Tag Archives: featured

“Can a Pastor who is thinking Biblically about the threats on employments, freedoms, rights, travel, and family, be heartened by the fact that so many people have given up, and given in to Government overreach?”

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“Instead of accepting that there is a perfectly rational explanation for refusing a rushed vaccine with the worst safety record in modern history for a virus that presents next-to-no risk for most people – prime ministers, presidents and premiers have insisted that defiance is a selfish act that demands constant social pressure.”

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“Whether we talk about Columbus, or the Pilgrim Fathers, or the First Thanksgiving, or the American Revolution, it seemed like God’s guiding hand was upon this nation.”

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Word on the street is that Virgin Australia is still holding the line against participating in discrimination on the grounds of a person’s private medical status.

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“Society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere, and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.”

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“No jab, no job,” is the equivalent of “any dissent against the state, equals no food for you and your kid’s plate.”

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“The unforgivable failures on so many levels means the world is still in the dark about the precise turn of events that sparked this pandemic, and this of course leaves the world vulnerable to whatever comes next.”

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“When the state is not restrained by a law greater than itself, it will become a law unto itself,” Evelyn said.

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“…in the minds of many, perhaps even in the minds of most people right now, the status of the vaccines is quickly being raised to a status of a quasi-divine entity upon whom the power of giving and taking life has been bestowed.”

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In a push to ‘embrace the ideas of Black Lives Matter’, The American branch of The Salvation Army has announced that they will be ‘demanding white donors apologize for being racist.’

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“‘No jab, no job’ is political, not medical. It is a fierce medical violation of a person’s conscience, rights, body, and consent. It is not patient care.”

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The short video shows a screen capture of the TGA’s website, which lists about 800 adverse event reports for Australian children aged 15 years and younger from October 1 to November 11.

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“…if the State can force you to take a vaccine against your will, they can make you do anything: to be sterilised; to be forced to give up an organ on demand; to be rounded up in internment camps; to be euthanised; and so on.”

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“The massive wave of protests in Australia follows months of protests in France, and the rising wave of visible dissent in Austria, and Italy, as governments continue to pursue a hard-line authoritarian course further into the abyss of therapeutic totalitarianism.”

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The communities were also placed under the harshest lockdown restrictions Australia has ever seen, with residents prohibited from leaving their homes except for medical or emergency reasons.

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“If you are anti-mandate, you are absolutely anti-vax. I don’t care what your personal vaccination status is.”

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The territory has administered 94,937 COVID jabs so far, including 39,815-second doses, with an additional 14,241 booster jabs – a vaccination rate of 139.5%.

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Many jurisdictions around the world are turning into full-tilt health dictatorships, but Austria seems to be leading the way at the moment. 

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When asked about his reasons for doing so, the Senator’s blunt reply was, “I can’t walk by the victims.”

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“On this, we can agree with Premier Andrews. This is, indeed, what happens to a country that completely loses its moral compass.”

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