61 search results for "lawfare"

“In 2021, the FBI reported 240 anti-Christian ‘hate crimes.’ This was up from 213 anti-Christian incidents in 2020.”

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“Kitted out with ox livers to illustrate the termination of a baby’s life in the womb, Bouton then urinated on the floor in full view of the congregation.”

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“The buyout also spurred an array of typical tantrums from the Left, with the Daily Mail alleging in May, that ‘George Soros, Clinton, and Obama staffers, as well as European governments,’ were behind a ‘campaign’ to stop Musk’s Twitter deal.”

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ANTIFA gets a free ride, just don’t fly the American flag, or you might end up being raided by the FBI.

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“For those who don’t know about the potential Biden/Harris 2020 election killing discovery, a new film presented by Breitbart hopes to fill in any gaping holes left open by the political Left’s gagging of the subject.”

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“After accusing the pair of ‘posing as journalists,’ NZ Interpol then quote the NZ Herald verbatim, calling Fernando a ‘misinformation super spreader,’ and Yemini a ‘far-right extremist commentator.’”

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“If Monday’s raid on Mar-A-Lago was an attempt to save the hegemonic Left from a devastating defeat in this year’s mid-term elections, what it did instead, was make Donald Trump a martyr.”

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Sherwood’s alleged blasphemy against the LGBTQ+ political religion was simply reading from 2,000+ years of Biblical Christian teaching.

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Kamel was arrested in 2019 on what the United States Commission on International Freedom said were “spurious” charges.

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“Barred from seeing his patients for two years and counting, Dr. Jereth’s trial isn’t expected to start until 2022 where the Medical Board will likely seek a permanent ban on him practising medicine.”

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“The ‘domestic terrorism’ and ‘misuse of social media’ charges against Ramy Kamel, are proof that these labels can be easily used by abusive governments, ecclesial, and civic leaders, to squash dissent, in order to avoid accountability, reasoned opposition, and the truth.”

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“The Red Guards destroyed anything that is not Communist — statues, books and anything else, we were also encouraged to report on each other, just like the Student Equity Ambassador program and the bias reporting system.”

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Heed Chavura’s call, because he’s right: “Courage is the only way forward.”

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The lessons provided this week by the unjustified social media ban of Donald Trump, along with the industry-wide cancellation of Parler are dangerous precedents.

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Earlier this month, Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison announced that his Government had made the surprise unilateral decision to adjust the Australian national anthem by replacing the phrase “for we are young and free,” with “for we are one and free.”

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Salvatore Babiones’ 2018 book ‘The New Authoritarianism’ is an exposition on how tyranny and fascism are spawned by the exaltation of civil rights over against civil liberties.

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According to a list of grievances filed by the complainants, Shelton allegedly made a series of insulting slurs that “inferred” falsehoods, “incited hate,” and “implied” misrepresentations of the individuals involved.

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NSW One Nation leader, Mark Latham, is taking on the ‘thought police’ with a bill to protect free speech online. Mr Latham’s amendment seeks to (1) Empower/Make further provision for the President of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board to decline certain complaints; and (2) Remove the requirement for the President to refer declined complaints to NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. According to a post on Facebook: “The bill also exempts interstate residents making their public comments interstate and ensures complaints cannot be accepted against people who have exemptions in other parts of the Act.” Bernard Gaynor, a former Major in the…

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Democracy is a very old word. It comes from the Greek words demos meaning ‘the people’ and kratos meaning ‘power’. The opposite of democracy is aristocracy, the power of aristos, your ‘betters’ or, in other words, the nobility. History has repeatedly been shaped by the endless struggle between the strong who abuse power and the weak who resent it. In the 1800s, for instance, France had a people’s revolution. The commoners rioted. They killed a whole bunch of nobles. They burnt things. Overall they successfully de-fanged their aristos, thus ushering in a new era where the government would be for,…

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