1583 search results for "twitter"

Standing outside the British Embassy in The Hague, Netherlands, Geert Wilders issued a statement about the arrest of Tommy Robinson and the current state of Europe. Islam critics are taken to court, jailed or targeted with fatwas. The authorities try to silence us. However, Islamists are pampered, protected and defended. And that is totally unacceptable… Britain used to be a bastion of freedom of speech. Today its authorities are behaving like North Korea and Saudi Arabia. Watch: My statement in front of the British Embassy in The Hague today. Free Tommy Robinson!Restore Freedom Of Speech!#TommyRobinson #FreedomOfSpeech #FreeTommy pic.twitter.com/VLq0Xo6xWq — Geert…

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It’s obvious. Peter FitzSimons doesn’t like Israel Folau. Earlier this month the Herald columnist berated the rugby start for expressing a biblical view of sexuality on his personal social media accounts. “I am GOBSMACKED by your actions,” FitzSimons wrote. “Your delusions, your arrogance, the sheer stupidity, not to mention venality of posting such a link.” “You are embarrassing yourself,” FitzSimons continued. “And your posts are embarrassing rugby. We need to get to the point soon where you are only embarrassing yourself.” Now, in a remarkable display of hypocrisy, Peter FitzSimons has told Channel Nine’s Sunday Sports panel that it’s none…

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Attorney Will Chamberlain explains, “The judge in Tommy Robinson’s case, Geoffrey Marson, pulled a neat trick today. He threw him in jail for 13 months, and banned anyone in the UK from talking about it.” Here’s how it was done. Read: The judge in Tommy Robinson's case, Denise Marson, pulled a neat trick today. She threw him in jail for 13 months, and banned anyone in the UK from talking about it. A thread on how she did it. (h/t @nickmon1112)#FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobinson pic.twitter.com/an8elg3OlB — Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain) May 25, 2018 ADDENDUM: I got the name of the judge wrong. It's…

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Tommy Robinson has reportedly been sentenced to 13-months jail after he was arrested outside Leeds Crown Court yesterday. Police arrested Robinson for “breach of the peace” while live-streaming a report on the grooming gang trials. Conservative journalist, Lauren Southern, who was arrested in the UK under the Terrorism Act in March this year said, “There is a UK reporting ban. No one there is allowed to talk about it.” Southern went on to say, “This is a death sentence… The British government that sent him to prison today… they know for a fact that he’s most likely going to die…

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Tommy Robinson has just been arrested outside Leeds Crown Court. Robinson was at Court to report as the first of ten accused grooming gang members arrived. Police said they were arresting Robinson for “breach of the peace.” A recording of the arrest was posted online: Watch: Tommy Robinson has been arrested in Leeds court for reporting on grooming gangs. More updates to follow pic.twitter.com/iEPDoNOKHM — Caolan Robertson (@CaolanRob) May 25, 2018

“Political correctness in Australia has gone bonkers.” So said Queensland politician Jarrod Bleijie. The Member for Kawana tweeted on Monday, “I just phoned MyGov to change my address. After giving my personal details I was asked ‘and is it ok to identify you as a male?’” “Now the gov is asking born males if we will get offended by calling us males,” the State Opposition frontbencher continued. “This political correctness BS has gone way too far!” *checks file* sorry, we got that wrong. You'll be identified as your correct gender, Snivelling Manbaby, from now on. — Jenny Noyes (@jennynoise) May…

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We told you it was about more than marriage. Christians who claim that homosexuality can be “fixed” could soon find themselves being prosecuted as the Victorian government orders an unprecedented inquiry into gay conversion therapy. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the inquiry will capture registered or unregistered counsellors, as well as faith-based ministries, who treat homosexuality as a disorder, along with anyone purporting to convert LGBTI people through therapeutic means. Health Minister Jill Hennessy, who asked Victoria’s Health Complaints Commissioner to conduct the investigation, told The Age: We have zero tolerance for anyone purporting to ‘convert’ gay people through…

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Leader of the Greens Party, Richard DiNatale appeared on Sky News to discuss changing Section 44 of the constitution. Section 44 sets out restrictions on who can be a candidate for Federal parliament. DiNatale explains: “There is this sort of inconvenient document that governs everything that we do called the Australian constitution… What’s got to happen now is absolutely crystal clear. We’re a modern multicultural nation. We need to change our constitution and make sure that everybody has the right to stand in our nation’s parliament. Section 44 is outdated, it’s a relic of the past…” Watch: .@RichardDiNatale on changing…

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A Melbourne paramedic who was violently assaulted after attending to an unconscious man has reportedly broken down after hearing his attackers would walk free. Paul Judd, a paramedic of 40 years, needed three operations after being repeatedly punched and left with a broken foot. Two years on, the 63-year-old continues to live with pain and is unable to return to work. Mr Judd’s attackers, Amanda Warren, 33, and Caris Underwood, 20, walked free after Judge Barbara Cotterell quashed the sentences on appeal, deciding the women should not serve the mandatory minimum. Two drunken women who bashed a paramedic as he…

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“Save our ABC!” We’ve all heard the cry since the Federal Budget announced ABC funding would be cut by more than $80 million. Remember when Pauline Hanson said she wanted the Turnbull Govt to cut to the ABC, well last night the Prime Minister delivered just that. The Budget last night includes a whopping $83m cut to ABC funding #SaveOurABC — Sarah Hanson-Young? (@sarahinthesen8) May 9, 2018 But that hasn’t stopped the national broadcaster from handing out millions in tax-payer funded bonuses to more than 200 staff members. Some employees are receiving as much as $70,000, according to the Herald Sun.…

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Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has revealed plans to introduce the first-ever Muslim superhero into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Kamala Khan, also known as Ms Marvel, is a teenage Pakistani-American from New Jersey who made her first comic-book appearance in 2013. “Captain Marvel is shooting right now,” Feige told the BBC. “Ms Marvel, which is another character in the comic books – the Muslim hero who’s inspired by Captain Marvel.” “It’s definitely, sort of, in the works,” he continued. “We have plans for that once we’ve introduced Captain Marvel to the world.” Marvel is planning to do Miss Marvel after…

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Dymocks Bookstore in Chermside, Queensland is now promoting transgenderism to children. Located in the Children’s Non-Fiction section is a book titled, Trans-Mission: My Quest to a Beard, by Alex Bertie. Attached to the book is a sign that reads, “Recommended by our well-read team.” The note from Dymocks’ staff goes on to explain: Trans-Mission – Alex Bertie, is a book written by Alex himself as he explains his story about his own gender transition. It’s light-hearted and easy to read. A great way to explain being transgender to someone else, and a great way to help those transitioning as well. Photos courtesy…

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There is something deeply disturbing about Planned Parenthood celebrating Mother’s Day. A message from the abortion mill’s official Twitter account said: “Happy #MothersDay! Planned Parenthood is proud to celebrate mothers in the U.S. and around the world.” “We’re committed to fighting for a world where all mothers can live healthy lives, and raise their children in peace.” Happy #MothersDay! Planned Parenthood is proud to celebrate mothers in the U.S. and around the world. We're committed to fighting for a world where all mothers can live healthy lives, and raise their children in peace. pic.twitter.com/5XWiZzCGqj — Planned Parenthood (@PPFA) May 13,…

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Simon Breheny, director of policy at the Institute of Public Affairs, nails it. Tax cuts aren’t handouts, as Bill Shorten suggests, not unless the government owns everything you earn. Tax cuts are… not giveaways. They’re not subsidies, or grants, or donations… Tax cuts just mean people get to keep more of what they earn. Tax cuts don’t give you money earned by somebody else. WATCH: Tax cuts aren't handouts. pic.twitter.com/RwYgIup0bl — Simon Breheny (@Simon_Breheny) May 11, 2018

Abortion providers often present themselves as champions of women’s rights. The word “care” is used frequently to describe the sort of services they provide. And anyone who challenges the pro-abortion movement is quickly dismissed as irrelevant and hypocritical for caring only about the lives of the unborn, not the mothers. Of course, none of this is actually true. Every time a female baby is aborted, a woman’s rights are violated. Removing a babies’ right to life is nothing short of heartless murder, certainly not “care.” And what they often don’t warn you about is life after an abortion for the…

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Mark Latham slammed Peter FitzSimons on Facebook yesterday, after the Herald columnist took yet another swing at rugby player Israel Folau for expressing Christian beliefs. Israel Folau should: — Peter FitzSimons (@Peter_Fitz) May 9, 2018 “The Red Pirate Peter FitzSimons is a natural-born elite,” wrote Latham. “He lives in an expensive house in an exclusive suburb. He has lots of access to the media. So like all elites, he thinks he has the right to tell other people how to live their lives.” In this Herald article he writes of how “Rugby is an inclusive game”. Then he says Israel…

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On Monday, rugby player, Israel Folau shared a video on Twitter featuring a 10-minute excerpt of a sermon preached by the late David Wilkerson. The message was based on Hebrews 3:15 which reads, “As it is said, ‘Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.’” With great love i wanted to share this video in the hope that people watch it and think about it. Jesus is coming back soon and he wants us to turn to him through repentance and baptism in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38) please don't harden…

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Grizzly bears right across Australia will sleep a little safer this winter after it was revealed the ABC have changed the words to the iconic children’s song, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. Presenters on the ABC’s children’s program, Play School, are no longer taking their young viewers on bear hunts, but rather “bush hunts.” The original lyric reads, We’re going on a bear hunt, we’re going to catch a big one, I’m not scared. In its place, the shows hosts are now singing, We’re going on a bush hunt, we’re going to find some treasure, we’re so excited. Well done, ABC. Well done.…

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How do you define racism and bullying? The ABC have hired former Greens candidate, Osman Faruqi, to serve as deputy editor of a new lifestyle section on the taxpayer funded, public broadcaster’s website. ABC spokesman told The Australian, Mr Faruqi, the son of Greens MP Mehreen Faruqi, will be included in ‘a new digital storytelling project created to reach new audiences in an innovative and engaging way.’ If you’re not familiar with Faruqi, he Tweets like a male (assuming) Yassmin Abdel-Magied. As you read from his feed, just replace “white” with “black” and ask yourself, would that be considered racist?…

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The Boy Scouts of America are about to be neutered. The 108-year old program for boys aged 11 to 17 will drop “boy” from it’s name in an attempt to appeal to more girls. While the overall organisation will retain the original name, the program itself will be called Scouts BSA from February 2019. Girl Scout leaders have said they were blindsided by the move and are preparing an aggressive campaign to recruit and retain female membership. Girl Scouts’ CEO, Sylvia Acevedo said, “We are, and will remain, the first choice for girls and parents who want to provide their girls…

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