Real human rights restrain the state, not the people
Back in 2011, Mark Steyn spoke to the Institute of Public Affairs. Steyn’s speech is now more than five years old, but perhaps more relevant today than ever. “Back in 1215, Magna Carta Libertatum couldn’t have made it plainer, real human rights are restraints that the people place upon the king. We understood that eight centuries ago. Today, we’ve entirely perverted and corrupted the principle. We’re undermining real human rights, like freedom of speech, and replacing them with ersatz rights, that rather than restraining the king, give him vastly increased state power to restrain the rights of his subjects. It’s an abomination…
The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity
“The corporation had wanted a 75-year ban on releasing documents about the vax. The judge said no, and demanded that internal documents be made public.”
Dwindling Delights and Mobile Frights
“For the past couple of weeks, my mobile phone has been leading the charge for my tossing and turning at night.”
Javier Milei Slams the UN for Ditching Freedom for Socialism, Calls “Lockdowns a Crime Against Humanity!”
“Applying more socialism to cure the consequences of socialism only deepens the problem.”
Greens Mock Workers’ Rights, Vote Against Informed Consent
“The fact that The Greens can sit in that corner over there, mock, and laugh [at] the vaccine injured – these people are not anti-vaxxers, they believed what the government told them. You want to talk about trust and transparency, go to the vaccine injured and talk to them.”
EU Fines France for Violating Feminist’s ‘Rights’ Over Kill Christmas: Abort-Jesus Stunt
“Kitted out with ox livers to illustrate the termination of a baby’s life in the womb, Bouton then urinated on the floor in full view of the congregation.”
We Protect Rights Because Rights Protect People
In fact, to mischaracterize those who prioritize certain freedom over potential safety as “unloving” and selfish, when that is clearly not by necessity the case, is itself, ironically, a violation of what it means to “love your neighbour as yourself.”
EU Parliament Declares Killing Unborn Babies a ‘Human Right’
The text, drafted by Predrag Fred Matić, a Croatian Socialist MEP, also claims the “conscience clause,” which allows doctors to abstain from the killing “on grounds of religion or conscience,” leads to the “denial” of medical care and “endangers women’s lives and rights.”
Bishop of Parramatta Opposes Mark Latham’s Parental Rights Bill
Why is Long so frightened to speak of redeemed sexuality for every human being?
European Rights Court Backs Compulsory Vaccinations for Children
According to reports, Thursday’s ruling is the first time a European rights court has ruled on compulsory vaccinations.
George Christensen Proposes Law to Protect Babies Born Alive During Botched Abortions: ‘This Is a Violation of Our Humanity’
Federal MP George Christensen has proposed a bill to ensure children born alive during a botched abortion will receive the same life-sustaining medical treatment that would be afforded to any other baby.
Fundamental Rights in the Age of COVID-19
The only protection of fundamental rights comes from the commanded order as revealed by God through His self-revealing in time and space, through Covenant and Christ.
PETA Says Calling Someone An Animal is Speciesism and Human Supremacy, Says Use “Jerk,” “Coward,” “Repulsive” Instead
Of course, the only sensible response is to call them a flock of turkeys and move on.
Joe Biden’s DOJ Civil Rights Nomination Says Blacks Are ‘Mentally, Physically, Spiritually Superior’
Joe Biden’s nomination for Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice has said black people are mentally, physically and spiritually superior to whites and Asians because of their genetic differences.
Where Civil Rights Are Exalted Over Civil Liberties, Hell on Earth Is Sure to Follow
Salvatore Babiones’ 2018 book ‘The New Authoritarianism’ is an exposition on how tyranny and fascism are spawned by the exaltation of civil rights over against civil liberties.
Richard Dawkins says it’s “hard to say why” he wouldn’t eat HUMAN meat
Atheist Richard Dawkins told his 2.8 million followers on Tuesday that it’s “hard to say why” he wouldn’t eat human meat. The evolutionary biologist made the admission on Twitter after sharing a Forbes article discussing the rise of lab-cultivated animal meat products. The process of cultivating meat involves taking stem cells from the muscle of an animal, usually with a small biopsy under anesthesia. The stem cells are then placed with nutrients, salts, pH buffers, and growth factor before being left to multiply. The piece cites the Institute of the Future in Palo Alto, who said cultivated meat could be…
Allie Stuckey before Congressional hearing: ‘Rights are not dependent on whether a person is wanted’
Conservative commentator Allie Stuckey testified before a Congressional hearing on Thursday, saying that as a mother, a woman, an American and a human being, she is horrified by the violence that is carried out against the defenceless unborn. In her opening address before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Stuckey said: “I am here today as a mom, fighting for a future for her kids in which rights are not dependent on whether a person is wanted, but upon their humanity. I am here as a woman, who believes that female empowerment, equality and freedom are not…
Trans cyclist says, if you believe trans women are real women, then you can’t exclude trans athletes from women’s sports, it’s a ‘human right’
Transgender athlete Rachel McKinnon has said, if society truly believes trans women are women, then there’s no basis for excluding trans athletes from competing in women’s sports. The 37-year-old Canadian cyclist made headlines last year after setting a world record time winning the women’s 35-44 sprint title at the Masters Track Cycling World Championships. Speaking with Sky News, McKinnon said: “There’s a stereotype that men are always stronger than women, so people think there is an unfair advantage. By preventing trans women from competing or requiring them to take medication, you’re denying their human rights.” “If you want to say,…
Judge rules doctors MUST use transgender pronouns, says Christianity is “incompatible with human dignity… and not worthy of respect”
For the first time in English history, a judge has ruled that free citizens must engage in compelled speech. Dr David Mackereth lost his Employment Tribunal case this week after he was fired by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for refusing to identify his patients by anything other than their biological gender. The DWP’s case against the 56-year-old father of four claimed the doctor’s belief in Genesis 1:27 was not a belief protected by the Equality Act 2010 but was rather a ‘mere opinion.’ Astonishingly, the judge suggested Christians should be compelled by law to abandon their Christian…
Human-animal relations are “a sexual orientation and a lifestyle choice”, activist claims
When a farmer in southwest Germany noticed his sheep became increasingly frightened by human contact, he rigged a CCTV camera to the rafters of his barn in hopes to learn why. The tapes revealed multiple men breaking in during the night to sexually abuse his livestock. According to animal welfare officer, Madeline Martin, this was not an isolated incident. Martin told the Frankfurter Rundschau, that the current laws were not protecting animals from predatory zoophiles. While animal porn is illegal in Germany, sex with animals has been legal since 1969 provided the animal is not “forced.” “There are now animal brothels in Germany,”…