Category Archives: News & Commentary

We all remember Justin Trudeau’s “peoplekind” remark, right? Political Correctness can’t get any more absurd than that! Or can it? It looks like Canada has a new contender. Canadian Liberal MP Francesco Sorbara has excused himself for twice using the word “fishermen” instead of the more political correct term “fisherfolk.” “I had a conversation with someone who would love — their fishermen would, uh — fisherfolks would love to have access to Europe like our Canadian fishermen do – fisherfolks do, excuse me.” WATCH:

Former Muslim Armin Navabi traveled from Canada to Lakemba in Sydney to ask Muslims if it’s okay to criticise Islam. Mr Navabi made the journey after NSW Police told Lauren Southern in July that she did not have the right to enter the area to interview people. “It is my goal, and every Muslim’s goal, to establish Sharia Law on earth,” Mr Navabi was told. “There is always a safe haven for you under Sharia Law… in Islam. There’s two choices: Islam or death.” WATCH: 2017: Imam Tawhidi says there are Muslim Extremists in Sydney, Lakemba, who are willing to…

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The Uniting Church (UCA) is the first major Australian Christian denominations to endorse same-sex “marriage” and offer gay and lesbians the option of a church ceremony. The decision, made at the Uniting Church’s national Assembly in July 2018, permits those being married in the Uniting Church to choose between two authorised marriage liturgies, the traditional language of “husband and wife,” or the updated version which refers only to “two people.” With the Uniting Church continuing to run headlong towards apostasy, and the ongoing rejection of the teaching of Jesus, how should Christians respond? Separation! A divorce from error is needed.…

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If this doesn’t constitute as child abuse, I’m not sure what does. This heartbreaking footage, taken at a Gay Pride event, shows a little girl no older than six waving an LGBTQ flag as she watches a near-naked man perform sexual dance moves in nothing but his underwear. At one point in the video, a man is seen walking up to the dancer and stuffing money down his crotch. “That is too precious,” a man can be heard saying off camera. “Maybe it’s her dad dancing,” another individual says. Canada’s public broadcaster CBC, told parents it’s important to be “open-minded,”…

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Senator Pauline Hanson will today ask the Australian Senate to acknowledge that it is okay to be white. In a post on Twitter, Senator Hanson said, “I saw the huge overreaction to Lauren Southern’s t-shirt with that message and decided if the Senate won’t agree to this then we have to admit Australia truly has an anti-white racism problem.” Senator Hanson’s motion reads: “I give notice that today I propose to move: That the Senate acknowledge: a) The deplorable rise of anti-white racism and attacks on Western civilisation; b) It is okay to be white.” Today I will ask the…

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West Yorkshire Police, which already allowed Muslim officers to wear the hijab or the headscarf, have unveiled their new Islam-friendly uniforms for Muslim female recruits who do not wish to show their female form. Assistant Chief Constable Angela Williams said, “For the last month we have been trialling a new uniform for women which is designed not to show the female form. This was suggested by a Muslim female officer and was designed by our Clothing Manager in conjunction with the officer.” “The tunic is a looser and longer fit, and has full sleeves. This has been well-received from officers…

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The ABC’s official political twitter account has suggested that Saudi Arabia is more female friendly than the Coalition. The tweet, posted by the public broadcaster yesterday said, “A visiting Saudi Arabian delegation has a higher proportion of women than the Coalition.” Attached to the tweet was an image of six Saudi men and two hijab clad women. Simon Breheny, Director of policy at the Institute of Public Affairs called the tweet “sickening.” “This commentary from the ABC is a good illustration of the form-over-substance approach of those who practice radical identity politics,” Breheny said. “Behold the equality enjoyed by Saudi…

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What is a family? According to ABC Kids, it’s whatever you dream it to be. Because after all, “Love is Love,” or so says a new children’s musical track played on the kids’ station. The song, titled “Family (Love is Love), is performed by the Teeny Tiny Stevies, and is designed to teach kids that families are different – some children have two mothers and a father that visits once a week, but that’s fine, because “love is love.” But what does that actually mean? The phrase “love is love” became popular in Australia during the same-sex marriage survey, but…

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Senator Fraser Anning has pulled no punches, blasting the highly-sexualised Safe Schools programs, branding it “institutionalised child abuse” designed to destroy the traditional fabric of society and corrupt the youth. In a series of posts on Twitter, Senator Anning said: “Fifty years ago, if a communist pervert had proposed that our nation’s children be forced to listen to sexually deviant propaganda, they would probably have been strung up. Today, this disgusting garbage is called the Safe Schools program.” Fifty years ago, if a communist pervert had proposed that our nation's children be forced to listen to sexually deviant propaganda, they…

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The American Academy of Pediatrics is urging parents to be accepting of their children’s gender of choice. In a policy statement  entitled ‘Ensuring Comprehensive Care and Support for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents,’ the group recommended “gender-affirming” health care for all transgender and gender-diverse minors who do not identify with their birth sex. This includes surgical intervention, gonadotrophine-releasing hormones to delay puberty up to age 16 and prevent the development of some sex characteristics such as breasts. The National Review reports: “The AAP’s statement cites statistics showing transgender individuals are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, eating disorders,…

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Amazing footage has emerged of an 85-year-old great grandfather fighting off three armed men. The men entered the Bar One Racing office at Glanmire, Ireland, armed with hammers and a sawn-off shotgun, but quickly fled after 85-year-old Denis O’Connor fought back. The raiders were attempting to take the contents of the store’s safe. Tim Murphy, the office manager who was also present during the attempted robbery, said he will be forever grateful for the intervention of Mr O’Connor. WATCH:

What you see here is a significant part of a $400,000 art installation at Sydney University, that prestigious centre of tertiary education which prides itself on Unlearning everything—from medicine, love, truth, and it seems like even of common sense itself. No, those black splotches are not mold. And nor is the horizontal yellow line a urine stain. According to Sydney University, this is a $200,000 piece of art. On contacting the Media Department at Sydney University, they initially had no idea what it was either. But about a week later they came back with the following reply: We are in…

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In just four years Western Australia has seen a 350 per cent increase in ‘transgender’ children wanting to transition to the opposite sex. According to Perth Now, during the period of 2014-15, Perth Children’s Hospital’s gender diversity service received  just 26 referrals for children aged under 18. That figure increased dramatically during 2015-16 to 105 referrals. During 2016-17 the figure rose to 116 referrals. There are currently 207 patients under 18 seeking gender treatment at the hospital. “At the moment, there are 43 children receiving stage one hormonal treatment, which involves puberty suppression and reversible treatment, while 30 children are…

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Australia’s first Muslim Senator has lashed out at Senator Cory Bernardi after the Australian Conservatives’ leader introduced a bill banning facial coverings at commonwealth sites, including public places in the Northern Territory and ACT. Senator Mahreen Faruqi criticised Senator Bernardi in Parliament saying he will never experience the racism that Muslims are subjected to in Australia. “I’m so sick of this rubbish,” Senator Faruqi said. “I’m so sick of people who will never experience racism telling us that it doesn’t exist.” “Senator Bernardi will never be told that you have no place in public life because of the colour of…

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Breitbart reports: “A video recorded by Google shortly after the 2016 presidential election reveals an atmosphere of panic and dismay amongst the tech giant’s leadership, coupled with a determination to thwart both the Trump agenda and the broader populist movement emerging around the globe.” “Google claims it isn’t politically biased against conservatives,” Breitbart said on Facebook. “Anyone who watches this viral leaked video of the secret Google meeting after the 2016 elections will see otherwise.” WATCH:

Amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act which would ensure the rights of Australians in the wedding service industry are protected has been rejected, 36 to 3. The amendments, moved by Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonhjelm, were designed to “allow providers of goods, services and facilities in connection with the solemnisation of marriage to refuse to do so on the ground of sexual orientation or relationship status of their would be clients” According to a statement from Senator Leyonhjelm, “This would provide an exemption from discrimination law not only for marriage celebrants but also for wedding planners, reception venue operators, florists and cake…

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When UK police received intel that a person was planning to carry out an acid attack on Tommy Robinson’s wife, they issued the mother-of-three a letter warning her not to break the law in her efforts to ensure her own safety. “On 1st July 2018 Bedfordshire police has received information that a person has made threats to throw acid in your face,” the letter stated. “Based on the information Bedfordshire Police have been provided I must inform you that you may be a victim of a serious crime. “I must advise you to take appropriate measures to ensure your safety…

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The federal government is wasting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars hiring minor celebrities to give motivational talks to government staff. The Daily Telegraph has revealed, the Home Affairs department wasted more than $63,000 of taxpayer money on just five speakers. Among the speakers was former Australian Idol contestant Casey Donovan, who was paid $11,250 to speak for National Reconciliation Week. Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, who was paid $13,200 to deliver a motivational message for ‘innovation month.’ Others speakers include Layne Beachley who was paid just over $12,860, Naomi Simson who cost $13,903, and David Lourdes who was paid $11,896.54. According…

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Dick Smith has posted a fiery video on Facebook urging Australians to stop using hotel booking websites because they’re ‘extorting’ Australian businesses. According to Smith, multi-million dollar online booking websites are dominating search engines, forcing smaller Australian hotels and motels to either pay up or lose up to 50 per cent of their business. “Millions and millions of dollars that should stay in our country towns is being shipped off,” Smith said. “It’s like extortion – it’s the same as extortion!” “I rang some of these motels and I said, why would you want to be paying these huge American…

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Steven Crowder obliterates Jim Carrey after the ‘Yes Man’ actor, whose net worth is $150 million, told Bill Maher, democrats need to stop apologizing and just ‘say yes to socialism.’ WATCH:
