359 search results for "hate speech"

Ronald Reagan had a unique distaste for career politicians sucking wealth out of D.C.’s tax-payer funded tenure. Most too often more in tune with self-service, than public service. He also had a keen dislike for the faulty, seized-up mechanical inner-workings of Washington.

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Mike Pence’s gentlemen’s applause for Kamala Harris’ selection as Joe Biden’s number two takes into account the fact that Harris would be the first female Vice-President, and potentially the first female President, in U.S. history.

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Criticisms of the “gaffe” were met with a similar amount of fiery criticism for the apology.

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Amy Coney Barrett. That’s the woman who has been given the nod by Trump to be the next Supreme Court Justice, replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg. At only 48 years-old, this is an appointment that is truly once in a generation.

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Police warned Pastor Williamson to keep his views in a ‘safe environment’…

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Joe Rogan’s $100-million switch from YouTube to Spotify has been met with controversy over concerns Spotify have censored the ‘Joe Rogan Experience’ podcast.

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Victoria has yet again been subject to another grievous assault by dictatorial thugs.

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With how irrelevant anti-conversion therapy laws are, the implication is that the LGBTQAAI+ religion is seeking to outlaw anyone from leaving the LGBT lifestyle.

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I used to regularly look forward to watching Alan Kohler’s financial report on the ABC news each evening. But when the global financial crisis hit, I suddenly realised that even he didn’t know what was going on. Fast forward to 2020 and I’m having that strange sense of déjà vu—all over again—as I watch him spruik the benefits of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). While MMT is not without its critics, it has become increasingly fashionable, especially amongst those employed by our national broadcaster. In case you might have missed it, the ABC has produced the following promotional video featuring Kohler…

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You’re not racist. You’re just hated by CNN.

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UK police have been filmed questioning a man after it was alleged he offended somebody on Facebook. Officers requested the man undergo a voluntary interview at the police station for the alleged crime of “malicious communications.” The officer defined “malicious communications” as a comment “on an open forum, which is social media, which is deemed to be offensive.” Meanwhile, the number of knife crimes in England and Wales has risen to a new record high, according to the Office for National Statistics. BBC News reported on Friday that there were 46,265 offences in the 12 months to the end of…

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On the same day that actor Terry Crews warned that “Black Lives Matter” risked morphing into “Black Lives Better,” television host Nick Cannon went on a racist tirade, describing white people as “true savages” and “closer to animals.” But as Crews was receiving a barrage of criticism over his warning, with many calling for the Brooklyn-Nine Nine actor to be permanently “cancelled,” Cannon was offering a perfect demonstration of the very thing Crews was cautioning his followers about. During the June 30 episode of ‘Cannon’s Class,’ Cannon, in full-blown black-supremacist form, described white people as “lesser,” “savages,” who suffer from…

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Whether you love him, loathe him, or are indifferent towards him, it was hard to ignore the applause for Trump’s Keystone speech, in South Dakota. It’s not hard to see why Keystone was so popular either. Although I had more of an issue with what the leftist Episcopalian denomination does with the Bible, Keystone was a big bounce back from Trump’s admittedly cheesy (if understandably necessary, given the context) photo in front of the damaged-by-“peaceful protesters”, historic St. John’s Church. Not a highlight of the Trump presidency, but with his hands tied behind his back, who can really blame him?…

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Police in New Zealand have been given the power to enter private homes without a warrant in order to ensure people are following coronavirus restrictions. The COVID-19 Public Health Response Bill was rushed through Parliament on Wednesday in time for alert level 2, passing 63 votes to 57. The passing of the bill comes despite the Human Rights Commission saying it’s “deeply concerned” about the lack of scrutiny due to the rushed process. “There has been no input from ordinary New Zealanders, which is deeply regrettable,” said chief human rights commissioner Paul Hunt. Mr Hunt warned the new legislation gives…

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Escaping persecution and daily threats to our freedoms and rights under a suppressive Communist government, as a refugee family, we so appreciated the liberties that Australia afforded to us on our arrival. That’s why it is so painful for me, as a legal academic and lobbyist, to watch the current violations of our freedoms taking place, which are slowly corroding our fundamental freedoms and rights – all in the name of fear. As rational, thinking fee citizens involved in upholding the rule of law and engaging in political rights, it is important to take a step back as a nation…

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There’s a thin line between governments waging a war against a crisis, and governments waging a war against people caught up in that crisis. It’s the crossing of this line; the potential, and perhaps eventual, overreaction through disproportionate measures, that have sparked an increasing number of centrist and conservative thinkers to question these heavy-handed measures, along with anything, and everything, labelled “the new normal”. The more we learn about the coronavirus, the more important it is to question whether the heavy-handed measures being taken against the coronavirus are proportionate to the fight against it. Peter Hitchens was the first to…

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Bureaucrats are chasing a Blue Mountains homeowner for alleged environmental infringements. 2GB’s Alan Jones reported that David Wilpour, a 72-year-old man, who lives in Dargan, is in trouble with the local council, and an obscure state government department because he had ‘cleared his land to make it fire safe after he had received permission from Lithgow City council to do so.’  Now, in a bizarre turnaround, the council ‘claims that it never gave him permission to do so.’ Talking to Jones on-air, Wilpour alleges that Lithgow City council, ‘reported him to the DCCW (NSW Department of Climate Change and Water),…

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Dr Michael L Brown offers incisive commentary on the pathological hatred of the American President. This article was first published on his website, AskDrBrown.org. Dr Brown will be touring New Zealand and Australia at the end of February as part of the not-to-be-missed Church And State Summit. Trump Takes Out a Terrorist: Good News or Bad? Dr Michael L Brown It’s not every day when major voices as disparate as Piers Morgan and Rush Limbaugh agree. But when it comes to Democratic (and, more widely, liberal) reaction to Trump’s killing of Iranian General Soleimani, Morgan and Limbaugh are singing the…

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A pastor in China has been sentenced to nine years in prison after being accused of ‘inciting subversion of state power’ and ‘illegally operating a business.’ Pastor Wang Yi was arrested in December 2018 along with dozens of churchgoers and leaders of the Early Rain Covenant Church, one of China’s largest unregistered protestant “house” churches. China’s constitution guarantees religious freedom, but since President Xi Jinping took office six years ago, the government has tightened restrictions on religions seen as a challenge to the authority of the ruling Communist Party, Reuter’s reports. According to a statement from the church, which was…

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This real-world scenario is a great thought experiment to test our thinking on religious freedom. Do we believe the radical secularist view that there should be freedom from religion and zero tolerance of public expressions thereof, do we believe that someone should be able to do absolutely anything if a sincerely held religious belief, or if somewhere between those extremes: exactly where? An elderly couple had just won a Christmas ham in a raffle at their local club where they’d gone out for the night, and responsibly booked an Uber to take them home at about 10pm. The Muslim driver asked them…

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