Doctors to earn more for aborting babies than caring for pregnant women.
At midnight on New Year’s Day, the Republic of Ireland’s new abortion law was enacted, following a referendum which showed massive support for legalisation. Despite a huge campaign to save the 8th Amendment – which had previously protected Ireland’s pre-born babies – and courageous opposition from pro-life politicians, years of poor catechesis coupled with injections of cash from pro-abortion globalists meant that the majority of the Irish people were ready to embrace legal child-killing. Irish doctors are outraged, since they are now obliged to refer for abortions, (and possibly to perform them!) and shockingly, will earn more for aborting babies…
This is how you say “abortion” in sign language and it’s heartbreaking
Pro-abortionists have spent a great deal of time and energy ensuring the language used when referencing abortion veils the real horrors of the practice. Euphemisms are employed to dehumanize the unborn and to make the procedure seem more like a health issue than the killing of a human life. The pro-choice movement presents itself as a champion of women’s rights, while any opposition is dismissed as anti-women, backward, and oppressive. We who value life need to make sure we’re not adopting the doublespeak and euphemistic language of those who want to redefine human life and what constitutes as murder in…
The dark history of Planned Parenthood
“Hordes of people are born, who live, yet who have done absolutely nothing to advance the race one iota. Their lives are hopeless repetitions… Such human weeds clog up the path, drain up the energies and the resources of this little earth. We must clear the way for a better world; we must cultivate our garden.” You’d be forgiven for thinking these were the words of some maniacal tyrant such as Adolf Hitler or Chairman Mao. The truth is, they’re not. They’re the words of a woman Hilary Clinton “admires… enormously.” Barack Obama has said he’s “truly grateful” to the…
The Exclusion Zone contagion is spreading.
Queensland: Exclusion-zones went into force this week in Queensland, along with the state’s new act that moved abortion into the health code. Queensland is the fourth Australian state to enact the zones – this includes New South Wales, where abortion is still technically illegal; both territories also have the so-called ‘Safe-Access’ zones. Pro-lifers who wish to pray outside abortion mills and offer help to the women entering them will now have to stand 150m away from the entrance or risk huge fines and potential incarceration. Graham Preston, the prominent activist who is one party in the High Court challenge to exclusion-zones, has been…
Australian Senator declares himself a woman so that pro-choice lefties will no longer be able to attack him for opposing abortion.
We’ve all heard the objections. No uterus, no opinion. Well, Nationals Senator Barry O’Sullivan has just clobbered the Left with their own stick. O’Sullivan told parliament he now identifies as a woman so that he would no longer be attacked for his opposition to abortion. “They attacked me for my religious basis the other day… because I had the audacity to raise issues around late-term abortion where babies that are only minutes away from getting a smack on the arse and a name are being aborted under the policies of the Australian Greens,” O’Sullivan said. “I will not stand silent.…
The death of sanctity.
Economics tells us that the value of a thing is nothing more or less than what someone is willing to pay for it. The most amazing painting, the rarest antique, the most ingenious book… none of these have any value if no-one wants them. What, then, is the value of a person? If this question were asked in eighteenth-century Britain, the answer would be something like “three guineas, maybe four. Does he have all his teeth?” At that time, the slave trade treated humans as a commodity within a capitalist framework. The economics definition applied:like gold, oil and toilet-paper, a…
Caught on tape: Planned Parenthood accept donation from white supremacist wanting to reduce the number of black people: ‘For whatever reason we’ll accept the money.’
Live Action have shared a video of Planned Parenthood accepting a donation for the specific purpose of reducing the number of black babies in Ohio. “If you specifically want it to underwrite an abortion for a minority person, you can target it that way,” a Planned Parenthood administrative assistant said. “You can specify that that’s how you want it spent.” “There’s definitely way too many black people in Ohio, so I’m just trying to do my part,” the man said. “Okay, whatever,” the administrator responded. “Blacks especially need abortions too,” the man went on to say. “So that’s what I’m…
Visual comparison: This is how many children are aborted every year in Australia.
The murder of the unborn is perhaps the greatest evil of our time. More people are killed before birth than on the battle field. R.C. Sproul said, “I believe we are in the midst of a new and more evil holocaust, which sees the destruction of 1.5 million unborn babies every year in the United States alone.” Who would have thought that the most dangerous place to be, was not in war, but in the womb. The following depicts the shocking horror of the Australian holocaust that is abortion. Every ? represents 100 Australian lives lost. ? = ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? World War I (1914-18): ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????…
Directing Light Under The Shadow Of Nihilism: How Abortion Negates Freedom
For those who believe in absolute freedom, any “no” spoken to humanity from outside humanity, is repressive, and unfairly restrictive. In the shadow of this logic, even a lighthouse or global positioning navigation is offensive. Both the lighthouse and GPS direct humanity. They protect freedom, because in their very confrontation with us, they invite true freedom. They remind us of individual responsibility. Their existence shows us the necessity and power of decision. They direct us to make responsible choices. The existence of the lighthouse warns us that danger awaits. To act in absolute freedom and ignore this warning, is to…
Bridges turn purple to raise awareness of Rett Syndrome, Jackie Trad hijacks the cause: they’re purple to celebrate abortion.
Queensland is celebrating the decriminalisation of abortion by turning the bridges purple, or so Jackie Trad initially thought. The state’s deputy premier posted photos on Twitter Thursday afternoon showing Victoria Bridge and Kurilpa Bridge lit up purple. “Love seeing our local bridges beaming with purple light to celebrate the passing of our bill to decriminalise abortion,” Trad said. “We’re keeping them lit up right across the weekend so make sure you go check them out.” Love seeing our local bridges beaming with purple light to celebrate the passing of our bill to decriminalise abortion. We’re keeping them lit up right…
Does everything have to be seen through the prism of gender?
A recent opinion piece on has argued that women should be outraged at the recent vote to decriminalise abortion by the Queensland Parliament, because of the strong gender divide between the yes and no votes. You see, we should be outraged that most female MPs voted yes and that male MP’s dominated the no vote. The picture presented here is that the vast majority of women are in favour of killing babies and it’s that evil patriarchy who are holding them back – men who don’t deserve to contribute to this debate because they don’t have a uterus. While…
The abortion of our conscience
It is the best of times. At no other time in human history has there been less war or invasion, plagues or pestilence, slavery or poverty. There has never been more knowledge, education and instant availability of information literally in the pockets and at the fingertips of more people than there is now. We are empowered, free and masters of our own destiny. We are civilised and enlightened and the major problems which plagued humanity for millennia have largely been solved. But it is the worst of times. We boast of social progress from the pagan ignorance of slavishly worshipping…
The Queensland Parliament gives the green light to abortion… so expecting parents aren’t inconvenienced with a baby.
When Queensland Deputy Premier, Jackie Trad, put forward her case for abortion, she basically appealed to three arguments: (1) “The right of women to control their own reproduction, their own bodies, is such an important part of equality in our society. (2) To prioritise the rights of a fetus above that of a woman is something that I find offensive. (3) Because the logical conclusion to that argument is that a woman should be forced to continue an unwanted pregnancy.” These tried old arguments are completely wrong for the following reasons: 1. In an abortion, a woman isn’t “controlling” her…
Abortion decriminalised in Queensland: up to 22-weeks no questions asked, after 22-weeks with doctors’ approval.
Queensland’s abortion decriminalisation bill passed State Parliament Wednesday night, 50 to 41. Abortion will now be removed from the criminal code and made a “health issue,” allowing women to abort their babies up to 22 weeks’ gestation. Abortions after 22 weeks will be allowed with the approval of two doctors. Safe zones will also be established around abortion clinics to prevent pro-lifers and side-walk counselors from reaching out to women seeking an abortion. Queensland Deputy Premier Jackie Trad celebrated the outcome saying, “What a day for women. What a day for Queensland. We finally did it.” Lyle Shelton from the…
WATCH: Pro-abortion activists bring KNIVES to peaceful pro-life march in Melbourne.
Weapons were seized and a man was arrested after pro-choice activists attempted to shut down a peaceful pro-life march in Melbourne today. The ninth annual March for the Babies attracted several thousand pro-life advocates intent on ending the cruel and heartless slaughter of the unborn. According to Bill Muehlenberg: “Since the horrific abortion on demand law was passed here ten years ago, there have been over 200,000 babies killed with official state sanction. Some 20,000 poor preborn children are taken to their slaughter each year thanks to one of the most liberalised abortion laws in the world.” WATCH:
WATCH: Shocking moment a male feminist kicks young pro-life woman: ‘Someone call the cops!’
Footage of the shocking moment a young pro-life woman was kicked by an abortion advocating, male feminist has gone viral on social media. Youth coordinator with Campaign Life Coalition Marie-Claire Bissonnette was roundhouse-kicked by Toronto hairdresser Jordan Hunt because he didn’t agree with her pro-life stance. Soon after the 40-second clip went viral, Hunt was identified and the footage was forwarded to his employers at Noble Studio 101, who promptly fired him. “It has been brought to our attention that Jordan Hunt has been caught on camera assaulting an innocent bystander at a pro-life rally,” Noble Studio 101 said on…
Kids are a trap? No way, NHS!
In Walsall, the UK NHS vacuously asserts “Bware da baby trap – use a condom” on bus ads. The ads infantalise Brits by pushing contraception as a way to avoid parenthood, and by extension sacrificing nights out on the town or in playing video games. The two ads ask, “Would you give up this?” followed by a picture of either a video game controller or a roll of lipstick and pair of high heels; then “For this?” followed by a baby pacifier. The makeup ad says, “You can still get Emergency Contraception up to five days (120 hours) after unprotected…
Guatemala rejects new bill to legalise abortion after 20,000 pro-lifers protest
Earlier this month incredible grassroots action from the pro-life majority forced a feminist group to drop a legislative clause that would legalise abortion when the mother’s life was not at risk. According to LifeNews, Women Transforming the World (a project of the UN Population Fund, which has been known to support coercive abortion and involuntary sterilisation), told AFP “we’re not ready to talk about” abortion in Guatemala.” Without the abortion clause, the bill would provide social and educational support for girls who become pregnant and is slated to be adopted by Parliament. Another upcoming bill toughens abortion laws, prohibits same-sex…
Teen records a message for his generation days before his death.
A high school football star has left a message for his generation just days before losing a short battle with an aggressive bone cancer. Jeremiah Thomas, the 16-year-old from Texas, was diagnosed with Osteoblastic osteosarcoma less than 20 weeks ago. “There’s cancer, and all cancer is bad, it’s devastating to anybody that goes through it, and then there’s this kind of cancer,” Jeremiah’s father Rusty Thomas said. “This is one of the most aggressive, fiercest cancers on the planet.” In a video shared on social media, Jeremiah said: “I don’t know how much time I have left on this earth,…
Thousands of doctors and medical experts say, abortion is never medically necessary to save a woman’s life.
Over a thousand doctors and medical professionals have signed a statement declaring that abortion is never medically necessary to save a woman’s life. The Dublin Declaration on Maternal Healthcare, as it has been called, has gathered signatures from numerous obstetricians, gynecologists, medical professionals, nurses, midwives, neonatologists, pediatricians and medical students. The declaration states: As experienced practitioners and researchers in obstetrics and gynecology, we affirm that direct abortion – the purposeful destruction of the unborn child – is not medically necessary to save the life of a woman. We uphold that there is a fundamental difference between abortion, and necessary medical…
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