Global Persecution of Christians Continues Amid Silence and Apathy
“More than 380 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith.”
Reclaiming Reality: Restoring Humanity in the Age of AI
“But at its core, transhumanism is not about progress at all—it is a rebellion against God, an attempt to remake humanity in the image of those who reject the divine order.”
The Contrast Could Not Be Greater
The despicable Dems fully revealed themselves at Trump’s speech.
Less of Moore, and Less Hypocrisy Too
“The hypocrisy of Moore is just far too great for any of us to take anything he says seriously.”
The Fragility of Democracy
“Democracy may, after all, turn out to have been a historical accident, a brief parenthesis that is closing before our eyes.”
Our Civilisation Is at the Crossroads
“We’ve told them that we don’t really have anything very great, or if we do we ought not to talk about it much. I believe this is wrong because what we have in the cities of Europe and the West are the greatest civilisation the world has known.”
Stockholm Syndrome Christianity: This Is Why We Keep Losing
“Many church leaders and pastors have found that running with the world’s agenda is simply easier and less costly.”
Speaking Truth to Power – Keeping Government in Check
“A government without accountability and checks and balances is not a proper government but a tyranny.”
When You Expose the Darkness, Be Prepared for a Reaction
“What Trump has done so far has been nothing short of remarkable. Imagine what he can do in four years!”
Trump’s Administration Champions the Right to Life
“Donald J. Trump and J. D. Vance have done more in their first five days in office than just about any other presidential team in history.”
Inaugurations and Revivals
“What we need above all else is a powerful move of God to wake up the church and shake up the world.”
He Only Is the True King
“In the New Testament Christ is given the combined title ‘King of kings and Lord of lords’, in opposition no doubt to the blasphemies of the emperor cult. No human rule can challenge his authority.”
Draining the Swamp: The Enormous Task Facing Trump
“The administrative state has gotten increasingly entrenched and out of control, not just in America but much of the West.”
Scruton on National Identity: Why the Nation-State Still Matters
“Anybody who understands what is at stake in the global conflict that is developing today will, I believe, come to see that the nation is one of the things that we must keep.”
Mismanagement and Misplaced Priorities Have Fueled the LA Fire
“Newsom had gotten rid of four dams. Native American Indian groups in California wanted their rivers back so they could catch salmon. Thus he destroyed much-needed water supplies.”
Great News for Long-Suffering Canadians
“Trudeau was perhaps the most woke and progressive leader of Canada to date. Be it radical climate policies, or the usual alphabet people madness, or his fixation on the pro-death agenda, he was fully into it all.”
Exposed: UK’s Grooming Gangs
“Children were abandoned to suffer in the name of community relations, an unforgivable price.”
Whither the Two-Party System?
“We keep losing the big battles of the day – whether over marriage, the life issues, and so on – because we end up with members of ‘conservative’ parties simply going along with those on the left.”
Terrorism in America
“From December 21-27, 2024, alone there were 21 attacks in 10 countries killing 115 people and wounding 58 others.”
Religious Leaders Bless Sites of Child Sacrifices
“Liberal pastors have taken to ‘blessing’ abortion clinics to signal support for women who choose to abort their babies…”