Sesame Street, It’s Not OK To Sexualize Children
“Let’s not forget that Big Bird is six years old and Elmo is only three… but whatever, OK Groomer!”
Craig Kelly vs Facebook
Kelly is up against a large leftist technocratic political, and financial power bloc, that is increasingly proving itself to be a threat to constitutional democracy.
COVID-19 Measures Are Killing Cancer Research
“If cancer research can be halted, and risk being sent backwards, for a virus that’s become more about politics than healthcare, it can be halted for other political reasons.”
Woke Won’t Win Wars
Let’s just say, Senator Ted Cruz’s description of a “woke, emasculated military” is something of an understatement.
Palmer Signs Folau, Speaks Out Against Christian Persecution in Sport
“I’ve got some resources, and if it got down to a legal battle, I’m sure anyone opposing someone on the basis of religious persecution would go down very seriously, and they’d have to pay a lot of damages.”
It’s Time to Start Calling Out the Coward Culture That’s Fuelling Cancel Culture
This is why Cancel Culture exists, folks. The perpetually offended and forever-outraged are only as potent as we are apologetic for their feigned grievances.
‘I Never Thought Giving a Sermon on Respect Would Lead to Me Being Accused of Being a Terrorist’
Dr Randall, with the support of the Christian Legal Centre, is taking Trent College to court for discrimination, harassment, victimisation and unfair dismissal.
Christian Leaders Face Six Years In Prison For Quoting the Bible on Homosexuality
Rather than reaffirm the legitimacy of their arguments, I’m more convinced than ever that “love is love”, was, and still is a lie. Their goal was domination, not “equality.”
Yale Academic Claims Christian Homeschooling Is Breeding White Supremacy
“In the end, the contempt for Christian homeschoolers isn’t about people, it’s about politics, sex, and power.”
It Now Costs Just £5 To Legally Change Your Gender
Equalities Minister Liz Truss used the “Build Back Better” slogan to announce the move, to make the application process “kinder and more straightforward” for transgender people.
The Tyranny of ‘Tolerance’ Puts People in Chains
“We must resist the temptation to allow secular ideologies to redefine Biblical virtues and truths.”
Lesbian Visibility Day and the Never-Ending Calendar of Woke
If you want to see true invisibility in the art world, look for openly conservative artists. Those who manage to fight their way through education systems that mark them down and galleries who refuse to show their work are forced to compete in the open market without the wealth of state-funded activism.
School Students Shamed Before Peers for Being White, Christian “Oppressors”
During the presentation, white, Christian, male students were brought before their peers and told they were responsible for being “oppressors” by virtue of their inherited privilege.
Dr Seuss Enterprises Threatens to Sue The Babylon Bee
“Your article, satire or not, is a copyright infringement and breaking multiple defamation laws. Remove this or we will proceed accordingly.”
Lyle Shelton Replaces Fred Nile as Head of the Christian Democratic Party
With Nile handing the CDP baton to Lyle, along with John Anderson returning to the fold, a new and interesting era in Australian politics has begun.
Lil Nas X and the Threat of Therapeutic Totalitarianism
We are on the cusp of what could be labelled as ‘therapeutic totalitarianism’.
The LNP Prepares for War While Far-Left Australian Labor Pampers to the Privileged
Which party has its head in the clouds, and which party is in tune with the corrosive state of the world?
Politician Shut Down for Asking a Question London’s Mayor Couldn’t Answer: “Can Some Men Give Birth?”
“This is not Cancel Culture,” Sadiq Khan said. “What’s happened is, a combination of Conservatives, Labour, and Greens have sought to educate the ignorance spewing from that members mouth.”
Australian Senators Standing Up to the Transgender Agenda
“When you get to the heart of the transgender debate, you realise that you and I are being expected to abandon objective truth.”
Students May Undertake Gender Transition Without Parental Consent Or Medical Advice, Says Government
Schools must also allow students access to the toilets, showers, and change rooms they “feel most comfortable using.”