1302 search results for "trans"

“Is it acceptable to use a so-called ‘transgender’ person’s self-chosen name when speaking, writing or even thinking about them? Or, is this something of which God disapproves?”

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“The Cass Review underscores the importance of adopting a more holistic approach to gender care, rather than rushing vulnerable young people into medical interventions with unknown long-term effects.”

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“You cannot have a panel presiding over a serious case involving a Christian who has lost their career because of their beliefs, with panel members who appear to hold significant prejudice against Christians and conservatives.”

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“Ripcurl has replaced a woman – a genuine heroine – with a man dressed as a woman, in order to advance women in sport.”

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“Unity is foundationally based on understanding who we are before God.”

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“It is no longer a question of science vs. religion, but of new scientific religions vs. old traditional ones.”

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“The level of mass stupidity here is mind-boggling. And the big losers are women and children.”

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“There may be circumstances in which students wish or need to undertake gender transition without the consent of their parent/s (or carer/s), and/or without consulting medical practitioners,” the state government website says.

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“China is going to destroy us,” said former Seal Team Six member, Robert O’Neill.

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“I am 51, with a busted knee, and have never been violent in my life! It is not violence to speak the truth!”

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“Actual violence, racism, and bigotry are deployed against anything perceived to be violence, racism, and bigotry.”

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“The shooting occurred the same week a group of transgender activists announced a ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ in Washington D.C. while raising money for firearm training.”

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“So, when news broke that an LGBTQ activist group planned on turning up for the sole purpose of disrupting an event hosted by the church, the neighbourhood was naturally alarmed.”

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“Countless individuals have already admitted they were wrong in heading down this murky road – many of them coerced and pressured into it by parents, the media, pop culture, and a host of so-called experts.”

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“Powerful men shutting down women’s voices – is that stunning and brave?”

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The protest has been named “Pell go to Hell.”

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“Heath, whose PhD was supervised by the former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, also told worshippers that in the Prayer Book of Bonne of Luxembourg, from the 14th century, this side wound was isolated and ‘takes on a decidedly vaginal appearance.'”

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Orwell, Huxley and C.S. Lewis’ concerns about “unethical science and unconstrained technology” have largely gone unheeded.

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“The proposal comes in light of a sharp increase in referrals to gender identity services, from just 250 in 2011-12 to over 5,000 last year.”

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“‘Get vaccinated for others’ was always a lie. The only purpose of the COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated,” Roos said.

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