1628 search results for "twitter"

Muslim Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar has suggested individuals who are disobedient to Allah should be flogged with 80 lashes. In a post on Twitter today, Omar cited al-Noor 24:4, a passage used by extremist groups such as ISIS to justify public lashings for rebellion against Islam. The Minnesota congresswoman’s tweet read: “And those who accuse chaste women, and produce not four witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes, and reject their testimony forever. They indeed are the Faasiquoon (liars, rebellious, disobedient to Allaah) [al-Noor 24:4]” Omar cited the passage in response to a Twitter user who implied the congresswoman was in…

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CBN News has been caught using footage from an overcrowded Italian hospital during a report on the COVID-19 outbreak in New York City. According to the Daily Caller, the news outlet said, “an editing mistake” led to the network airing the misleading footage which was originally part of a March 22 Sky News report from Italy. A spokesperson for CBN News said the network has taken immediate steps to remove the footage from all platforms and shows. The outlet has been criticised on social media for spreading misinformation at a time of public panic. WATCH: During a Pandemic it is…

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If COVID-19 has taught us anything it’s that the Chinese government cannot be trusted. Please note that I said communist regime and not people. My statement is not motivated by some kind of latent anti-Asian racism. Instead, my aim is directly targeted against the Chinese Communist Party who must accept at least part of the blame and responsibility for the current global pandemic. Back in 2007 a report in the Clinical Microbiology Review concluded (emphasis mine) that: The presence of a large reservoir of SARS-CoV like viruses in horseshoe bats, together with the culture of eating exotic mammals in southern…

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The New York City Mayor has warned, churches and synagogues that continue to conduct worship services during the COVID-19 pandemic could be permanently closed down. During his Friday news briefing, Mayor Bill de Blasio said, law enforcement will be sent to shut down any worship services held over the weekend in violation of the ban on gatherings. If the congregation fails to comply, additional action will be taken, including fines and potential permanent closure of the building. “I want to say to all those who are preparing for the potential of religious services this weekend: If you go to your…

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Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a “temporary form of global government” to combat coronavirus and its impact around the world. According to The Guardian, the former Labor Prime Minister said, the global organisation should have executive powers to coordinate the response to tackle the medical and economic crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. “This is not something that can be dealt with in one country,” he said. “There has to be a coordinated global response.” Brown went on to say, “This is first and foremost a medical emergency and there has to be…

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The health situation in Italy is dire. Tragically, over 8,000 people have died and around 80,000 people have caught COVID-19 giving it the second highest number of cases outside of China. The question is, what caused this to be the case? Back in February, Dr Jing Zeng wrote in The Guardian that there was no link whatsoever between COVID-19 and The People’s Republic of China. And those who dared to suggest that there was were guilty of #CoronaRacism. As such, many in the mainstream media have followed the explanation of Matt Simon in Wired, who argued that there was no…

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There’s a thin line between governments waging a war against a crisis, and governments waging a war against people caught up in that crisis. It’s the crossing of this line; the potential, and perhaps eventual, overreaction through disproportionate measures, that have sparked an increasing number of centrist and conservative thinkers to question these heavy-handed measures, along with anything, and everything, labelled “the new normal”. The more we learn about the coronavirus, the more important it is to question whether the heavy-handed measures being taken against the coronavirus are proportionate to the fight against it. Peter Hitchens was the first to…

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Marvel Studios has been mocked and criticised since introducing their first non-binary superheroes to their franchise, but it’s not just conservatives and Christians who are taking issue. The new characters, named ‘Snowflake’ and ‘Safespace’ were introduced earlier this month and are part of a planned New Warriors reboot. Daniel Kibblesmith from Marvel said, “Snowflake and Safespace are the twins, and their names are very similar to Screentime [another new character]; it’s the idea that these are terms that get thrown around on the internet they don’t see as derogatory.” “[They] take those words and kind of wear them as badges of…

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A New South Wales Green Senator has been ridiculed around the world after claiming COVID-19 is a “gendered crisis” because of the “disproportionate risk” it poses to women. Mehreen Faruqi, Australia’s first Muslim senator, made the comments yesterday, despite reports that coronavirus mortality rate is twice as high among men as it is among women. “Let us not forget that COVID-19 is a gendered crisis,” Faruqi said. “Nurses, teachers, child care workers, and early childhood educators, aged care workers and cleaners are mostly women. They are on the frontline of this public health crisis and carry a disproportionate risk of…

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Pope Francis has said the coronavirus is nature’s response to humans damaging the environment. Speaking with a Spanish journalist on Sunday, Pope Francis said: “There’s a saying you know, God always forgives. We forgive sometimes. [But] nature never forgives. “Fires, earthquakes, that is nature having a fit. So that we will take care of nature.”  On the same day that the pope made his remarks, Oprah Winfrey shared an interview with actor Idris Elba essentially suggesting the same thing. In the short video posted to Twitter, Elba likened humanity to an “infection” the world is trying to “get rid…

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Through the past two weeks, Christians throughout the West have had to wrestle with the problem of how to conduct the Lord’s Day Service—whether it should be held, or whether it should be postponed, or whether it ought to be even relocated online. Considering the rising rate at which the Coronavirus, also referred to as COVID-19, is being spread, Christians must, rightly, ask as to how they can apply best practice in dealing with the virus, and how to avoid the local church being a den of malaise. Should the church shutter its doors like certain businesses, sports, and other…

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Actor Idris Elba has told Oprah Winfrey that COVIC-19 is the earth’s response to humans damaging the environment. In a short interview posted on Oprah’s Twitter account today, Elba likened humanity to an “infection”, saying he’s not surprised the world would respond by trying to “get rid of” us, “as any organism would do.” “Our world has been taking a kicking,” he said. “You know, we’ve damaged our world and, you know, it’s no surprise that our world is reacting… It’s no surprise that a virus has been created that is going to slow us down and ultimately make us…

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There seems to be no end to the hatred against the US President. Just recently his administration was accused by journalists of dismissively referring to the Coronavirus as ‘Kung flu’. The Washington Times recorded the following exchange: PBS Newshour reporter Yamiche Alcindor told Mr Trump that “at least one White House official” had used the term, and asked him if it was wrong. “I wonder who said that,” the president replied evenly. “Do you know who said that?” “I’m not sure the person’s name,” Ms Alcindor answered. “Say the term again,” Mr Trump demanded. “A person at the White House…

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When future generations ask, who started the war? Remember that the seeds for the current war of words between the Chinese Communist Party and the United States were sown in February, when, Cui Tiankai, the Chinese Communist Party ambassador to the United States, claimed that anyone calling the COVID-19 outbreak by virtue of its origin, such as the Wuhan Virus, would be inciting racial discrimination and xenophobia. The World Health Organization, and the United Nations, along with the usual list of names from the perpetually angry Leftist Twitter echelon, backed the Communist narrative, declaring that use of the term “Wuhan…

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The Canadian government introduced a bill on Monday that would criminalise any efforts to change a child’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The bill will add five new crimes to the Criminal Code, making it the most “progressive and comprehensive law in the world,” according to Justice Minister David Lametti. Lametti, who tabled the bill, said the legislation will make it a criminal offence to: (1) cause a minor to undergo conversion therapy; (2) remove a minor from Canada to undergo conversion therapy abroad; (3) cause a person to undergo conversion therapy against their will; (4) profit from providing conversion…

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MSNBC host Brian Williams and New York Times Editorial Board Member Mara Gay aired a tweet during an exchange on the ‘Eleventh Hour’ which claimed Michael Bloomberg could have made every American a millionaire with the budget he spent on his short-lived presidential campaign. “When I read it tonight on social media, it kind of all became clear,” Williams said. The tweet read: “Bloomberg spent $500 million on ads. The U.S. population is 327 million. He could have given each American $1 million and still have money left over. I feel like a $1 million check would be life-changing for…

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The Project is copping it on social media today after filming a “cringeworthy” interview with Pussycat Dolls’ lead singer Nicole Scherzinger. During the awkward exchange, which was aired on Wednesday night, host Waleed Aly asked Scherzinger of she ever fights backstage with other female performers “over who wore the best crop tops and low rise jeans?” “No,” Scherzinger replied, before Waleed uncomfortably said, “I will move on.” The Pussycat Dolls are reuniting and @NicoleScherzy stopped by the desk to reveal what we can expect from the So Pop tour, the work that goes into perfecting those dance moves, and the…

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In the midst of a “near-global pandemic,” the World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned negative words which fuel stigmatization and perpetuate stereotypes are more dangerous than the Coronavirus itself. As the global death toll surges past 3,000, WHO on Tuesday published a series of tweets, lecturing their 5.6 million Twitter followers about the “do’s and don’ts” when speaking of the virus. “When talking about COVID19 (Coronavirus), certain words and language may have a negative meaning for people and fuel stigmatizing attitudes,” WHO tweeted. “These words and language can perpetuate negative stereotypes or assumptions, strengthen false association between COVID19 and other…

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A 23-year-old woman who was given “experimental” puberty-blocking drugs at 16-years of age is taking legal action against the UK’s first gender clinic for children. Keira Bell said her gender reassignment treatment, which she now “very seriously regrets”, quickly “snowballed” after she was referred to the clinic by her GP. The teenager began taking the life-altering treatment after three one-hour long appointments at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust clinic. Ms Bell said, at the time, she was unaware of the real consequences of taking the hormone blockers, which were prescribed by the clinic to halt the development of her…

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she’s tired of religious liberty advocates “weaponizing” the Bible to “justify bigotry,” just like white supremacists, slave owners and segregationists did. The New York congresswoman, who described herself as a “woman of faith”, made the comments during a Thursday House Oversight Committee hearing about the Trump administration’s “religious liberty assault on LGBTQ rights.” Ms Ocasio-Cortez retweeted a video of her speech on Sunday, saying: “There’s a long history in the US of abusing scripture to advance the causes of bigotry & discrimination. Slaveholders did it. Segregationists did it. White supremacists do it. And it continues. Yet…

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