280 search results for "january 6"

City officials are going after a women’s shelter in Anchorage after the Christian non-profit refuge twice denied admission to a transgender woman. In January last year, transgender woman, Samantha Coyle reportedly filed a complaint with the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission, alleging Downtown Hope Center discriminated against him based on his gender. “The gentleman came in. It was after hours for admitting anyone,” lawyer David Cortman of the Alliance Defending Freedom told KTUU. “He was inebriated. He was injured. He had just come from a fight where he was kicked out of another shelter.” The women’s shelter sent Coyle to a…

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What did the Blasey Ford/Kavanaugh charade in September 2018 show us? Opposition to a highly esteemed judge on ideological grounds warrants slander of the highest order to prevent him or anyone like him from being an influential law keeper. Like taking sides in a boxing ring, this issue polarised Americans: On the right, there is rule of law; on the left, there is mob rule. Clutching onto someone’s trauma, the left virtue signals token hashtags such as #IBelieveHer and #MeToo as munition for their own political agenda. The left does not care any more about victims of sexual assault than…

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Peter Tabichi, a 36-year-old Franciscan Monk from Kenya, has just won the Global Teaching prize, funded by the Dubai-based Varkey Foundation. This year the award was hosted by Hugh Jackman and carries with it a $1 million prize for excellence in teaching. Tabichi was selected from ‘over 10,000 applicants from around 179 countries’ and was one of ten finalists, which included U.K. teacher, Andrew Moffat, famous for gaining the ire of parents in Birmingham, for teaching LGBT ideology to kids, in a primary school with a large Muslim demographic. Largely focusing on the fact that Tabichi “gives away 80 per…

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The attack on Masjid Al Nor and Linwood Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand was horrific. The loss of life, the changed lives and the many painful years of grieving to come for the victims involved – all of it heartbreaking. The world, as we’re told, now stands in mourning for the innocent lives taken. Social media is saturated with comments from those in disbelief, to those looking to show solidarity, or outrage, and those who see the attack on the Mosque in New Zealand, as an opportunity to further their own self-interest. We are witnessing, and no doubt will witness,…

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CBN News: Evangelist Franklin Graham has revealed that he was recently suspended from Facebook for taking a stand for his biblical beliefs. The temporary ban lasted 24 hours, and while the censorship itself is shocking enough, it was also surprising that the ban was retroactive, resulting from a comment he made two years ago. “Well, now we know. Facebook has a secret rulebook for policing speech. I was banned from posting on Facebook last week for 24 hours. Why? Because of a post from back in 2016 about North Carolina’s House Bill 2 (the bathroom bill),” Graham explained in a…

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Media reports are confirming what many have speculated over the past week. American actor, Jussie Smollett has been charged with staging the anti-LGBT, race-hate attack, which he claimed to be a victim of back in January. As this was breaking, Twitter users were worked up into a frenzy over snippets of a John Wayne interview with Playboy magazine in 1971. This resurfacing of Wayne’s, “racist, anti-LGBT remarks”, strangely coincided with the breaking news about Jussie Smollett. While some of the criticism is defensible, the timing of the “news”, and the “viral” reaction to it is a convenient red herring. Why…

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American conservative media organization, PragerU, is facing an uphill battle against an increasing trend towards censorship of conservative content. Founded by Dennis Prager in 2009, and currently run by CEO, Marissa Streit, PragerU provides commentary and information on a wide range of subjects, from prominent thinkers and doers. PragerU also considers themselves to be a platform for the preservation of Judeo-Christian values, and “the concepts of freedom of speech, a free press, free markets and a strong military to protect and project those values.” (PragerU ‘What We Do’) In an official Facebook post from January 26th, 2019, PragerU admins wrote:…

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A ‘refugee’ on Manus Island has won a Victorian Premier’s Literary Award despite not being an Australian citizen or a permanent resident. Behrouz Boochani, a Kurdish journalist, took out the non-fiction section, scoring $25,000, before going on to win the $100,000 Victorian Prize for Literature, which is said to be the most valued literary award in the country. Conditions for entry stipulate that authors must be Australian citizens or permanent residents, however organisers decided to make an exception for Boochani. .@BehrouzBoochani’s book No Friend But the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison (@picador_aus) wins the Prize for Non-fiction. https://t.co/ItWrk9C6Jt #vpla2019 pic.twitter.com/3fkyOuTBu5…

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Virginia Democrats are pushing to loosen restrictions on late-term abortion. A new bill proposed in the Virginia legislature by Democrat Kathy Tran, would make it easier for women to kill their babies during the third trimester of pregnancy. Presently, Virginia law only allows for abortions during the third trimester if three doctors agree that continuing the pregnancy would result in the mother’s death or “substantially and irremediably” impair her mental or physical health. The new legislation would reduce the three-doctor-approval requirement to only one doctor. The bill further seeks to remove the words “substantially and irremediably” when referring to the…

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I’m not sure what the online content editor was thinking, but the “KKKennerley” clickbait headline, from Fairfax media (Australia’s biggest Leftist behemoth, outside the bloated solely tax-payer funded, state owned ABC) is ludicrous. This only serves division, and shows that the Leftist cult of modern liberalism in Australia needs a narrative of oppression, racism and bigotry, just to appear relevant. In other words, it serves their system to keep people divided, angry, confused and fear driven; convinced that their “racist white” neighbours are out to get them. What a disgusting headline from Fairfax. If deranged Leftist activists falsely accuse a…

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Kaitlin Bennett has asked students at the University of Cincinnati about their thoughts on the Covington Catholic controversy and the threats of violence the students received following the incident. “Are you willing to disavow all the death threats and all the threats against the students at the school?” Bennett asked a man at the university. “No, sorry,” he replied with a shrug. “They are minors! Do you think minors should be getting death threats?” Bennett asked. “I can’t care for them one way or the other,” the man went on to say. “They would look at me and probably call…

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Elizabeth Warren, whose estimated net worth is said to be $18.5 million, took to Twitter to complain about Dan Snyder’s new $100 million superyacht. Warren tweeted: “This billionaire NFL owner just paid $100M for a ‘superyacht’ with its own iMax theater. I’m pretty sure he can pay my new #UltraMillionaireTax to help the millions of yacht-less Americans struggling with student loan debt.” This billionaire NFL owner just paid $100M for a "superyacht" with its own iMax theater. I'm pretty sure he can pay my new #UltraMillionaireTax to help the millions of yacht-less Americans struggling with student loan debt. https://t.co/Gk4ifAkxdT —…

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Avi Yemini has hit the streets of Melbourne again, this time to speak with folks protesting Australia Day. Well, something like that, at least. They’re just not really sure what’s going on. “Are you against Australia Day?” Yemini asked a protester at the rally. “Yeah,” the man replied. “What’s the problem with Australia Day?” Yemini asked. “I’m not quite sure. I’m not from here. I’m not a local,” the man responded. Another protester told Yemini that the problem with celebrating Australia Day on 26 January is that, “on this day James Cook arrived in Australia.” Actually, James Cook landed at…

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Richard Dawkins is proof that even the most ridiculous statements can sound educated if said in a certain British accent. Well, Twitter isn’t going to do Dawkins any favours there. His most recent absurd claim: Patriotism might be more evil than faith. “Contemplation of WW 1 & 2 persuades me that patriotism (“My country right or wrong”) might be even more evil than supernatural faith. Italians in 1943 deserve credit for finally turning on their preposterous Duce. But for Germans, the lure of patriotic loyalty was too strong.” Contemplation of WW 1 & 2 persuades me that patriotism (“My country…

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Police and security guards removed three men from Optus Stadium after the trio displayed a banner which read, “It’s OK to be white.” According to The West Australian, the banner was hung from the top tier for less than a minute before the men rolled it up and walked away. “It is not clear if any futher action will be taken against the men as the decision is understood to lie with Cricket Australia.” Channel Ten have praised the actions of authorities for removing the men saying, “There’s no place for this in our society.” “Why don’t they unfold that…

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If you’re not really into Information Technology and are not aware of what the Golden Shield project is, you’re forgiven. The majority of Chinese people either don’t care or aren’t aware of its existence either. The Golden Shield Project is Communist China’s massive firewall. It’s designed to keep a lid on dissent and ward off foreign influence on Chairman Mao’s, carefully constructed Communist culture, which was largely forced on the Chinese people during the Marxist/Maoist Cultural Revolution. Some basic history: ‘The Golden Shield project has been in development since the 1990s’. According to a Tom McDonald field study published by…

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Owen Shroyer from InfoWars has shared footage of the moment he was groped by a woman at the 2019 Women’s March. “So if our President can grab a woman by the p-ssy, I can grab you by the b-lls,” the woman said after assaulting Shroyer on camera. “She just grabbed my d–k,” a stunned Shroyer said. “Is that sexual assault?” “Yes, I did assault you,” the woman replied. “Should you be arrested?” Shroyer asked. “Arrest me! There are police officers right here,” she said. “So, look at this: Women have so much privilege she can sexually assault me and get away…

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This week CNN claimed, “A crowd of teenagers surrounded a Native American elder and other activists and appeared to mock them after Friday’s Indigenous Peoples March at the Lincoln Memorial.” A CNN tweet linking to the report also claimed: “Video shows a crowd of teenagers wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ hats taunting a Native American elder…” The video, which was widely shared by numerous news media outlets, shows a student from a Catholic high school staring at a Native American man as he chants and beats a drum in the young man’s face. What’s been implied is that the student…

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Nine’s Today Show report Brooke Boney has said she doesn’t want to celebrate Australia Day because the arrival of the British was “the beginning of – what some people would say – the end.” “I can’t separate the 26th of January from the fact that my brothers are more likely to go to jail than school,” Boney said. “Or that my little sisters and my mum are more likely to be beaten or raped than anyone else’s sisters or mum. And that started from that day.” Whose fault is it that aboriginal men commit crime? Whites. Whose fault is it…

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You’ve probably seen it by now. In just two days Gillette’s “short film” combating “toxic masculinity” racked up over 12 million views on YouTube. The almost two-minute feature is currently the third most trending video, but to Gillette’s dismay, the general feedback has not all been positive. Since being uploaded onto YouTube, the video has received just over 300k ‘thumbs up’ by viewers, while over 700k viewers voted it down, mostly for its negative portrayal of men and masculinity. But according to folks on social media, there is another issue with the video that most viewers seem to have missed.…

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