530 search results for "lgbt"

Tasmania’s lower house has passed new transgender laws which will require parents to “opt-in” to having their child’s sex recorded on birth certificates. The amendments will also make it easier for teens as young as 16 to change their gender by simply filing a statutory declaration. Anti-discrimination laws were also broadened making it illegal to offend, insult or discriminate against someone on the basis of their “gender expression.” Refusal to use an individuals preferred pronoun will be regarded as “hate speech.” Martyn Iles, Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby, called it “Unhinged, total madness. We think we are gods.”…

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If Australia’s Prime Minister is serious about fairness, he’ll preserve the right to a conscientious objection to SSM; the right for people to hold the view, and teach their kids that marriage is between a man and a woman; and that those children have a right to equal access to their biological father and mother. As I have hopefully made clear in the written contributions I’ve made to this national debate, I see the issues as a matter of social justice. The “no” vote has been about defending truth, liberty, fraternity, science, and even equality, from unbalanced ideological servitude. The State wants…

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Equality Campaign co-chair and fake theologian Alex Greenwich has accused Christians of misrepresenting the Bible. In an interview on Sky News, the independent New South Wales MP suggested the biblical command to ‘love thy neighbour’ means Christians ought to abandon sexuality defined by Scripture to embrace LGBTQ+ sexuality. “The church ethos, or the ethos of Christianity is to love thy neighbour,” Greenwich said. “There is no where in the Bible, or in church teachings that says you should target gay kids and teachers. There’s no where in a religious ethos that says you should legalise bullying against the LGBTI community.…

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Independent New South Wales MP and Equality Campaign co-chair Alex Greenwich has told the Sydney Anglican church to apologise for their behaviour during the same-sex marriage postal survey. Greenwich accused the church of seeking to disrupt and undermine the inclusiveness of Australian society by insisting on the Christian definition of marriage. According to The Guardian, Greenwich wrote to Michael Stead, the bishop of South Sydney, seeking a formal apology from the Anglican church for their “harmful and damaging conduct.” “It’s deeply troubling that instead of seeking to repair the church’s relationship with the LGBTIQ community, who you knowingly harmed during…

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A Melbourne University has announced a gender initiative for its transgender staff members. Employees of Deakin University will be awarded up to ten days of paid leave while undergoing gender ‘reassignment’ surgery. Chief operating officer Kean Selway said, “The paid leave is backed by a new gender transition policy which provides security and clarity around the process for Deakin staff who are undergoing a gender transition. “Fostering a genuinely inclusive environment affords all our staff and students a sense of belonging and an equal chance of success whether it be through study or work.” The Deakin Gender Transition Procedure,  states: “The…

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Judgement based on raw emotion is the reason for why we have due process and habeas corpus. This system is not without flaws, but erasing due process is equal to denying the right of habeas corpus. If that happens then everyone is bound; subjected to the whim of the mob or the mood of the ruler. Due process is as important as habeas corpus. Habeas corpus being ‘the removal of illegal restraint on individual liberty.’ (Burke)[note]Burke, E. Letter To The Sheriffs of Bristol[/note]  Any removal, or denial of due process, would easily lead to the same thing happening to habeas corpus.…

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Two Christian women from Phoenix, Arizona have been threatened with jail time and heavy fines after they refused to create custom artwork to promote gay “weddings.” The Arizona Court of Appeals ruled that Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, owners of Brush & Nib Studio, are required by Phoenix law to create artwork for same-sex wedding ceremonies because they “cannot discriminate against potential patrons based on sexual orientation.” According to Life Site News, “Not only are the Christian women threatened with jail time and fines should they refuse to create artwork celebrating gay ‘marriage’ because of Phoenix law, they could also be…

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Creating fear about an apocalyptic event such as “global warming” gives those espousing it, the power to monopolise government initiatives, elections and national economies. In short: they coerce the people into surrendering something for absolutely nothing. In this case, the thing surrendered only benefits those demanding the surrendering. The real catastrophe is in the daylight robbery this allows. Along with fossil fuels, fear powers their personal jets, pads their bank accounts and helps them position puppet politicians into places of power, where those politicians can be used to further “the crusade for the planet”. Whilst I agree that humans can,…

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A billboard quoting the dictionary definition of ‘woman’ has been removed after it was deemed transphobic hate speech. The poster, created by Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, founder of women’s rights group Standing for Women, was erected in Liverpool and quoted the definition of woman, according to Google dictionary: ‘woman, women, noun, adult human female.’ Soon after the billboard was installed, NHS doctor and LGBTQ activist Adrian Harrop complained that the posters were dangerous and made transgender people feel unsafe. “There is no place for hatred, exclusion or transphobia in Liverpool,” Harrop said on Twitter. “This billboard was funded by a transphobic hate…

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While Bill Shorten and Tanya Plibersek are busy trying to win the fictitious war of the gender wage gap, Labor candidate for Wentworth Tim Murray has said the Labor Party will install a full-time commissioner to deal with LGBTI discrimination complaints. “We may have won marriage equality but we’ve got more things to win,” Murray said on Facebook. “In our Human Rights Commission, we need a full-time commissioner to look after LGBTI discrimination. The Labor Party will deliver that to you. The Liberal Party will not.” “We need to restore the funding to AIDS,” Murray added. “$53 million has been…

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The Uniting Church (UCA) is the first major Australian Christian denominations to endorse same-sex “marriage” and offer gay and lesbians the option of a church ceremony. The decision, made at the Uniting Church’s national Assembly in July 2018, permits those being married in the Uniting Church to choose between two authorised marriage liturgies, the traditional language of “husband and wife,” or the updated version which refers only to “two people.” With the Uniting Church continuing to run headlong towards apostasy, and the ongoing rejection of the teaching of Jesus, how should Christians respond? Separation! A divorce from error is needed.…

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What you see here is a significant part of a $400,000 art installation at Sydney University, that prestigious centre of tertiary education which prides itself on Unlearning everything—from medicine, love, truth, and it seems like even of common sense itself. No, those black splotches are not mold. And nor is the horizontal yellow line a urine stain. According to Sydney University, this is a $200,000 piece of art. On contacting the Media Department at Sydney University, they initially had no idea what it was either. But about a week later they came back with the following reply: We are in…

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Popular Hunter Valley based bridal magazine White has come under fire for refusing to feature same-sex couples in their privately own publication. Photographer Lara Hotz said she asked the magazine multiple times if they would feature non-heterosexual couples. The editor reportedly told Hotz, “We aren’t sharing Same Sex weddings at this point”. “I imagine the majority of LGBTQI persons would be feeling hurt regarding not being represented equally or at all,” Hotz told AAP. More than 100 vendors and contributors to the magazine have since reportedly said they are boycotting White Magazine and will no longer submit wedding shoots, provide content,…

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The LGBTI Legal Service will put 25 individuals before the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland for comments posted online during last year’s Same-Sex marriage postal survey. According to the Brisbane Times, the LGBTI Legal Services received funding from the state government to “monitor and identify those engaging in unlawful hate speech during the postal survey period.” Matilda Alexander, president of LGBTI Legal Service said they had documented more than 220 examples of hate speech during the survey and legal action was being taken against the worst. Some of the offending comments included: “Burn all faggots #voteno”; “Hitler had the right idea about…

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Australia’s first Muslim Senator not only suggested it was racist to oppose Islam, she also accused Australians of building their nation on invasion and land theft. In her maiden speech Green’s Senator Mehreen Faruqi said, “We are gathered here today on stolen land… Australia is a nation built on the invasion and colonisation of sovereign nations. It surprises me and saddens me that this reality is still denied, often vehemently.” Ms Faruqi went on to say, “I bring to this chamber my track record in shaking things up and shifting the agenda on issues as diverse as: decriminalising abortion, drug…

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Healthline issued a statement on Tuesday saying, “Some people are under the impression that Healthline is now using the term ‘front hole’ instead of vagina. This is simply not true.” Their statement comes in response to our story titled, Healthline says, using the medical term ‘vagina’ is not gender-inclusive language, uses ‘front hole’ instead.  “In no instance in this guide are we saying we want to replace the word vagina,” the statement goes on to say. “Nothing in the article indicates we’re endorsing a change in verbiage.” Now, if you were to visit their website, at least the page we originally…

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Healthline has claimed health disparities and higher rates of HIV and STIs observed in LGBTQIA communities are due to discrimination in the sex ed world. So, the California based health information provider has adopted the gender-inclusive term “front hole” in place of the medical term, “vagina” in their latest LGBTQIA safe sex guide. UPDATE see: Healthline changes their website then says ‘front hole’ claims are untrue. “For the purpose of this guide, we’ll refer to the vagina as the ‘front hole’ instead of solely using the medical term ‘vagina,’” the document explains. “This is gender-inclusive language that’s considerate of the…

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Labor’s National Secretary has released a consultation draft in the lead up to the party’s 2018 National Conference in December. The draft claims to “distill the policies and enduring values that Labor aspires to implement in government.” But the Australian Christian Lobby has pointed out, “hidden on page 183, we can see the party is seeking to launch and extraordinary attack on people of faith and parent’s rights.” The document states: Labor opposes the practice of so-called conversion and reparative therapies on LGBTIQ+ people and seek to criminalise these practices. “This is shocking stuff,” the ACL said. “It means that…

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Christians who claim that homosexuality can be “fixed” could soon find themselves being prosecuted as the Victorian government orders an unprecedented inquiry into gay conversion therapy. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the inquiry will capture registered or unregistered counsellors, as well as faith-based ministries, who treat homosexuality as a disorder, along with anyone purporting to convert LGBTI people through therapeutic means. A bill has already been introduced in California, making it illegal to help anyone with unwanted same-sex desires or gender confusion. AB 2943 utilizes California’s existing consumer fraud statue to penalize “any practices that seek to change an…

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Lesbian women who refuse to enter relationships with transgender, biological males, are now being branded transphobic by members of their own ‘community.’ A Pride march in London was recently crashed by a group of Lesbian activists arguing that “transactivism erases lesbians.” A flyer distributed by the protesters claimed the trans movement denies lesbian women the right to choose their sexual partners based on their sex. “We condemn any pressure on lesbians – such as rape and death threats, or calling lesbians ‘transphobic’ if they refuse so-called ‘transwomen’ as sexual partners and do not accept the penis as a female organ,”…

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