
Mandatory Vaccinations Turn the State Into Master and the Citizen Into Slave

"The door that allows Government to get away with mandating medical procedures under threat of losing your livelihood, gives them the power to mandate the theft of your land, your house, your savings, your kids, and your property."

Medical conscription is a product of chattel slavery, it turns people into the property of the state.

It’s for this reason that the forced medical conscription of civilians is banned by constitutions and human rights codes.

Pro-mandatory vaccinators and those who launched recent attacks on The Ezekiel Declaration overlook this fact.

They also miss how forced medical procedures are contra to Imago Dei (Image of God).

The Imago Dei mandates that the State, corporations, individuals, and institutions have no right of claim to ownership of another person or their body.

Biblical injunctions against chattel slavery, and rules concerning indentured service emphasise the importance of this mandate.

Man and woman are made in the image of God. Not in the image of the State, superstitions, imaginations, idols, ideas, or ideologies that seek to shape and control them.

Ergo, domestic vaccine passports (which really only are a euphemism for mandatory vaccinations) are a vile, inhumane, ironic negation of humanity.

“No jab, no job” is another way of saying “convert, or starve”.

It is a “choice” between the slave master swinging the whip, or doing the slave master’s bidding.

Forced medical procedures are the weapons of tyrants.

The problem isn’t just an arbitrary division between the “unvaxxed” and “vaxxed”, it’s the divide widened between those deemed “essential” and those “unessential.”

In blunt terms: life worthy of life vs. “life unworthy of life.”

The cruelty this will spawn has no limits.

The door that allows Government to get away with mandating medical procedures under threat of losing your livelihood, gives them the power to mandate the theft of your land, your house, your savings, your kids, and your property.

Such is the dehumanising embrace of an arbitrary Us vs. Them -oppressor vs. oppressed – false dichotomy.

Look at the self-righteous “tone” in the opposition to Caldron Pool’s efforts to speak truth in love; to promote the Gospel’s liberating power to uphold life, light, and liberty.

It’s shameful that some church leaders seem professionally threatened by other Christians, and not the outlaw governments telling them that they’re not essential.

It’s just as equally shameful that mandatory vaccination “Christians” are backing Government policies that will hurt families, under the guise of “loving your neighbour.”

Who are the selfish ones? The ones pushing for the protection of civil liberties, or those happy to undermine them on a narrative that demands we all “fall in, line up, goosestep in unison, and salute, or else!?

I can tell you, it’s not the individual being bullied into leaping before they look.

Neither is it the family being told they’re selfish and ungodly if they “don’t follow the fear and give in to the government without question.”

Christians are called to lead by example in separating truth from falsehood.

It’s not “selfish” to question manipulative propaganda.

It’s not “selfish” to communicate strong concerns when medical science is being censored in favour of an approved political narrative.

This was illustrated by Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, who has claimed that COVID-19 will become a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

This is despite the science showing that the vaccinated still carry and transmit COVID. That COVID is at its worst in those over 70, and those with comorbidities.

This is despite scientists stating that we should only vaccinate the vulnerable because mass vaccinations will create worse mutations.

Niceness and nuance are not effective answers to manipulative propaganda.

Any Pastor who manipulates others into playing Russian roulette with a questionable “vaccine” is a disgrace to their office.

Anyone who argues that it’s “selfish” to pray, wait on the Lord, or practice the gift of discernment (aka informed consent), is preaching a doctrine of demons.

Anyone claiming that opposition to medical conscription is opposition to medicine is manipulating you.

As are those who scream “get the vaxx.” Don’t think. Don’t wait. Just do.

This isn’t faith. Nor is it loving.

Faith is a work of Christ. It is a prayerfully minded action, worked out in us vis a vis the light of God’s wisdom (see 1 Timothy 3:16-17).

Anyone who doesn’t encourage you to wait, to pray, and then act, are preaching a false gospel (See King David’s list in Psalm 37, Psalm 91, and Psalm 27).

Faith seeks understanding. We’re to operate alongside, on, and in the wisdom of God, not the wisdom of the world.

This means informed choice, not forced compliance.

This means prayerfully seeking out the absolute best medical options provided by providence through the vocation of proper medical professionals.

The alternative to never-ending booster shots and totalitarian “health” measures must be sought out.

As Dr. Robert Malone and Peter Navarro argued in a recent article entitled Sorry Facebook, forced universal vaccinations are not the answer.

Vaccines are likely to produce stronger mutations, making the vaccine-mutation-vaccine cycle the stuff of Sisyphus.

In sum, COVAXXES are becoming as ridiculous as excessive lockdowns.

They’ve been tried, they’re not stopping the virus.

Surely securing a treatment and preventative, alongside better vaccines, is the better option?

For The Ezekeial Declaration’s critics, their energy would be better spent fighting against the virus, instead of fighting against those trying to stop corrupt leaders from turning their citizens into the virus.

While some Christian leaders – who’ve long since sold out to Leftism – applaud the tiring oppressive nonsense of increasingly bad governance, there are others who see the precipice of this abyss and are taking a stand against bad leaders dragged us all into it.

Daring to sigh with the wounded is an outworking of sacrificial love.

Risking livelihoods by rejecting medical conscription/chattel slavery is an outworking of sacrificial love.

Rejecting a theology of glory – which places Government on the same level as God – and choosing instead to live out the theology of the cross, is far from misrepresenting the Gospel.

The Ezekiel Declaration’s rejection of medical conscription is a definitive “yes” to Imago Dei, and by extension a stern “Nein” to chattel slavery.

This is the Church wielding the Gospel, reminding the State wielding the Sword, that it must radically reverse any and all policies that serve to enslave and harm, rather than liberate and heal.

Hated by both sides of the political divide for not surrendering truth to falsehood, martyred Latin American Priest, Oscar Romero wrote:

“What kind of Gospel does not disturb? What kind of Word of God does not rankle, a Word of God that does not touch the concrete sin of the society in which it is being proclaimed? What kind of church does not disturb people’s consciences and provoke a crisis, but instead issues nice, pious considerations that bother nobody? – what kind of Gospel is that?” (paraphrased)

It’s on the grounds expressed above that The Ezekiel Declaration has my full support.

People are not property.

As the 20th century shows: it’s best to draw a line in the sand than bury our heads in it.

Romero, O. 2018. ‘The Scandal of Redemption: When God Liberates the Poor, Saves Sinners, and Heals Nations’, Plough Publishing (p.55)



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