Ordinary people can’t be trusted with freedom, says former high court justice
Former High Court justice Kirby’s nasty and hostile opinion letter warns religious freedom will let people publish opinions which are… nasty and hostile. “Religious freedom bill ‘will sustain nastiness and hostility’, Michael Kirby warns”… or at least, that’s what the headline in The Guardian article warns. Allow me to interpret that for you. “The God-given social liberty to disagree, debate, articulate and act in accordance with individual convictions (a.k.a religious freedom) will sometimes be used by people who aren’t very happy and they may say some things a nicer person wouldn’t.” What former High Court justice Michael Kirby is really saying is…
Jacinta Price confronts shameless activists exploiting Aboriginal family’s grief for political agenda
Shameless activists inciting racial division and hatred have disrespected a grieving family’s wishes for calm and peace while investigations into the death of an Aboriginal man shot by police continue. Jacinta Price took to social media yesterday to urge restraint from jumping to conclusions following the death of her nineteen-year-old nephew, Kumanjayi Walker, after a police shooting in the remote indigenous community of Yuendumu, 293 kilometres north-west of Alice Springs on Saturday last week. Speaking on behalf of the family she advised they were “waiting to understand the circumstances around his death.” Warning against turning the incident into a witch…
When we shouldn’t feed the hungry: The goal of welfare should never be to make poverty more comfortable
Sometimes it’s unloving to feed the hungry. That might sound odd considering everything the Bible has to say about taking care of the poor. But there is a time when feeding hungry people can actually do them harm. In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, the Apostle Paul said, “if anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.” We eat to satisfy our hunger, but Paul wants certain people to remain hungry, namely, those who are not willing to work. This is because Paul knows that when you feed a man who is unwilling to work, you kill his God-given motivation…
Would You Rather Kneel Before the State or Have the State Kneel Before King Jesus?
All societies are theocratic. All of them! The only thing that distinguishes them is how the reigning ‘theos’ or ‘god’ of each society is defined. In a lecture delivered at New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho, Doug Wilson explained that the reigning theos of any society can be identified by locating that society’s highest authority. The highest authority is the point at which no further appeals can be made. A Christian society recognises the highest authority as Jesus Christ. That is what Christians mean when we say Jesus is Lord or Jesus is King. Jesus is the supreme authority…
Is Theocratic Libertarianism the answer?
If you’re going to engage the culture, or offer any sort of political commentary, chances are someone will eventually ask you where you align politically. We might have a basic idea of what people mean when they refer to themselves as Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Democrat, Libertarian, and so on. But is there any reason we should be limited to the categories usually offered us? Perhaps there is a better option. During a lecture at New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho, Doug Wilson said, things in our public life are so gummed up that he believes we can openly call…
Feminist supremacists on Q&A’s misandry fest undermined the feminist critique
I’ve lost count of the reasons for why I don’t solely rely on the ABC for information. Monday night’s Q&A panel discussion ranks among them. The panel was a dismissal display of the feminist critique. The misandry fest squawked a lot about killing and being killed, in regards to “whiteness” and “the Patriarchy”, but didn’t include their own matriarchal tyrannical bloodletting against their own children, or any discussion on where that violent tyranny leads. The panel exemplified the fact that female supremacist ideology threatens legitimate feminist criticisms. This is militant feminism preaching a hatred that is no different to what…
Nazism, like Communism, is an industry built on victimhood
Entitled ‘Gideon: God is my Lord’[i] and preached in Berlin on February 26, 1933, Bonhoeffer gave his first sermon since Hitler had been enshrined as chancellor 27 days prior. Bonhoeffer’s decision to preach from the Old Testament was deliberate. In my opinion, he couldn’t have picked a more controversial figure, at the time, to make a political point. Nazism, much the same as Communism, is an industry built on victimhood. These systems need a perpetual sense of victimization and sympathy in order to maintain membership and political momentum. Bonhoeffer understood this. He chose Gideon in a deliberate attempt to preach…
Christians will no longer be tolerated: Quoting the Bible puts other people’s lives at risk, says ARLC chairman
The new Australian Rugby League Commission chairman has said he has no tolerance for people like Israel Folau, who put other people’s lives in danger by quoting the Bible. During an official press conference, ARLC chairman Peter V’landys said he will not welcome Folau back into the game, suggesting publicly expressing a biblical view of sexuality will result in gay-bashings. This game is inclusive. Israel’s comments are not inclusive. When I was a kid and kids used to get bashed up because they were different, I used to go and defend them. And a lot of them, it’s because their…
If Halloween, why not Thanksgiving? Australians adopting Halloween is a sign of greater longing
It’s a peculiar thing to see Australians, who naturally have a caustic view of Americans, along with contempt and suspicion of any kind of pageantry and ceremony, embrace American cultural traditions which involve pageantry, and ceremony. If the irony fits, wear it. None of what I’ve just said is untrue. Remember the hate and mockery thrown at Tony Abbott when his government reinstated knights and dame honours for Australians? Only to have Malcolm Turnbull ditch it, after he led the takedown of Abbott’s reign as Prime Minister, and was himself enthroned as Prime Minister in a bloodless coup. Should Australians completely…
Middle-Class Christianity vs Christianity
A lot of what is called Christian morality today is not necessarily Christian, but more accurately described as Middle-Class Christianity. It is the Christianity influenced by the Victorian era politeness and the rather quiet indoor working spaces of many Christians, who tend heavily towards the middle class. Here are examples of the difference: Middle-Class Christianity: Don’t be harsh and use mean words to those who come to you, especially if they are in need. Christianity: Jesus said to the Syrophoenician woman: You don’t give the children’s food to the dogs (Matt 15:21-28, Mark 7:24-30). Middle-Class Christianity: It is wrong to even insult those…
The 50th G.M.A Dove Awards was a diverse city, just not musically diverse enough
The best and brightest of those registered with the American Gospel Music Association recently celebrated the 50th annual GMA, Dove Awards. The Gospel Music Association began in 1964, with the purpose of ‘serving as the face and voice of the Gospel/Christian music community, dedicating itself to exposing, promoting and celebrating the Gospel through the music of all styles.’ The first Dove Awards ceremony was held in 1969. The awards showcase G.M.A talent and provide a window into the world of Christian music for the broader culture. There are 5 divisions catering for 38 categories, all helping G.M.A ‘accomplish its mission…
The butchery at Planned Parenthood defies belief
Dr Michael Brown is the special guest speaker at the Church And State Summit 2020 in Brisbane and host of a daily, live radio show syndicated across the United States during which he takes calls, interviews guests and tackles the big controversies facing Western culture. He’s seen and heard it all and has a gift for graciously yet unflinchingly offering truth with love. You could say it’s hard to shock him, and harder still to make him cry. But he was moved to tears when he interviewed the Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, Mat Staver, about his organisation’s legal defence of Sandra…
Pornography is a Public Health Crisis
In an effort to normalise pornography, there are people who point out that porn has been around since ancient times. That might be true, but porn today is like nothing the world has ever seen. Pornography is now everywhere. It’s available on almost every screen and smartphone on the planet. In the West, what was once scandalous and shrewdly stocked in the newsagent or video store is now fodder for billboards, and makes for vanilla viewing on primetime TV. Would you believe that pornography is a US$97 billion global industry? Porn’s unstoppable popularity might be why so many in the mainstream…
Forcing kids to transition: Sydney Watson highlights two horrific cases that EVERYONE needs to know
With the number of people identifying as transgender on the rise, particularly among youngsters, it’s absolutely necessary that we consider the longterm negative impacts of gender “reassignment” surgeries and hormone drug treatments, especially when they’re being forced on young children. In the U.S., gender clinics are reporting large upticks in new referrals, with waiting lists stretching to five months or longer. The Williams Insitute at UCLA School of Law estimated in 2017 that there were about 150,000 teenagers aged between 13 and 17 who identify as transgender. In the U.K., The Telegraph reported a 4,400 per cent increase in children…
“The Time When Culture Is Ready to Change Is Coming and That Is the Opportunity That Christians Need to Seize”: Dr Stephen Chavura
“People are recognising that things are going wrong…”
Canadian Liberals issue pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQIAA+ decree: Affirm our ideology or else
The Trudeau era and its burgeoning “progressive” totalitarianism got an extension this week as Canadians voted. Consequently, Canadian Liberals were reinstated, winning 157 seats, against the Conservatives who secured 121. Conservatives scored a narrow loss, winning the popular vote at 34.4%, but not securing enough seats to win a majority. [i] In an opinion piece for Crisis Magazine, Canadian Professor Emeritus at St. Jerome’s University, Donald, DeMarco, presented a grim analysis of Canada’s Trudeaun landscape. DeMarco expressed concern about apathy, and a general lack of awareness at the slow erosion of hard-won, tried and true, classical liberal freedoms, stating that…
Former trans woman warns, transgenderism is a life of loneliness, depression, suicide: “To think children are going to go through this, it’s wrong, it’s sad”
For seven years, Pete Benjamin lived as a transgender woman. It wasn’t until after Pete had undergone irreversible gender reassignment surgery that he realised his tragic mistake. In the following video, Pete tells his story of what life was like for him being transgender, and how it led him down a path of deepening depression and suicidal thoughts. WATCH:
Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg says he wants to preserve freedom of expression, but actions speak louder than words
The line between inciting hate or violence and informing others about that hate and violence is being blurred. Facebook’s recent heavy-handed actions against Caldron Pool, and Caldron Pool contributor, Evelyn Rae, suggest that the social media platform is happy to unfairly conflate reporting or fair criticism of an event with endorsement of that event. There is a difference between advocacy and commentary. If we apply descriptive and prescriptive linguistics to how newsworthy events or commentary are presented, we can see that companies like Facebook will inevitably hurt their customer base, because they continue to blur the descriptive and the prescriptive,…
Trans cyclist says, if you believe trans women are real women, then you can’t exclude trans athletes from women’s sports, it’s a ‘human right’
Transgender athlete Rachel McKinnon has said, if society truly believes trans women are women, then there’s no basis for excluding trans athletes from competing in women’s sports. The 37-year-old Canadian cyclist made headlines last year after setting a world record time winning the women’s 35-44 sprint title at the Masters Track Cycling World Championships. Speaking with Sky News, McKinnon said: “There’s a stereotype that men are always stronger than women, so people think there is an unfair advantage. By preventing trans women from competing or requiring them to take medication, you’re denying their human rights.” “If you want to say,…
LGBTQ activists force Chick-fil-A to close first UK outlet for donating to Christian charities
The UK’s first Chick-fil-A outlet is set to close after LGBTQ activists announced plans to protest the restaurant for donating millions of dollars to Christian organisations. Activists from the LGBTQ organisation, Reading Pride, threatened to continue a campaign against the outlet until it was forced out, following news that the Chick-fil-A Foundation had donated millions of dollars to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the Paul Anderson Youth Home and the Salvation Army. Chick-fil-A opened their first UK outlet at The Oracle shopping centre, in Reading on October 10, however, a spokeswoman for the centre has said the restaurant’s lease will…
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