We Must Never Forget Victoria’s Two Months of Brutal Medical Tyranny
“We must never forget what happened. We must frequently remind ourselves of the terrible cruelty that a Government which has become drunk on power is capable of inflicting upon a dissenting minority, with no robust scientific basis, even in a so-called ‘liberal democracy’. We must remember how fragile basic freedoms are, and how easily civil liberties can be trampled on.”
‘Free Novak Djokovic’ Petition Gets Over 80,000 Signatures In Three Days
“If a successful, internationally recognized professional athlete can fall victim to the human rights violations of the ruling class, anybody can.
Djokovic Granted Vaccine Exemption As Australians Lose Their Careers to Strict “No Jab, No Job” Mandates
“We’re losing good nurses, doctors, police officers, firefighters, aged care workers, and more. But this is where exemptions are offered? Tennis?”
据《每日邮报》报道:新南威尔士州相当大一部分被计入新冠病例住院者,是因其他医疗原因入院。 新南威尔士州政府数据显示,该州每日因新冠入院人数被夸大,因其统计时包含了由于其他原因需要住院的病人,如骨折、分娩阵痛及精神疾病等,在这些住院者入院后,只要他们的新冠测试结果为阳性,都被计入了因新冠入院人数。 新南威尔士健康部长布莱德哈泽德(Brad Hazzard)承认,被计入新冠入院人数中,多至一半的病例属于非新冠引起的入院病例,而是医院对因非新冠入院的病人,在其住院后进行新冠例行测试,测试结果为新冠阳性。 哈泽德(Hazzard)说:“在新冠流行期间,社区中心脏病、生产、摔伤等情况并不会停止。病人来到医院后,需要做新冠测试,结果为阳性的,都被计算为新冠病例。然而这个测试结果,只能说明社区中有新冠病例,但并不能说明新冠病毒是病人住院的主要原因。” 去年,英国医院的新冠入院统计方法也受到同样的指责,由于其他原因已经住院的病人,若其住院后的新冠测试为阳性,都算作因新冠而住院的病人,使其因新冠病毒而住院数据被夸大。根据英国国民保健署泄露出来的一份包含了所有英国保健署分布的数据显示,因新冠病毒住院的病人中,只有44%是在住院时就被确认感染的。 牛津大学的循证医学中心主任卡尔赫尼根(Carl Heneghan)当时已告诉《电讯报》,已公布的数据可能误导公众得出错误的结论。他说:“当人们听说住院者有新冠病毒时,他们会认为新冠病毒是引发住院的原因,而真实的数据所揭示的是不一样的事实:测试结果只能说明在因各种原因住院的患者身上发现了新冠病毒而已。这些错误的报道需要被紧急更正。
Up to Half of COVID-19 Hospitalizations Admitted for Non-COVID Reasons, Including Broken Bones, Labour Pains
“A reasonable proportion of cases being classified as Covid hospitalisations are actually people with other reasons for admission,” NSW Health Minister said.
John MacArthur Urges Pastors to Preach on Biblical Sexuality to Protest “Conversion Therapy” Laws
“This means as of January 8, 2022, it will be against the law to preach, teach, or counsel regarding God’s design for marriage and sexuality.”
Man Sets Himself On Fire Over Vaccine Mandates: “No Vax ID!”
“…our governments and media have waged a psychological campaign against the people to pressure, coerce, and “incentivize” an action many would have otherwise not taken. You’re only allowed to be treated as an equal, you’re only capable of rising to the highest tier of society, you’re only permitted to maintain your employment, friendships, and family if you take the vaccine, once, twice–no, thrice, maybe more.”
Greens Senator Tweets “Happy New Year” In Response to Fire At Old Parliament House
“Seems like the colonial system is burning down,” Senator Thorpe tweeted. “Happy New Year everyone.”
Twitter Permanently Suspends Virologist and mRNA Inventor
“I must have been on the mark, so to speak. Over the target,” Dr Robert Malone said.
Businesses Were Once Threatened With Large Fines For Exploiting Fears About SARS and Exaggerating Health Benefits of Masks
“As soon as they become saturated with the moisture in your breath, they stop doing their job and pass on the droplets.”
Police Remove “Unvaccinated” Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards
“Is this what justice looks like for you? Is this what you dreamed of when you wanted to be a cop?”
Scott Morrison Remembers Desmond Tutu: “Spiritual Leader of the Anti-Apartheid Movement”
“The Prime Minister would do well to reflect a little longer on the qualities he remembers the Archbishop representing. In his own words, without a real belief in human dignity, the power of freedom, and opposition to apartheid, the world cannot be a better place.”
Victorian Chief Health Officer Says He Almost Wet Himself With Excitement Getting a Third Jab
These are the “experts” they’ll call you crazy for questioning.
“Vaccines Are Not Stopping Transmission,” Says NSW Health Minister
“The one thing that we know about this–the one thing that it would appear to be likely with the Omicron variant is that the vaccines are not stopping transmission. The transmission appears to be quite high,” Hazzard said.
Ministry of Truth: NZ Government Will Pay Media to Produce State-Approved Stories to Combat “Misinformation” About Covid-19
“We will continue to be your single source of truth,” NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said.
Selected Comments From the Church and Covid Vaccination Survey
“Both my wife and I are in education and will lose our jobs. I can’t even bring this up at church because the expectation is that we follow the government orders. There is no empathy or understanding as to why we wouldn’t ‘just get the jab’.”
Daughter of Slain Police Officer Leaves Mourners Stunned With Powerful Message
Officer Richard Houston, a 21-year veteran of the Mesquite Police Department, was killed in the line of duty last week while responding to a disturbance call outside a local supermarket.
Sydney Bible College Bans the Unvaccinated From Campus
The decision was made despite the state government not requiring such measures for tertiary institutions.
#NotAnOrganDonorAnymore Trends After Queensland Health Says Unvaccinated Will Be Denied Life-Saving Surgery
There is “a minimum requirement of two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine prior to receiving a kidney, lung or heart transplant.”