126 search results for " merit"

While ignorance is bliss indeed, something far more dangerous is a society that builds itself upon the illusion of knowledge.

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“To say that the West only got as powerful as it did because of slavery, is also wrong, because other empires were engaged in slavery, many to a much higher level and yet the West outstripped them.”

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“Every person has a right to life and we have a responsibility to help them fight for it.”

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The strength of its symbolism says to veterans and our future Defence force personnel that we’re willing to fight for those, who go into battle to fight for us.

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Consensual incest advocates are today backing a New Yorker’s efforts to marry their own adult child. The parent, who has remained anonymous for obvious reasons, is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice.

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The world has created its own problems – it has taken morality out of sexual relationships; it sees uniformity as the answer to all ills; and it calls on the law to achieve these goals.

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Which party has its head in the clouds, and which party is in tune with the corrosive state of the world?

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The member for Hughes explained his disappointment at the Government’s handling of the Brereton report, stating that the LNP didn’t just throw Special Forces Veterans under the bus, they threw them under a tank.

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Would you trust your family or your own healthcare to institutions that give potential professionals degrees based on their skin tone, gender or sexual preference, not the quality of their performance, acumen, or merit?

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“It is important to stand up against men who begin to abuse power, even when that abuse is small, and especially when those men are carrying badges and guns. If government overreach and illegal arrests do not merit peaceful protest, I don’t know what does.”

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CRT is “a worldview based on vindictive and prejudiced principles that are subjective and changeable depending upon what direction the winds of white supremacy and black oppression happen to be blowing.”

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You’ve almost certainly encountered Critical Race Theory over the last year, even if those words aren’t familiar.

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Forbes has issued a threat to the business world: hire former Trump White House spokespersons and the biggest business media brand in the world will approach you as a “potential funnel of disinformation.”

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Earlier this month, Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison announced that his Government had made the surprise unilateral decision to adjust the Australian national anthem by replacing the phrase “for we are young and free,” with “for we are one and free.”

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While Socialism might masquerade as a social force for good, it stalks through the world devouring the most important, sacred parts of civilisation.

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After the events of 2020, many Westerners are feeling confused and disoriented.

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Has anybody told Daniel Andrews about the three terrible bigots across the pond who are trying to suppress the gender identity of ‘transgender’ minors?

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As innate language users, human beings use language as their primary means of communication.

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I wrote part one of this series on equality months ago and have taken my time in writing part two.

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A Christian woman in New Jersey has been fired by Starbucks after refusing to wear a pro-LGBTQ t-shirt, a lawsuit claims.

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