
George Christensen’s Final Scorching Speech to the Federal Parliament

“Our democracy is one that should be from the people up, not from the globalists down.”

The bane of both mild, and mad, Australian Leftism has delivered a power-packed valedictorian address to the Australian people.

Outspoken Queensland representative for Dawson, George Christensen (LNP) farewelled parliament in true Australia First style on Thursday.

In his appeal to Parliamentary Representation, an appreciative Christensen thanked supporters. He then gave reasons for leaving and ripped into the toxic erosion of the Westminster standard of good governance in Australia.

To warm up, Christensen listed a wide range of representation wins for the people in his electorate.

These included, ‘the Mackay Ring Road’, infrastructure upgrades, roads, dams, and redevelopment funds for community service providers, such as clubs, and an HQ, hanger extension for two Bell 412 Central-Northern Queensland, RACQ CQ rescue helicopters.

Seconded by colleague, Bob Katter, Christensen cited his biggest wins as mitigating the rising costs of insurance for North Queenslanders affected by natural disasters, and winning a “fight” for farmers against foreign conglomerates monopolising mills, with Christensen stating, “I do not want to see farmers or anyone else in this country basically becoming serfs to a foreign landlord.”

Christensen added the Royal Commission into the misconduct of banks, and the opening of the Adani mine – where he was often faced with dishonest opposition from the anti-coal, “extreme green network,” the Labor Party, GetUp, and leftist dominated legacy media companies.

The veteran representative’s adieu didn’t end there.

Despite Christensen’s metaphorical quip about being a “political mongrel,” the 28-minute speech revealed a deeper facet to the man maligned for not being in step with the LNP echo chamber or bowing before the left’s hegemonic group-think.

In an emotional recount, the member for Dawson described the pain of being separated from family, particularly his young daughter.

He spoke with sorrow, about the frustration of not being able to be there for her birth, and gave pause when discussing complications suffered by his wife during childbirth.

Christensen added:

“I actually don’t like coming to Canberra anymore […] Question time’s a farce […] we say something in favour of a government bill, the opposition say something against it and we all vote for it or against it, depending on what the party says. In the Labor Party you get expelled for doing anything else. On our side, you just get ostracised.”

 Challenging the “stale” political theatre he asked, “What happened to individuality in this place? What happened to critical thinking? What happened to true representation?” 

“As a nation,” Christensen said, “there needs to be greater room in this place for backbenchers to say what they really think, publicly, in this chamber, and to vote accordingly.”

Christensen asserted, “The notion of party discipline needs to give way to representation…otherwise we run the risk of Parliament degenerating in a sheltered workshop for those who can’t think for themselves.”

The member for Dawson then criticised the political response to COVID-19, saying:

“Then there’s COVID. You’ve heard it before. We’ve blown up freedoms, bodily autonomy, medical privacy, human rights, community cohesion and many businesses and jobs, all for a virus with a 0.27 per cent infection fatality rate. It should never have happened, and yet some of it is still happening.” 

Following this, he warned against the pending “digital identity bill being pushed by the elite globalist World Economic Forum.”

Christensen told parliament:

“No one has ever approached me as a member of parliament and said they want the nation to adopt a digital identity system. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has called for it but we don’t answer to them.”

He added:

“Our democracy is one that should be from the ground up, the people up, not from the globalists down […] The World Economic Forum, the United Nations and other globalist bodies should not dictate to Australia what laws we have.”

Concluding his farewell, Christensen gave credit to Jesus Christ, and quoted Church forebear, Athanasius: “If the world is against the truth, then I’m against the world.”

Thus, Christensen said, “I’m freeing myself, knowing this is no longer the world I belong to.”

He affirmed the “right to life as the most fundamental liberty”; spoke up for freedom of speech.

He slammed the far-left radical hijacking of words that undermine democracy, Big Tech censorship.

He drew down on the “bias of legacy media” as it “cheers on big government and wokeism.”

He opposed “net zero” madness, stating, “We should never sacrifice people’s livelihoods, people’s jobs, people’s businesses and farms, our regions or our nation on the altar of the political religion that is man-made climate change.”

He argued for Australian politicians to do more for Australian citizens imprisoned overseas, and advocated a ban on the Communist Chinese Party owning anything of “strategic value.”

He spoke up for a stronger defence force. Then defended the rights of mothers and fathers to protect their children from “woke trends, ideologies.”

He damned domestic violence as “reprehensible,” offering the sober balance to this by stating, “masculinity is not toxic and most men are not violent.”

He then inferred support for family court reform and fairness in childcare, saying, “parental alienation is a form of child abuse.”

He finished with a warning, note well: “corporate Australia has gone woke, and is no friend to conservatives.”

Every ounce of Christensen’s speech sets God over government, as the only way government can avoid becoming a god.

Christensen’s finale is a manifesto for the resuscitation of representative democracy.

To sum up, ‘Parliamentary Representation’ is the only way the polluted Westminster system of government can be saved, from the toxicity eroding Australia’s historical standard of good governance.

As for what’s next, George Christensen told Caldron Pool in January, the hiatus means “time out with family.”

He also said, “I’m pulling out of parliament, not politics.”

This isn’t retirement, this is a repositioning.

In other words, while the Bruce Wayne era is gracefully coming to an end, the Batman era is about to begin.


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