
The Ongoing War on Christians

"The once-Christian West is now the most anti-Christian part of the planet."

The war against Christianity is hotting up:

All throughout the West we find anti-Christian bigotry, vilification, and persecution ramping up in intensity and frequency. The once-Christian West is now the most anti-Christian part of the planet. Over the years this site has covered case after case of this, both here and abroad.

Simply keeping up with the many cases here in Australia can become a full-time job. There are so many well-known cases, as well as even more cases that feature lesser lights or were never made public. But I personally know of many believers, including various professionals, who have lost their jobs, simply for saying things like ‘Kids need a mum and a dad” or ‘Men and women are different.’

Some of the more well-known cases of recent times include those of Israel Folau and Bernard Gaynor. I have written about both figures quite often. See these two articles for example here and here.

Another episode I have discussed at various times has finally been resolved – after a three-year battle. I refer to Lyle Shelton and the attacks on him by some Queensland drag queen performers. In this case, it was a good outcome. Lyle says this in part:

A legal battle ends, but the war is far from over.

Freedom to speak to protect children from the harms of the LGBTIQA+ political movement’s drag queen story time agenda has been upheld in a landmark legal victory. News broke in the mainstream media last night that the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal has dismissed a vilification complaint brought by two LGBTIQA+ drag queens against me.

In January 2020 I blogged in response to a drag queen story time event at a Brisbane City Council library. I wrote that the two LGBTIQA+ drag queens were “dangerous role models for children”. A few months later I was sued for allegedly committing vilification or “hate speech” under Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Act.

Drag queens Johnny Valkyrie, a woman presenting as a man, and Dwayne Hill, a proud recipient of an award from the porn trade, had demanded I pay them $20,000, make a public apology, delete five blog posts that shone a spotlight on the invasion of the lives of young children by drag queens who are highly sexualised and promote harmful gender fluid ideology and never criticise them again.

I was compelled, under the threat of fines, to attend two mediations. Each time I politely declined to accede to their demands, resulting in a three-day trial in QCAT last November.

He continues:

This is a big win for the freedom to speak publicly and boldly for the protection of little children from early sexualisation and indoctrination into harmful gender-fluid concepts promoted by LGBTIQA+ activists and many politicians.

While this is a great victory, Australians are still vulnerable to being sued in the way I was. I will continue to campaign for change to Australia’s flawed regime of anti-discrimination and so-called anti-vilification laws.

No Australian should ever again be dragged through a three-year legal process costing hundreds of thousands of dollars for engaging in important public debate about the welfare of children. In a free society debate should be met with debate, not taxpayer-funded legal action designed to silence and punish a fellow citizen. 

Yes, quite right. And lest you think he is exaggerating, my fourth and final case shows that we still are in the cross-hairs of the militants. Some of my readers will be familiar with Kirralie Smith of Binary. She too is in hot water for daring to speak truth and uphold reality. As she said in her newest email:

I have been notified that I must appear before the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) on two separate cases of “misgendering” males who claims to be female. The NSW Anti-Discrimination Board reviewed the claims and referred them to NCAT. 

They will be heard in late August and September just days before I must appear in a local court to oppose an application for an apprehension of violence order (AVO) against me for identifying male soccer players in female teams. I have another hearing in October for a discrete application for an AVO. That is four separate court cases in a very short space of time.

Can you believe that in 2023, women are hauled before court for defending sex-based rights and realities?

Can you believe that our taxpayer funded police, courts and tribunals are being used in an attempt to silence political opinion and biological facts?

Stating the truth is not violence. 

Reposting publicly available information is not violence. Accurately describing someone’s biological sex should never be an offence. It is essential that as human beings we retain the right to rely on what is plain, factual and evidence-based. We should never be compelled to lie! This is an issue of safety, dignity and truth.

September will be an extremely tough month. Even so, I want to assure you that I will stand firm for women and girls and for the right to define ourselves with language that excludes males. I will stand firm and defend the right for female athletes to compete without male-bodied participants. After all, males have several options of how they can compete outside of female divisions.

I will stand firm to ensure that the hard fought and won rights of girls and women for single sex spaces, services and sports are upheld. 

Your support in these matters means more to me than you could ever know. But this goes way beyond just me. Your support in these matters is for the sake of every Australian little girl growing up in this crazy world that wants to impose the lie on them that a person can change sex. Yours in celebrating men and women,

Kirralie Smith
Binary Spokeswoman

So the open warfare continues. I too have been taken to tribunals and courts by the activists – especially the sexual revolutionaries who hate Christianity and want it cleared out of this country. I too have had to fight these bogus charges. And groups like the Human Rights Law Alliance have been terrific in helping me, Lyle, and so many others. See their website here.

The sexual militants – including the radical homosexual and trans activists – have declared all-out war on anyone and any group that dares to resist their nefarious agendas. Christians all throughout the nation and overseas are regularly being targeted by these folks.

We must resolve to stand and fight. The more we cave into their demands, the more they will demand. The more we just roll over and play dead, the more intense and destructive their activism will become. The more we just try to be “nice” and accommodating, the more they will disrespect us and seek to immobilise us.

Now is not the time for cowardice and capitulation. Now is the time to stand for faith, family and freedom. If we do not take a stand, our children and grandchildren will suffer even further. Chesterton had it right when he said, “Unless a man becomes the enemy of an evil, he will not even become its slave but rather its champion.”

Or as William Wilberforce put it in 1833: “Let it not be said that I was silent when they needed me.” And lastly, I ask with the psalmist: “Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?” (Psalm 94:16).



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