1333 search results for "Trans"

With the recent bushfires that have ravaged the eastern coast of NSW, many are proclaiming that the prophecies of environmentalists are being fulfilled before our very eyes. Leader of the global climate movement — 16-year-old Greta Thunberg — recently proclaimed the impending apocalypse of the world: Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money, and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you! But how bad are things, really? Sadly, we live in a post-truth age, which means that unbridled hysteria often trumps reality. And this…

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Democracy is a very old word. It comes from the Greek words demos meaning ‘the people’ and kratos meaning ‘power’. The opposite of democracy is aristocracy, the power of aristos, your ‘betters’ or, in other words, the nobility. History has repeatedly been shaped by the endless struggle between the strong who abuse power and the weak who resent it. In the 1800s, for instance, France had a people’s revolution. The commoners rioted. They killed a whole bunch of nobles. They burnt things. Overall they successfully de-fanged their aristos, thus ushering in a new era where the government would be for,…

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If you live in a major city in Australia, you’ve most likely come across a ‘Gonski’ advertisement. If you’re anything like me, you will have stopped to ask the question: “Why are those on the political left so insistent on providing a free education?” After all, if Gonski is ‘good for our kids’ and ‘great for our nation,’ why wouldn’t you support it? The idea of providing everyone with a ‘free education’ seems a benevolent goal. Nonetheless, what many do not know is that the promotion of ‘free’ education has played an essential role in the unfolding of Marxism in…

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You will often, particularly online, hear people say something like this; the African slave trade was a ‘racist, white, patriarchal colonialist institution’, it was the white man’s hatred of the black man that fuelled the slave trade. Now, putting aside the fact that the word ‘slave’ developed from ‘Slav’, the white eastern Europeans who were taken as slaves so often their names became synonymous with the institution of slavery in Europe, this idea that the African slave trade was a ‘white, patriarchal, colonial institution’ is both ahistorical and ridiculous. Did Colonialists engage in it? Yes. Did racists engage in it?…

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An LGBTQ activist is reportedly suing Israel Folau for $100,000 for the “controversial” Instagram post which resulted in the former rugby star’s sacking. According to Australian LGBTQ news website the Star Observer, activist Garry Burns wrote to the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW accusing Folau of “homosexuality vilification” in his April post which warned people to repent of a range of sins, including homosexuality. The post read: “Warning: Drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists, idolaters – hell awaits you. Repent! Only Jesus saves. “Those that are living in Sin will end up in Hell unless you repent. Jesus Christ loves…

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On this day in 1898, Clive Staples Lewis, one of the greatest intellectual thinkers of the twentieth century was born. To this day, C.S. Lewis remains one of the world’s best-loved writers. His masterpiece series, The Chronicles of Narnia, has sold over 100 million copies and has been transformed into three major motion pictures, with more reportedly to come. On a side note, few might know the name Caldron Pool finds its origin in the series. In 1944, Lewis wrote a column under the title Notes on the Way for the political and literary review magazine Time & Tide. One of his articles,…

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Social media giant Twitter has updated their terms of service to allow their users to discuss adult attraction to minors as well as share artistic depictions of nude children. The updated policy states: “Discussions related to child sexual exploitation as a phenomenon or attraction towards minors are permitted, provided they don’t promote or glorify child sexual exploitation in any way.” Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! Twitter went on to allow for nude depictions of minors in certain instances, stating: “Artistic depictions of nude minors in a non-sexualized context or setting may be permitted in a limited number of scenarios e.g., works…

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A former police officer is suing UK police after being accused of a ‘hate crime’ before having his “thoughts checked” by an officer claiming to represent the LGBTQ community. Humberside Police tracked former police officer, Harry Miller, to his place of work after acquiring several tweets suggesting ‘transgender women are not real women.’ Police told Miller that an anonymous person had reported him for hate speech, saying his workplace would not be a “safe place” for trans people. Despite being told that he had committed no crime, the officer told Miller, “I need to check your thinking.” After being subject…

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The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) says it’s working with creatives and decision-makers in Hollywood to “change the narrative of Islam” through film and television. In a video posted to social media, MPAC director Sue Obeidi said the organisation’s Hollywood bureau is engaging with the film industry to increase positive portrayals of Islam and Muslims in an effort to change hearts and minds in the Western world. In a 2017 piece penned for Variety, Obeidi said, we’re beginning to see a shift in the entertainment industry, but the “normalization” of Islam needs to “speed up”. “It’s going to take a…

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The story goes that a student of philosophy was asked in an exam to prove a chair which had been placed where everyone could see it at the front of the exam hall did not exist. Students were expected to discuss the 20th-century philosophers who posited ideas about subjective human existence and questioned our relationship with reality. But this two word complete response, if the urban legend is to be believed, received top marks for its reflection of the possibility the chair was an illusion of the examiner’s mind. If you’re a person who tends to vote right of centre…

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Last week, Ellie Goulding, an award-winning British singer, decided to rethink a scheduled performance in support of The Salvation Army’s “Red Kettle Kickoff”, at an American Thanksgiving Day NFL Show. The decision was made in response to an Instagram follower falsely accusing The Salvation Army of discriminating against the LGBT community – claiming that the organization was employing passive euthanasia against the homeless: So sad to see Ellie supporting them :// they’re extremely homo/transphobic, literally to the point of letting queer homeless ppl die. Wish she had done some research beforehand or something.” @angelsporch The comment was a reaction to…

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A recent episode of South Park has taken a swipe at biological males competing in women’s sports following a spate of news stories showing trans athletes dominating women’s only competitions. The episode, titled ‘Board Girls’, revolves around South Park Elementary’s Vice-Principal, “Strong Woman”, and her entry into the Strongwoman Competition. During the episode, “Strong Woman” is introduced to her competitor, former WWF wrestler Randy Savage, whose character started identifying as a female two weeks before the event started. “Now that I can compete as female, I’m ready to smash the other girls,” the character says. The issue has made headlines in…

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Parents magazine is encouraging folks to teach their young children that men can have periods too. A post on the news company’s Instagram account on Wednesday shows a 4-year-old boy named Eli holding a letterboard that reads: “Some men have periods too. If I can get it so can you.” The boy’s mother, Milly Bhaskara, shared the image to show support for Always‘ decision to remove the female Venus symbol from their Sanitary Pads packaging to be more inclusive of transgender people. “Eli has been told about periods since he saw blood on my pants a couple of years ago,”…

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It’s a peculiar thing to see Australians, who naturally have a caustic view of Americans, along with contempt and suspicion of any kind of pageantry and ceremony, embrace American cultural traditions which involve pageantry, and ceremony. If the irony fits, wear it. None of what I’ve just said is untrue. Remember the hate and mockery thrown at Tony Abbott when his government reinstated knights and dame honours for Australians? Only to have Malcolm Turnbull ditch it, after he led the takedown of Abbott’s reign as Prime Minister, and was himself enthroned as Prime Minister in a bloodless coup. Should Australians completely…

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A vulgar sex-education web series targeting pre-teen children has encouraged their young viewers to masturbate as a form of self-love. The Toronto-based program, Sex-Ed School, which was picked up by production company Shaftesbury earlier this year, is aimed at providing a “safe space” for nine to 12-year-olds to talk about sex, transgenderism, hormone injections, genitals, and homosexuality. In an episode titled “Love is Love” co-hosts Nadine Thornhill and Eva Bloom asked a group of young children to discuss masturbation, saying: “It’s something really pleasant and loving that you can do for yourself and if it’s something that you enjoy, that’s…

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A lot of what is called Christian morality today is not necessarily Christian, but more accurately described as Middle-Class Christianity. It is the Christianity influenced by the Victorian era politeness and the rather quiet indoor working spaces of many Christians, who tend heavily towards the middle class. Here are examples of the difference: Middle-Class Christianity: Don’t be harsh and use mean words to those who come to you, especially if they are in need. Christianity: Jesus said to the Syrophoenician woman: You don’t give the children’s food to the dogs (Matt 15:21-28, Mark 7:24-30). Middle-Class Christianity: It is wrong to even insult those…

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In an effort to normalise pornography, there are people who point out that porn has been around since ancient times. That might be true, but porn today is like nothing the world has ever seen. Pornography is now everywhere. It’s available on almost every screen and smartphone on the planet. In the West, what was once scandalous and shrewdly stocked in the newsagent or video store is now fodder for billboards, and makes for vanilla viewing on primetime TV. Would you believe that pornography is a US$97 billion global industry? Porn’s unstoppable popularity might be why so many in the mainstream…

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A biological male who identifies as a transgender woman has been named ‘Female Athlete of the Week’ by The Big Sky Conference. June Eastwood, who previously competed in cross-country on the University of Montana’s men’s team, finished second in a field of more than 200 female runners at the Santa Clara Bronco Invitational, helping Montana place seventh as a team, according to an announcement issued by the conference on Tuesday. According to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), male athletes who identify as transgender women may compete against biological females after completing one calendar year of testosterone suppression treatment. Brian…

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A newly released video uploaded to social media this week shows 7-year-old James Younger affirming his biological gender, stating: “I am James. I am a boy.” The video, which was recorded in May, was released in a public Facebook post on Thursday by an individual claiming to be a friend of the Younger family. According to the post: “Before the boys had to go home, James asked me if he could have my mobile phone. I said… what do you want to do with it? “James said he wanted to do a message for my son. I gave him my…

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The line between inciting hate or violence and informing others about that hate and violence is being blurred. Facebook’s recent heavy-handed actions against Caldron Pool, and Caldron Pool contributor, Evelyn Rae, suggest that the social media platform is happy to unfairly conflate reporting or fair criticism of an event with endorsement of that event. There is a difference between advocacy and commentary. If we apply descriptive and prescriptive linguistics to how newsworthy events or commentary are presented, we can see that companies like Facebook will inevitably hurt their customer base, because they continue to blur the descriptive and the prescriptive,…

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