Businesses Were Once Threatened With Large Fines For Exploiting Fears About SARS and Exaggerating Health Benefits of Masks
“As soon as they become saturated with the moisture in your breath, they stop doing their job and pass on the droplets.”
Police Remove “Unvaccinated” Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards
“Is this what justice looks like for you? Is this what you dreamed of when you wanted to be a cop?”
Scott Morrison Remembers Desmond Tutu: “Spiritual Leader of the Anti-Apartheid Movement”
“The Prime Minister would do well to reflect a little longer on the qualities he remembers the Archbishop representing. In his own words, without a real belief in human dignity, the power of freedom, and opposition to apartheid, the world cannot be a better place.”
How Do We Know What and Who to Believe?
“One thing we can be certain about: relying on the mainstream media here is almost useless – probably even harmful. In so many ways it has become an absolute waste when it comes to getting real news. Propaganda has usually replaced real reporting of news. That is why the various alternative media outlets may be a much better place to start with.”
The Gift You Need This Christmas
At Christmas, a gift was given. But many people today wonder what they are supposed to do with it.
Steyn: “In the Last Two Years, There Has Been a Great Absence of the Church in the Life of the Nation”
“You would think a society in the slough of despond, in and out of lockdown for almost two years, would be a grand opportunity for Christian ministry. Instead, the church meekly accepted their designation as non-essential.”
We Are Now Witnessing the Development of a New Underground
“The West today is moving in such perilous and dangerous directions that the need for new underground movements is now imminent. In fact, it is already upon us.”
Freedom Isn’t a Threat to the People, the Politician Who Says Otherwise Is
“They need the people to believe that the only solution to the current ‘crisis,’ whatever it may be, is wearing the shackles of the state. But this cannot be accomplished without a relentless propaganda campaign, designed to instil enough fear that people start begging for the safety of slavery while rejecting the risks of freedom.”
UK Pastor Vows To Never Close Church Doors Again
“Our government, and the scientists they choose to listen to, have successfully whipped up such an atmosphere of fear that people are now genuinely frighted to do things which pose only a minimal risk to them.”
Victorian Chief Health Officer Says He Almost Wet Himself With Excitement Getting a Third Jab
These are the “experts” they’ll call you crazy for questioning.
Inclusion Inquisition Says Christians Have No Place In Politics
As is often the case, those who talk most about love, inclusion, and acceptance tend to have a zero-tolerance stance for diversity in thought, belief, and opinion.
Australian Government Refuses to Fund Australian COVID-19 Vaccine: You Get What You Get & You Don’t Get Upset!
If the “vaccine” is not Pfizer, Moderna, or Astra-Zeneca, the government doesn’t appear to want to know about it.
Government for a Fallen People: This Is Why America Is – Or at Least Was – So Great
“I have often said that politics alone cannot save us. And I have often said that simply changing the government of the day will not solve all our problems. Yes, I think some politicians and some parties are better than others, but none can save us from what really matters. Only Christ can do that.”
Marriage, Family, and Society Stand or Fall Together
“What is happening in America and elsewhere throughout the Western world is simply disastrous. And it seems to be getting worse each passing year. No culture can long last when it wars against its most important and vital social institutions.”
A Pastor’s Confession: Why the Church Should Speak Up
A biblical/gospel issue regarding the government’s reaction to Covid-19.
Big Tech Scrambles to Axe Joe Rogan’s Bioethics Talk With Dr. Peter McCollough
Mass Psychosis is the Pandemic’s Epidemic
Is Marriage Still Worth It?
“Marriage cannot undergo restoration until men and women are restored, reconciled and reunited by the mutually beneficial roles, responsibilities and purpose for which they were created.”
Antic: The Media and Much of the Political Class Are Refusing to Tell the Whole Truth
“If we are told to ‘trust the science’ then that means being told the whole story, not just the parts which suit a particular narrative.”
“Vaccines Are Not Stopping Transmission,” Says NSW Health Minister
“The one thing that we know about this–the one thing that it would appear to be likely with the Omicron variant is that the vaccines are not stopping transmission. The transmission appears to be quite high,” Hazzard said.
Christianity Outlawed: Over 2,000 Church Leaders Say They Will Not Compromise their Faith If ‘Conversion Therapy’ Ban is Introduced
The letter, which presently has 2,227 signatures, warns the category of “Conversion Therapy” is so broad that it is essentially meaningless and could include things such as prayer, calling people to conversion to Christ or a parent’s loving advice to their own children.