Six-Month Extension to Victoria’s State of Emergency Passes At 2AM
Victoria has yet again been subject to another grievous assault by dictatorial thugs.
Heartless Bureaucrats Are Destroying Lives, Freedom, and Democracy
If these horror stories do not shock you, you may be part of the problem.
What the MSM Won’t Tell You About Kamala Harris
As you all should know by now, Joe Biden has picked California Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate.
What Should We Make of the Push for Compulsory Vaccines?
What should we make of Morrison’s push for compulsory vaccines? Let me begin with some words of encouragement. The rather reckless talk of mandatory vaccines that Scott Morrison was pushing Wednesday morning received such a huge public backlash that by the afternoon he had to do a major backtrack and basically say. ‘Oh, I did not really mean it would be mandatory’. Never stop speaking out – your voice matters. He had said that he wanted at least 95 per cent of Australians to take the vaccine, and he also said on 3AW radio that he would like the vaccine…