Christendom or Satandom: There Are Only Two Options
“There never was the possibility of a secular or neutral society. This was always a myth, a lie, a phantasm.”
The Bible Is Not A Marxist Handbook
“If the Bible was a critical theory handbook there would be less criticism of the Jews, and more criticism of the Greco-Roman peoples coming into the church.”
That Which You Fear Will Control You
“Be a God-fearer, or something else will control you.”
Deliberate Mismanagement?
“After all, fewer cars for sale here fits with the Climate agenda and moves people towards less independence…”
Only One Civilisation Has Ever Sought To Extinguish Slavery, And They Did It Twice
“Slavery is an ancient human institution practiced by virtually all peoples.”
Feminism Precedes Judgement
People see feminism as progress, but really it is a stage before judgment.
Multiculturalism Works As Designed
“This was the intention of multiculturalism from the start, to break the Christianity of Western nations and undermine nationalism, both important foundations of Western society.”
2021 The Year That Civilisation Began To Crack
“Do Biden, Albanese, Johnson, Macron and co. seem like the kind of statesmen that can rebuild our civilisation? Of course not.”
Family, Not Individualism
“Western individualism goes too far in making the individual supreme. Socialism goes too far in submitting the individual to society, denying the individual, and the significance of the family unit.”
Feminism Is the Erasure of Women
“‘Equal’ just means ‘same’. The consistent application of it to people can only ever result in the erasure of all gender roles and–this is important–gender distinctions in society.”
We Are Still Here
“Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to make life unlivable for the unvaccinated. And as a deputized collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the hard truth that none of it was justified…”
A Sacred Bond
“Not holding marriage as sacred doesn’t just damage the Church, it encourages the world to do likewise, and that has been a disaster.”
People Expect Judgement, So Tell Them About It
“I don’t think it is a coincidence that not long after the Church stopped regularly preaching judgement, the Church and society declined… People are primed for that message, and the Green movement moved in and took control of the platform that the Church vacated.”
You Are Being Manipulated
“Emotive speech is often used to manipulate, and our media elites are masters at this.”
Women Are Needed in the Home, Not the Boardroom
“We are not utilizing women by putting them in the workforce, we are under utilizing them by taking them from the home and the church. The nation suffers from a degraded society as a result.”
Love Is Love? Ridiculous
“To love your neighbour as yourself is to be honest with them, as you would like someone to be honest with you.”
A Good Man in Sport: “We’re a Family That Has Done Everything Together”
“Brown gave up a high paying job to prioritize his family. So many fathers and mothers today put career ahead of family. And so much of our society is broken as a result.”
The Pastors Have Gone Astray
“The chaos of the last two and a half years demonstrated that many of our church leaders have greater loyalty to the State than to God’s word.”
Secularism Is a Lie
“Secularism is not an end goal for a society, it is a transition phase.”
The Transgender Origins of Feminism
“Shelley held a utopian vision that gender differences, ‘detestable distinctions’, as he called them in a letter, would ‘surely be abolished in a future state of being.’”