”
When Bad Things Happen, Blame Musk
“Lies are exposed by the truth – just as light dispels the darkness.”