In celebration of Pride Month, SodaStream released a series of limited edition “Love is Love” bottles portraying same-sex families.
Lyle Shelton from the Australian Conservatives linked to the announcement saying, “This also celebrates forced motherlessness, something civil society should never celebrate. But we are in a brave new world that crushes the rights of children and punishes anyone who does not celebrate the new world order.”
SodaStream Australia responded to Shelton’s comment by suggesting his concern for motherless children comes from the wrong side of history.
“Lyle, mate! Let’s take your conversation offline, and back to an era when this SodaStream machine was all the rage #loveislove #rightsideofhistory.” Also attached was a vintage image of a woman holding an outdated SodaStream machine.
Lyle, mate! Let’s take your conversation offline, and back to an era when this SodaStream machine was all the rage #loveislove #rightsideofhistory
— SodaStream Australia (@SodaStreamau) June 28, 2018
So, what is SodaStream actually getting at here? Have women been superseded? Are mothers a superfluous thing of the past? And what are they saying about the rights of children?
Katy Faust recently shared a story about her friend, Julianna Jaz, who was adopted through a black-market adoption ring. “As someone who was trafficked at birth, which is what surrogacy is, I feel compelled to speak out about this,” Jaz wrote.
Her story is well worth the read: