The Australian Parliament votes in favour of redefining marriage and how do same-sex marriage supporters celebrate? By taking to their Twitter feeds and tweeting, “Eat sh-t Lyle.” The phrase has been tweeted so many times that it’s now trending globally. And given the behaviour of the YES supporters during the course of the survey, I don’t think anyone is even slightly surprised.
"Now I am become Lyle, the eater of shit."
— Benjamin Law ? (@mrbenjaminlaw) December 7, 2017
Eat shit, Lyle.
— Clementine Ford (@clementine_ford) November 14, 2017
eat shit lyle
— dan nolan (@dannolan) December 7, 2017
eat shit lyle
— Bec Shaw (@Brocklesnitch) December 7, 2017
I don't want to feel left out so eat shit Lyle
— cat • h • y (@catherinebouris) December 7, 2017
— Pixelated Ho Ho Hoat (@pixelatedboat) December 7, 2017
Australia can’t stop tweeting “Eat Shit Lyle” and I am so goddamn proud. #marriageequality
— John Johnsonson (@JohnJohnsonson) December 7, 2017
Bless u all and EAT SHIT LYLE
— its beginning to look a lot like crombuns ? (@courtwhip) December 7, 2017
Okay, so #eatshitlyle is trending.
Eat shit, Lyle. Lyle, eat shit. Lyle Shelton can eat some shit. You lost. Your outdated, bigotted views lost. Please go and eat some shit. Love won. You're exceptionally irrelevant now and also just the worst.
So #eatshitlyle
— Kassi Klower ? (@kassi_klower) December 7, 2017
#eatshitlyle is now trending in Australia
— Trends Australia (@TrendsAustralia) December 7, 2017
Because you know, #lovewins.