126 search results for " merit"

“Pérez’s alleged social sin? He defended life from conception, marriage between man and woman, and was critical of gender indoctrination in schools.”

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“Her Christian faith remained constant. Although eyes were always on her as Queen, her eyes were on Christ as King.”

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“The influx has gotten the left faction Liberals so spooked that ‘someone’ leaked the ABC over three years of internal correspondence between Gippsland Liberal Party officials, the state director and state president about these scary Christians having the temerity to engage with the political process.”

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“…imagine going through eight years of hell and being the subject of 41 legal complaints by a serial litigant and hater.”

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“Yes, we must unequivocally condemn racism and oppression—but we must also care enough to listen to the indigenous voices on each side and engage our fellow image-bearers endearingly, not in a one-size-fits-all manner…”

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“A now-deleted job description posted by the IRS plainly stated that Biden’s brigade of new tax collectors must be ‘willing to use deadly force, if necessary.’”

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“Communism has been the most bloodthirsty and diabolical political ideology to have been unleashed upon the world.”

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“I have never felt oppressed in my life and I think it is wrong for this person to assume because of the colour of my skin I have, without even knowing anything of my background ethnicity or upbringing.”

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“Manhood as a pejorative has stifled how the world and the church understand what it means for man to be man, and what it means for man to be man for woman, before God.”

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“If corporations decide to go woke, there must be competitors who assure that they will go broke. And we hope to fill that gap. We only hope others will follow our lead.”

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“This war is not a border crisis between a major power and minor power. It is a war between a regional power and the global aggressive empire, with the minor power caught in the middle.”

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“He presides over an illiberal government that has been directly responsible for the most appalling violations of basic human rights.”

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“The Covid-19 response has proven that most men are betas who are comfortably enslaved by fear, and thus, they willingly surrendered their rights. It’s as if they like the way their shackles match their purse.”

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“It’s not morally permissible for the government to direct me to wrong one of my fellows, nor is it morally permissible for the government to direct me to submit without resistance or protest to its wronging of me.”

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“I must have been on the mark, so to speak. Over the target,” Dr Robert Malone said.

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“Instead of accepting that there is a perfectly rational explanation for refusing a rushed vaccine with the worst safety record in modern history for a virus that presents next-to-no risk for most people – prime ministers, presidents and premiers have insisted that defiance is a selfish act that demands constant social pressure.”

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“The unforgivable failures on so many levels means the world is still in the dark about the precise turn of events that sparked this pandemic, and this of course leaves the world vulnerable to whatever comes next.”

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Trusting too much in government is un-Christian and it always results in oppression and tyranny.

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“By now we know how to keep safe and healthy. We know the risks of leaving home to partake in essential activities. Yet, many churches are still operating on the internet as if it were an online college degree.”

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For all the vitriolic claims about “anti-vaxxer and climate change deniers” all being nut-cases and conspiracy theorists, Hamilton is guilty of his own tin-foil hat nonsense.

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