154 search results for "canada"

Former Muslim Armin Navabi traveled from Canada to Lakemba in Sydney to ask Muslims if it’s okay to criticise Islam. Mr Navabi made the journey after NSW Police told Lauren Southern in July that she did not have the right to enter the area to interview people. “It is my goal, and every Muslim’s goal, to establish Sharia Law on earth,” Mr Navabi was told. “There is always a safe haven for you under Sharia Law… in Islam. There’s two choices: Islam or death.” WATCH: 2017: Imam Tawhidi says there are Muslim Extremists in Sydney, Lakemba, who are willing to…

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If this doesn’t constitute as child abuse, I’m not sure what does. This heartbreaking footage, taken at a Gay Pride event, shows a little girl no older than six waving an LGBTQ flag as she watches a near-naked man perform sexual dance moves in nothing but his underwear. At one point in the video, a man is seen walking up to the dancer and stuffing money down his crotch. “That is too precious,” a man can be heard saying off camera. “Maybe it’s her dad dancing,” another individual says. Canada’s public broadcaster CBC, told parents it’s important to be “open-minded,”…

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Arguments in favour of abortion often fall into one of four categories. These categories can be summed up with the acronym SLED: Size, Level of development, Environment, and Degree of dependency. But do any of these arguments justify the murder of the unborn? Can human value be measured by any of these four categories? Size: This argument implies human value can be measured by the size of the human. The smaller the human, the less value that human has. Which is worse, murdering a 16-year-old or murdering a 2-year old? The 16-year old and the 2-year-old are both equally valuable.…

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Once upon a time, there was a lot of talk about tolerance. That was the buzz word. But have you noticed that we don’t hear it so much these days? There’s a reason for that. It’s because, as R.C. Sproul Jr. rightly said, “tolerance was never the goal, approval is. We who give the former but not the latter will not be tolerated.” Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau confirmed that recently during a speech delivered in Yankee Stadium for 31,000 New York University graduates and guests. “I think we can aim a little higher than mere tolerance,” Trudeau said.…

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An Alberta man has legally changed his gender in order to benefit from the lower car insurance rates offered to women. The man, identified only as David, said he was pretty angry when he asked his insurer what his costs would be if he were a woman. He was told his annual bill would sink from $4,500 to roughly $3,400. That’s a $1,100 saving! “I didn’t feel like getting screwed over any more,” David told CBC News. “So I asked them to change my gender on my auto policy.” After the insure inform David that they couldn’t change his gender,…

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Canada’s Supreme Court has told a Christian law school they should abandon biblical values if they want accreditation. The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 against Trinity Western University’s (TWU) Law School, after LGBT activists argued the Law School’s Christian values discriminate against LGBT students. “In a pair of 7-2 rulings, the majority of justices found the law societies of British Columbia and Ontario have the power to refuse accreditation based on Trinity Western University’s so-called community covenant,” which requires: …that all students and faculty pursue a holy life ‘characterized by humility, self-sacrifice, mercy and justice, and mutual submission for the good…

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When a polyamorous throuple in Canada found the law only allowed for two individuals to be named as parents on a child’s birth certificate, they took their case to the courts and won. Justice Robert Fowler of Newfoundland and Labrador Supreme Court ruled in favour of the throuple, which consists of two men and a woman (the child’s biological mother). “Society is continuously changing and family structures are changing along with it,” Fowler said. “This must be recognized as a reality and not as a detriment to the best interests of the child.” Fowler went on to say, “I have no…

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In the short clip below, Ben Shapiro warns about leftist policies invading our schools, our places of work, our places of worship, and even our homes. “This is coming and it’s coming fast.” The great lie, of course, is that it will stop at the schools. ‘We won’t go any further than that… We won’t bother you in your places of work. What do you think we are? Fascists?’ And then they go into your places of work and they say, ‘Don’t worry, your churches will be fine. We’ll stop right at the walls… And then of course, they’ll invade…

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Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has announced a pledge of $90 million to support Global Partnership for Education (GPE). The pledge came hours after singer, and GPE ambassador, Rhianna (Net Worth $230 million) asked Julie Bishop and Malcolm Turnbull if they would, “step up with a $200 million pledge…” hi @JulieBishopMP & @TurnbullMalcolm will you step up w/ a ?? $200M pledge to #FundEducation at the @GPforEducation conference in Senegal tomorrow? Kick off your 1st year on the #HumanRightsCouncil by giving the universal human right to education! ?? @claralionelfdn @glblctzn — Rihanna (@rihanna) February 1, 2018 Cory Bernardi responded to the…

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Wendy Griffith from CBN News reports: It’s called S.O.G.I for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification, a curriculum that teaches public school students across Canada to celebrate the homosexual lifestyle and that gender is fluid. In other words, your gender is not dependent on what parts you were born with, but rather what you feel like in the moment… The S.O.G.I. curriculum started in British Columbia in 2016 and is quickly spreading throughout Canada… Canada is known as one of the most gay friendly countries in the world with many of their largest cities featuring their very own gay villages… Most gays……

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Tucker Carlson presents: 100 Racist Things! In these dangerous political times, it’s important you know what is and is not racist. So, here’s a list! 1. Tamarisk trees in Palm Springs, California. https://t.co/a8Tih2Fmen — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 22, 2017

Author, Pat Miller, once said, “The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.” Paula Gerber, Professor of Human Rights Law, at Monash University, has recently stated: “…once the celebrations from Australia achieving marriage equality have subsided, the fight for LGBTI people to live free from discrimination will continue.” So, what does…

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Student teacher, Lindsay Shepherd, was chastised by school authorities after she aired a video during two tutorials. The clip featured University of Toronto professor Jordan B. Peterson and involved a debate on gender-neutral pronouns. For context, Peterson’s full debate can be viewed here: Genders, Rights and Freedom of Speech According to a report by The Star: The excerpt from TVO’s current affairs program The Agenda shows Peterson, who has famously refused to use gender pronouns other than “he” or “she,” defending his position against a professor who argued it was necessary to use the pronouns that a person prefers to be…

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What comes after same-sex marriage? You only have to look to the countries that have already redefined the institution to get an idea. Here are twelve examples. Example #1: John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, has argued that the fight for “equality” is not over until churches abandon their faith. “We don’t want to behave like it’s all over [now that SSM is legal]… I still feel we’ll only have proper equal marriage when you can bloody well get married in a church if you want to do so, without having to fight for the equality that should…

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