UK Street Preacher’s ‘Misgendering’ Conviction Overturned
“The street preacher was found guilty by a Magistrates court, then made to pay a £620 fine and complete 80 hours of community service.”
Preparing for the Coming Coercion
“We must remember that we are part of a faith that turned the cross, a symbol of terror and oppression, into a symbol of hope and salvation.”
They Understand, That’s Why They Hate
“A world that believes 2+2 = 5 can only persuade people of such a ridiculous lie by suppressing those who refuse to deny the real answer is 4.”
The Case for Christian Nationalism: Preliminary Considerations
“[M]y goal is to reinvigorate Christendom in the West – that is my chief aim.”
John MacArthur Pens Powerful Open Letter to Governor Newsom For Using Jesus’ Words to Promote Baby Killing
MacArthur cautioned the Governor, saying his “soul lies in grave, eternal peril,” and noted Paul’s warning in Romans 14:12 that, “each one of us will give an account of himself to God.”
Nigerian Lawmakers Expand the Reach of Sharia Law
“The three-judge panel’ effectively ruled that Islamic law has jurisdiction over Christians and non-Muslims, potentially making Islamic law judge, jury, and executioner.”
We Need to Talk About the Islamist Genocide of Nigerian Christians
“Westerners being muted on the matter is a stark contrast to 2020’s black squares, black power fists, BLM protests, and the blank cheque pandering to the ‘Black Lives Matter’ narrative.”
Zuby Nails It: ‘Millions Have Replaced God With Pfizer, Safer to Criticise God Than the Shot’
The cult of Covid is nothing short of the state religion of the day.
Coptic Journalist Ramy Kamel Released After Two-Years of Solitary Confinement
Kamel was arrested in 2019 on what the United States Commission on International Freedom said were “spurious” charges.
Popular Australian Cartoonist Axed for Criticising Mandatory Vax
“When the only allowable opposition is what the Left approves as opposition, we are no longer dealing with reasoned debate, but a manufactured narrative and its badly constructed religion.”
What If We Were Wrong About Free Speech?
“So here is my mea culpa on free speech, I was wrong to ever defend it.”
Teacher Accused of Blaspheming Islam Suspended, School Closed, Muslims Demand Criminal Investigation
What a woeful ideology it must be if it cannot survive without threats of fines and imprisonment, without public floggings or executions.
The Night Before the Happy Holiday (Formerly Known as Christmas)
“This birth represents heteronormative oppression. We must rally people to take up arms against it. He who says that God became man is guilty of hatred towards women.”
The Wicked Subverted the West With Story
How do you change a western world where blasphemy is illegal? By way of subversion.
Terry Crews Faces “Black-Lash” After Warning Against Black Supremacy
Terry Crews has just committed the unforgivable sin by not giving unquestionable allegiance to #BlackLivesMatter. Crews, the well-known African-American actor of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, who describes himself as a “Lover to my wife, father to my children, friend to my friends, and servant to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ”, posted on Twitter the following social justice blasphemy: The back lash—or maybe that should be, ‘black-lash’? —against Crews has been immense, with many people already calling for him to be “cancelled”. But just notice what Crews does and does not say. He begins by saying that regardless of one’s race, creed…
Why Don’t We Replace Our Elected Politicians With Non-Elected “Experts”?
Is it time to replace our elected politicians with non-elected experts? We have always voted representatives into public office. But perhaps that has been our problem. They were representative of us! Who among us is an expert, fit to adjudicate on the big questions of life? These days most of us are flat out just trying to work out what to watch on Netflix! Surely the past few years have proved that Abraham Lincoln’s “government of the people by the people for the people” should indeed perish from the earth. Increasingly I wonder if a better model for society might…
What if Mary gave birth to Jesus in our politically correct, abortion-obsessed, the-future-is-female culture?
Here’s how a committee meeting between Herod and his advisers might sound if such a meeting were to take place in a Western context today. “This baby! This Jesus, his mother and father, is a threat to us! Committee members, you are asked to agree with Herod’s call for the genocide of all newborn male Hebrew children. For by this child’s very existence, all the power structures that surround him stand unprotected. This so-called, “Prince of Peace”, is a threat to safe spaces, our glorious goal of perpetual revolution and the power of its leaders.” “This child’s birth is nothing…
University professor sentenced to death after insulting Islam on Facebook
A university professor has been sentenced to death by a court in Pakistan after being found guilty of blaspheming Islam on Facebook. Junaid Hafeez, a 33-year-old lecturer at the Bahauddin Zakariya University in the central Pakistani city of Multan, was accused of posting derogatory comments about Muhammad on social media in 2013. Prosecutors also charged Hafeez with “liking” a blasphemous Facebook page. On Saturday, a court in Multan found Hafeez guilty and sentenced him to death after a lengthy trial. Since 2014, Hafeez has been held in solitary confinement due to security concerns, after his lawyer was shot dead for…
This welcome to country has no place in Christianity
Many conservative Catholics are deeply concerned with a moment of unfettered pagan idolatry at their Youth Festival in Perth in recent days. I recently interviewed Mark Powell about his article regarding the use of indigenous protocols in Christian services and events and the danger of mixing Aboriginal religion with worship of the One True God. Little did we know such an explosive example of the worst kind I have ever seen would happen so soon following our discussion. This wasn’t at a government or secular event where ignorant obeisance to political correctness can be expected and maybe even suffered in silence…
‘Why I, a bisexual man on the left, don’t support the anti-vilification complaint against Israel Folau’
Following the news that an LGBTQ activist was suing Israel Folau for $100,000 over his “controversial” Instagram post back in April, Caldron Pool received a comment we thought worth republishing. The comment was posted by Nicholas Butler, a “bisexual man on the left” and a law student at Monash University. While we obviously don’t agree with everything said, Nicholas offers an interesting perspective on anti-vilification complaints that folks on the Left would do well to consider. Nicholas’ comment was titled, ‘Why I, a bisexual man on the left, don’t support the anti-vilification complaint against Israel Folau’: While what he said…