546 search results for "free speech"

The second impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump has ended in an acquittal.

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Do you remember how before the redefinition of marriage people were saying that nothing would change, as well as how any mention of a ‘slippery slope’ was fear-mongering?

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If the attempt to try Donald Trump reveals anything, it’s not Hollywood’s anti-Nazism, it’s Hollywood’s fascination with fascism.

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Sometimes truth-affirming criticism comes from the most unexpected of places.

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Who leads the way in Australia when it comes to hating on Christians and Christianity – someone who does so regularly, habitually, and as a matter of course? One could think of plenty of likely candidates here.

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On 8th January, Twitter, a social network, announced that it was “permanently suspending” U.S. President Donald Trump’s account.

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The lessons provided this week by the unjustified social media ban of Donald Trump, along with the industry-wide cancellation of Parler are dangerous precedents.

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Rather than confronting the CCP for its deceitful and malicious practices both domestically and abroad, mainstream media outlets, celebrities, and politicians in the West have repeatedly attacked Donald Trump as the archnemesis of international relations.

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Last November the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison (LNP-Cook) gave a ‘UK Policy Exchange Virtual Address.’

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Passengers on a Delta Airlines flight from Washington D.C. have allegedly been kicked off an airplane for supporting President Donald Trump.

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Trump has conceded the 2020 election to Joe Biden. In his speech, the President first condemned the ‘heinous attack on the Capitol’ saying he was ‘outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem.’

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Last week, a Chinese citizen journalist was sentenced to four years in jail. Her crime: reporting on the coronavirus outbreak that began in her city of Wuhan.

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Salvatore Babiones’ 2018 book ‘The New Authoritarianism’ is an exposition on how tyranny and fascism are spawned by the exaltation of civil rights over against civil liberties.

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It’s worth pondering: Why would technocrats silence dissent, analysis, free and open debate, if the alleged Democrat “win” was legal?

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The Victorian anti-conversion therapy legislation is precisely what many opponents of same-sex marriage said was coming.

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‘Hate speech’ is really nothing more than speech truth-haters hate hearing.

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Revelations from late September of Biden campaign electoral fraud have resurfaced online.

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Donald Trump’s personal beliefs have been much scrutinised throughout his presidency.

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Live not by lies. This is the title of the now famous essay circulated among Moscow’s intellectuals by Russian writer and political prisoner, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, on the same day that he was arrested by secret police.

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‘Entrepreneur, digital marketing guru, and best-selling author’, Scott Galloway, told The Australian this week that an unholy alliance existed between Donald Trump, Facebook, Google, Youtube, and Twitter.

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