Kingdom Thinkers Academy Opens Its New Online School for Homeschoolers
“The platform promises to be a worthwhile utility for Australia’s homeschooling community, and beyond.”
Why America Will Fall
“The American Empire is no longer led by the sons of the revolution, but by a collection of foreign peoples from all over the world… They have been overcome by the world they sought to overcome.”
Hoax Highway “Insurrection”: Biden’s Bus Bureaucrats vs. A Texas Trump Train
“Using an 1871 Klu Klux Klan law, Biden’s bus bureaucrats argue the defendants committed voter intimidation and caused ’emotional’ harm.”
A Pastor’s Submission to the Human Rights Commission
“We continue to look back at the COVID years in disbelief and heartbreak.”
Should the Church Concern Itself With Politics?
“When the civil authority trespasses the limits of its authority, it is the duty of the church to condemn such a violation.”
Why Many Russians See a Hero in Putin
Western leaders and ‘mainstream media’ often call President Putin an authoritarian leader or even a dictator. So, why do so many Russians see a hero in Putin?
Losing Your Career for Speaking Truth: This Christian Doctor Needs Your Help
“Jereth had never received a single complaint from any of his thousands of patients he had treated during his career. Yet, the Medical Board pursued selective complaints about Jereth’s social media posts discussing his personal beliefs on religious and political matters like abortion, marriage, Covid lockdowns and transgender ideology.”
The Flag of Rebellion and Division Is Literally Un-Australian
“Feel free to disagree on religious doctrine, but the Aboriginal flag’s representation of domestic rebellion, racial division and pagan religion is more than a little problematic for Bible believers if not all Australians.”
Stand Firm ’24: A Culturally Potent Worldview Conference
“We cannot cause the winds of revival to blow, but we can prove that we mean our prayers by keeping the sails ready for the gale.”
Biden Puts Bannon Behind Bars: Former Trump Aid Refused to Comply With January 6 Narrative
“We have to win this. If we don’t, this country is going to devolve into some kind of neo-Marxist totalitarian regime.”
As the Church Goes, so Goes the Health System?
“If church leaders could deny the unvaccinated care for their eternal souls, then why wouldn’t the health system also deny the unvaccinated care for their earthly bodies?”
Europeans Are Turning against Leftist Parties and Policies
“The truth is, people have really become tired of the radical left’s hold on power. When folks like Klaus Schwab seem to have more say over national sovereignty than the people themselves, then enough is enough.”
Australian Human Rights Commission Asks for Public Submissions: How Were You Affected by COVID Measures?
“The Australian Human Rights Commission is asking the people for their stories as they investigate the impacts of the national, state, and community responses to the COVID-19 ‘pandemic.'”
Why China and Others Are Winning
“China has won many wars without firing a shot, simply by placing so much emphasis on production.”
We Suffer Today Because of Past Warnings Unheeded
“The good news is that God will always raise up prophets, especially in dark times. The bad news is that these prophets usually are rejected, and their warnings go unheeded.”
The Hatred of “Whiteness” Is a Hatred of Christianity
“It’s an evil ideology that turns the idea of God-blessed obedience on its head. It says Western prosperity is not the fruit of righteousness, but the result of sin.”
Farage Factor Anchors Reformed UK’s Fight to Save Britain in General Election D-Day
“We’re not here as wreckers. We’re here as builders.”
The Reformed Evangelical Divide, Clash of Worldviews, and Tim’s Open Letter to Shai
“The most positive thing to come out of these debates is the increased unity seen between Presbyterians and Baptists over their shared hatred of wokeism’s destructive ideologies.”
MUST-WATCH: “Teach All Nations” Docuseries Out Now!
“If the Great Commission is a command to be obeyed, we must strive to understand what Jesus expects from each one of us.”
COVID Vaccines May Have Contributed to Rise in Excess Deaths, Scientists Suggest
“The study found that across Europe, the United States, and Australia, there were over one million excess deaths in 2020, at the height of the pandemic. Additionally, there were 1.2 million excess deaths in 2021 and 800,000 in 2022, even after measures were implemented.”