Mother Jailed for Keeping Her “Non-Essential” Business Open: “Feeding My Kids Is Not Selfish”
A mother in Dallas, Texas has been jailed for a week and fined $7,000 for keeping her business open despite coronavirus restrictions demanding the closure of “non-essential businesses.” The sentencing comes after the same county released a thousand hardened criminals for fear of them contracting COVID-19 in prison. Shelly Luther, the owner of Salon à la Mode appeared in court on Tuesday where a judge said she could avoid jail if she apologised for being selfish, closed her business, and paid a fine. Judge Eric Moyé told Ms Luther that she must “see the error of her ways and understand…
The Health Department Needs to Advise Which of the 100 Genders Is Least Susceptible to COVID-19 so That Everyone Can Identify as That One
THE UK Health Department announced yesterday via Twitter that Coronavirus was having a disproportionate impact on “certain genders”. A few people – who had completed junior school biology – immediately wondered what chance the Health Department had of containing a world-wide pandemic when they hadn’t yet worked out there were only two genders. A ninth-grader told news media: “When the Department says certain genders are more likely to contract Coronavirus, they need to be more specific about which ones. “And if they are pushed for time, maybe they could just pick one of two available genders that actually exist.” He…
WATCH: Near-Naked Pole Dancer Provocatively Performs for Young Children and Parents
Disturbing footage of a near-naked pole dancer performing for a group of young children has gone viral on social media. The video appears to show around 20 kids, along with parents, seated around a small platform stage as the scantily dressed woman performs a provocative dance. The performance begins with the woman seated on the stage for an extended period with her legs spread in front of the youngsters. During the performance, the woman drops a piece of clothing that was initially covering her behind and continues to dance in what could be underwear. “Every time I see something like…
Mayor Who Threatened to Jail People for Violating Stay-At-Home Order Defends Hairstylist Visit: “I’m the Public Face of This City”
The Chicago Mayor who threatened to jail people for violating a statewide stay-at-home order has defended having her hair cut despite previously saying “getting your roots done is not essential.” Democrat Lori Lightfoot copped criticism after her stylist posted photos of the mayor to social media earlier this week saying, “pleasure of giving Mayor Lightfoot a hair trim.” The mayor defended the “non-essential” visit during a press conference, claiming she needs to look good in front of the media. “I’m the public face of this city,” Lightfoot said. “I’m on national media and I’m out in the public eye.” The…
Field Hospital Shut Down Because Volunteers Are ‘Bigoted’ Christians: ‘Their Continued Presence Here Is an Affront to Our Values’
WE are continually warned that doctors who believe in traditional marriage might deny medical treatment to gay patients. Amazingly, the New York City Council has turned this on its head and decided to deny gay patients to doctors who believe in traditional marriage. That’ll teach the bigots! New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson announced at the weekend that it was “time for Samaritan’s Purse to leave NYC”. He tweeted: “Their continued presence here is an affront to our values of inclusion, and is painful for all New Yorkers who care deeply about the LGBTQ community.” Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian…
Coronavirus Restrictions Save More Than 100,000 Babies From Abortion in Moscow
Coronavirus restrictions in Moscow, Russia have potentially saved more than 100,000 babies from being aborted. According to a Russian women’s “rights” organization, only three out of the capital’s 44 clinics have said they would continue to provide abortions through the nations compulsory medical insurance program. The Moscow Times reported that the current COVID-19 restrictions will halt between 100,000 and 150,000 women from aborting their babies. However, the Moscow Department of Health denied the claims, saying only one clinic was closed after it was repurposed for COVID patients. Citing Johnston’s Archive, Life News noted that Russia has some of the highest…
WHO demands forgiveness for Who?
I woke up this morning to one of the strangest tweets ever. It was from Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who tweeted: Forgive. — Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (@DrTedros) April 21, 2020 I have so two main questions: Firstly, to instruct people to forgive implies that there must have been wrong-doing. If so, what is it that they’ve actually done? Secondly, following from this, just who exactly to WHO saying we should forgive? The Chinese Communist Party for allowing the Wuhan Virus to spread its deadly contagion to the ends of the earth? Or maybe the World Health Organisation for being complicit in…
Despite What Mainstream Media Says, a Christian Prime Minister Is a Cause for Hope, Not Fear
FROM the moment Pentecostal church-going Scott Morrison became Prime Minister his Christian faith has been the subject of hot debate. Commentators on the ABC’s The Drum wondered if Morrison might try to turn Australia into a theocracy, forcing everybody to memorize the Bible and speak in tongues. Twitter lit up with people worried that Australia’s most famous church, Hillsong, might suddenly control the whole country, swamping the nation with positivity and catchy tunes. That the church Scott Morrison and his family attend is not part of Hillsong was completely missed on social media where the comfort of opinion is rarely,…
Why Did China Stop Travel From Wuhan to the Rest of China, but Not to the Rest of the World?
There’s a scene in the HBO mini-series, Chernobyl, that bears an uncanny similarity to the current communist cover-up involving COVID-19. The context is just after the nuclear explosion at Chernobyl on Saturday 26, April 1986 and the local apparatchiks who are trying to mitigate the panic that is about to occur when the true gravity of the disaster is revealed. Note in particular what is said by the oldest member of the communist nomenclature bringing his other comrades to a standing ovation: Now the State tell us the situation here is not dangerous. Have faith, comrades. The State tell…
Robert F Kennedy Jnr: ‘Bill Gates is at the Tip of the Spear of Globalist Imperialism’
What makes Leftist media outlets, jumping to the defence of billionaire Bill Gates extraordinary, is the spin these media manipulators are putting on public concerns over the billionaire’s very public reemergence, since COVID-19 burst onto the global scene. Author, and popular podcast host, Alley Stuckey gave this sharp relief when she asked, “Is it not weird that the same people who think billionaires are evil seem to trust and adore Bill Gates?” Is it not weird that the same people who think billionaires are evil seem to trust and adore Bill Gates? — Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) April 15, 2020…
Watch: Police Threaten to Arrest a Man on Fake Charges, “I’ll Make Something Up… Who Are They Going to Believe, Me or You?”
Troubling footage has emerged of a police officer in the UK threatening to arrest a young man on fake charges. The incident, which occurred April 17 in Accrington, Lancashire, was captured on video and uploaded to social media soon after. The video begins moments after Lancashire Police stopped to question a group of males with a quad bike and shows an officer threatening to arrest one of the young men on false charges. “Sit in your car and shut up,” the officer said. “If you want to f***ing step to me and puffing your chest out or something like…
China: The Two-Hundred Pound Panda in the Room
If COVID-19 has taught us anything in 2020, it’s that we have to address the two-hundred-pound gorilla (er panda) in the room. Namely, that the CCP is an expansionist regime which is totalitarian, corrupt and never to be trusted by the international community. This is because by falsifying information on a massive scale China ultimately facilitated the global spread of the virus. Putting aside Kevin Rudd’s defence of the WHO—Chinese Communism’s (aka Lenin’s) ‘useful idiot’—in also failing to prevent the spread of the disease, we have now been given an authentic, picture-perfect vision of the CCP’s insidious self-protectionism. I realise…
Abortion Is Bad for Girls: Systematic Discrimination Against Females Starts in the Womb
THE BRAVE new world in which we live makes it difficult to know how to react to research that suggests certain ethnic groups might be aborting girls because they prefer boys. A 2018 Latrobe University study of more than a million births in Victoria found that, in key migrant communities, there were as many as 125 boys born for every 100 girls. This was a male birth rate 20% higher than if nature was left to take its course. Lead researcher Dr Kristina Edvardsson said the results were evidence that “systematic discrimination against females starts in the womb”. “We believe…
New York Times: “No pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden” as long as you don’t count unwanted “hugs, kisses and touching”
The New York Times has been slammed for editing out sexual misconduct allegations against Joe Biden after suggesting unwanted “hugs, kisses and touching” don’t constitute as “sexual misconduct.” On Sunday, the publication shared an article examining the sexual assault allegations against Biden from his former staffer Tara Reade. Ms Reade accused the Democratic presidential candidate of placing his hand up her skirt and penetrating her with his fingers in 1992 while she worked in his senate office. The piece originally claimed that The Times “found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that…
Australia’s Media Elites Need to Stop Acting Like Pharisees
The recent High Court decision which unanimously (7-0) upheld the appeal of George Pell against the Victorian Court of Appeal’s decision proves—once-and-for-all-time—that the Catholic Cardinal is innocent. But that hasn’t stopped sections of the media from continuing to reaffirm Pell’s guilt. Without doubt, the most shocking example came from Clementine Ford, whose tweet would almost certainly result in a defamation lawsuit if it were anyone else but a twenty-first century, Roman Catholic Cardinal: George Pell is a child abuser, a sexual predator and a life ruiner (sic). Apart from the children he personally harmed, he oversaw the harm of countless…
That’s Not What Makes One a Christian, Magda
Instead of conforming her worldview to the revealed Word of God, Magda Szubanski is deeply upset Christianity isn’t conformed to her worldview. She seems more than a little frustrated the Vatican empathised with those who suffer from unjust sentences, the Pope comparing their suffering to the popular persecution of Jesus with “obstinacy and rage even though He was innocent.” Such language vividly describes the vendetta prosecuted by the ABC, Victorian legal system and irrational masses baying for Cardinal George Pell’s blood. I’ve downloaded the form to formally defect from the Catholic Church. I am seriously thinking of sending it. Is that what…
ABC = Anything But Christianity
The recent High Court decision which unanimously (seven-nil) upheld the appeal of Cardinal George Pell against the Victorian Court of Appeal’s decision regarding the original trial verdict of child sexual abuse, is to be welcomed. The High Court ruled that the conviction did not meet the required standard of proof. However, this case will go down in history as being memorable for another reason as well. And that is it highlights the problem that the current legal process involving child sexual abuse has itself a number of potential flaws. The flood of publicity—and the pre-trial shaping of public opinion—by the…
WATCH: UK Police chief says, if officers can’t arrest people under the coronavirus bill, we will find other reasons: “We have wide-ranging powers”
Northamptonshire chief constable has threatened to arrest people who “flout” coronavirus restrictions, despite the coronavirus bill not granting police such powers. Chief constable Nick Adderley told Sky News on Thursday that although the coronavirus bill only allows police officers to issue fines, officers can use “the wide-ranging powers” they’ve been given to arrest individuals for other reasons, such as anti-social behaviour. “We’ve stepped things up here, because we’ve given the public three weeks to get used to this. This is a massive change in terms of their lifestyle and how they can operate. We’ve worked on the basis of engagement…
Dad Arrested for Throwing a Ball With His 6-Year-Old Daughter in a Near-Empty Park
Police officers enforcing social distancing rules arrested a father on Sunday for throwing a ball with his 6-year-old daughter in a near-empty park. Matt Mooney, 33, was handcuffed by police in Brighton, Colorado after he walked with his wife and young daughter to a nearby park to play softball alone. “We’re just having a good time, not near anybody else,” Mooney told ABC News. “The next closest person is at least 15 feet away from me and my daughter at this point.” Shortly after, police arrived at the park and told him and others in the area to leave. Mooney,…
President Trump says the US is putting a hold on funding the WHO: “They call every shot wrong”
US President Donald Trump has said the U.S. will put a hold on funding the World Health Organisation after the UN agency “called every shot wrong” in the lead up the coronavirus pandemic. During a press conference at the White House, President Trump said, “The World Health Organisation receives vast amounts of money from the United States and we pay for a majority – biggest portion of their money. And they actually disagreed with my travel ban at the time we did it and they were wrong. They’ve been wrong about a lot of things. “They had a lot of…
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