817 search results for "COvid"

“The mandate is clearly not about readiness, it is about compliance, even if it violates a service member’s sincerely held faith.”

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“The Church has been the most successful movement against arbitrary tyrants throughout history. The more the Church speaks up, the more we can challenge evil, and the more likely we are to see totalitarian efforts fail.”

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“A brand new Declaration has just been released, urging believers to do more to stand against oppressive statism and to champion the cause of liberty around the world.”

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To Premier Daniel Andrews she said: “I hope one day you’ll have your day in court.”

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“It is a serious offence of the Pastoral office to take what is the second greatest commandment, and use it to further the agenda of a set of politicians.”

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Healthcare workers in Illinois who lost their jobs or were otherwise impacted by their hospitals’ COVID-19 vaccine mandate are set to receive a $10 million settlement following a lawsuit challenging the rule.

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“Late last week, Berenson posted evidence online showing Twitter employees discussing questions from the White House about why he hadn’t been kicked off the platform.”

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“The nation’s ruling elites might do well to remember that the cosy images of consensus being broadcast on the nightly news and on ‘your ABC’ are the result not of genuine journalism but of government funding; and the censorship, in league with Big Tech, of dissidents.”

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“I have never felt oppressed in my life and I think it is wrong for this person to assume because of the colour of my skin I have, without even knowing anything of my background ethnicity or upbringing.”

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“The church should not only obey God when they find it convenient but also when it is difficult.  That is true obedience.”

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“Why should people choose between a job they need and a shot they don’t want?”

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“There is no neutral territory here. The homosexual behemoth is crushing all in its wake as it demands total submission and complete endorsement and compliance.”

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“…he’d be turning in his grave at some of this stuff.”

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“An important lesson drawn from COVID-19’s vaccine mandates is the cognitive distortions they expose.”

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“Knowing this one fact, that media is more about influencing you than informing you, allows you to turn it into a valuable source of counter-narrative information.”

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“Why is the media so uninterested in what seems to be another example of the brutal authoritarianism of the Victorian Labor Government and its minions?”

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“Many of the evangelical leaders who once refused to accept the state’s redefinition of God-ordained institutions were now complying at every point that the civil government imposed itself on the church, transgressing its God-defined limitations.”

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“The sad truth is that, for whatever reason, many who were injured by the vaccines are being either ignored, or actively shunned and mocked by some churches and much of society right now.”

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“Be a God-fearer, or something else will control you.”

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“Fake news false arrests, arbitrary detention, and imprisonment without trial continue to be significant cause for alarm here in the West, given the Leftist penchant for cancelling anyone who criticises, or chooses to remain unaffiliated, with the modern Left’s woke doctrines.”

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