Category Archives: News & Commentary

A Brisbane based pro-life group says eight babies have been saved since the launch of their ministry several months ago. The group, known as Project 139, took to their Facebook page yesterday revealing parents made the decision to follow through with their pregnancy as a result of a conversation with a counselor outside an abortion clinic. “We are there to give them another choice, to show them how abortion is not their only option,” the group said. The ministry also extends support once a family make the decision not to abort their baby. “We have been able to give to…

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Senior CrossFit employee, Russell Berger, was fired after defending CrossFit Infiltrate’s decision to cancel an Indy Pride event organised by coaches. In an email to gym members, the owners said, “We believe that true health forever can only be found within humility, not pride. As a business we will choose to deploy our resources towards those efforts and causes that line up with our own values and beliefs.” The decision to cancel the event sparked backlash and as a result, the gym was forced to permanently closed their doors. Responding to the criticism, Russell Berger, chief knowledge officer and head…

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Iranian activist and journalist, Masih Alinejad told BBC news, “As a woman, according to Islamic law, I’m not allowed to sing solo. I’m not allowed to show my hair. I’m not allowed to dance. I’m not allowed to be a judge. I’m not allowed to get custody of my child. I need permission from my husband or father to travel.” Ms Alinejad went on to say, “Some people in the West might say that, you know, by talking about compulsory hijab you’re causing Islamophobia. But these are the discriminatory laws causing Islamophobia.” “Our goal in our campaign is to invite…

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Don’t you find it ironic that the same people who pride themselves in being “pro-choice” are now essentially advocating no-choice by pushing for pro-life exclusion zones around abortion clinics? Just take a look at the abuse sidewalk counsellors from We Support Women have copped on Twitter simply for ensuring women fully understand their choice. All in the name of love, of course. Watch:

Last month Jon Ponder, a former bank robber and three-time convicted felon, met with President Donald Trump at the White House Rose Garden for the National Day of Prayer. Also present was Richard Beasley, the FBI agent who arrested Ponder 14 years ago. President Trump shared their remarkable story, from Ponder’s arrest to the founding of his ministry, Hope for Prisoners. “Jon and Richard, you are the living testament to the power of prayer,” President Trump said. “Your story reminds us that prayer changes hearts and transforms lives. It uplifts the soul, inspires action, and unites us all as one…

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Senator Cory Bernardi has told Sky News he will defend Sonia Kruger’s right to freedom of speech after the Civil and Administrative Tribunal refused an application by the Nine Network to have a racial vilification complaint dismissed. The complaint came in 2016 after Kruger endorsed an article by columnist Andrew Bolt during a segment of the Today Show. “I mean, personally, I think Andrew Bolt has a point here, that there is a correlation between the number of people who, you know, are Muslim in a country and the number of terrorist attacked,” she said. “Now I have a lot…

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To celebrate Gay Pride month, CBC Canadian television host Jessi Cruickshank sat down with a group of young children to discuss “sexual diversity,” “gay marriage,” the “advantages” of having parents of the same gender, and “gay celebrities.” Cruickshank also admitted to the children that she once questioned her own sexuality after finding herself several times watching nude scenes involving actress Jodie Foster. Watch:

Flyers distributed in England are calling on white-supremacists to “Punish a Muslim” on July 24. The letter suggests punishments such as, “Spit in the face of a Muslim,” “Slap the Muslim in the face,” and even “Assassinate the Muslim politician, actor, comedian, cafe owner, or other leading figure and display his head on a pole.” The flyers are horrific, but author Raheem Kassam, is calling B.S. One of the punishments suggested involved burning or tearing up the “Holy Quran” and leaving it outside a “Masjid,” the Arabic word for Mosque. Kassam rightly pointed out, “No one who hates Islam would…

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“I don’t know why you’re clapping. I’m talking about you.”

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Allie Stuckey, The Conservative Millennial, has schooled Mitt Romney after the candidate for U.S. Senate in Utah called pastor Robert Jeffress a “religious bigot” for believing one of the most basic doctrines of Christianity. Robert Jeffress says “you can’t be saved by being a Jew,“ and “Mormonism is a heresy from the pit of hell.” He’s said the same about Islam. Such a religious bigot should not be giving the prayer that opens the United States Embassy in Jerusalem. — Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) May 14, 2018 Historic Christianity has taught for 2,000 years that salvation is through faith in Christ…

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The Australian National University in Canberra has dumped plans to introduce a degree on ‘Western civilisation.’ The Ramsey Centre, chaired by former prime minister John Howard, was to offer 40 scholarships in the first two years of the program. According to The Australian, “The backdown follows intervention by the National Tertiary Education Union and the Australian National University Student Association, which had claimed the program would push a ‘racist’ and ‘radically conservative agenda’.” Rowan Dean on The Outsiders explained: “This is the same university that has a Centre for Islamic Studies, a Centre for Indigenous Studies, offers a Bachelor of…

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Journalist Helen Croydon has backed an offended British woman calling for a ban on ‘men at work’ signs. Croydon told Good Morning Britain, “until we change this message we won’t get rid of the stereotype.” “It is a valid debate because it is exactly these subliminal messages that we see in society all the time that perpetuate this stereotype that men do physical work and women don’t. And it’s the very fact that we don’t notice these things that makes it valid.” Watch: Should men at work signs be BANNED?Journalist Helen Croydon says yes because they're examples of #EverydaySexism…

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Australian Senator Pauline Hanson has recorded a message for Tommy Robinson following his arrest. “I’m a senator here. This means a lot to me, what happens in this Parliament. And it starts with us, in this place, to make sure that we never lose the freedom of speech in this country.” Watch: FREE TOMMY ROBINSON | A message of support to #TommyRobinson from @PaulineHansonOz leader of @OneNationAus. Tommy's arrest as well as Sonia Kruger being dragged before a racial vilification tribunal, prove that #FreeSpeech is truly under siege in the West. #Auspol #FreeTommy — Pauline Hanson ?? (@PaulineHansonOz) May…

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“We will be called things that we are not and persecuted, not for being followers of Christ but for being radical fundamentalists who do not know the true way of Christ, which of course is love and tolerance. You’ll go down as the greatest bigots and haters of mankind in history.”

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Standing outside the British Embassy in The Hague, Netherlands, Geert Wilders issued a statement about the arrest of Tommy Robinson and the current state of Europe. Islam critics are taken to court, jailed or targeted with fatwas. The authorities try to silence us. However, Islamists are pampered, protected and defended. And that is totally unacceptable… Britain used to be a bastion of freedom of speech. Today its authorities are behaving like North Korea and Saudi Arabia. Watch: My statement in front of the British Embassy in The Hague today. Free Tommy Robinson!Restore Freedom Of Speech!#TommyRobinson #FreedomOfSpeech #FreeTommy — Geert…

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Attorney Will Chamberlain explains, “The judge in Tommy Robinson’s case, Geoffrey Marson, pulled a neat trick today. He threw him in jail for 13 months, and banned anyone in the UK from talking about it.” Here’s how it was done. Read: The judge in Tommy Robinson's case, Denise Marson, pulled a neat trick today. She threw him in jail for 13 months, and banned anyone in the UK from talking about it. A thread on how she did it. (h/t @nickmon1112)#FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobinson — Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain) May 25, 2018 ADDENDUM: I got the name of the judge wrong. It's…

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Tommy Robinson has reportedly been sentenced to 13-months jail after he was arrested outside Leeds Crown Court yesterday. Police arrested Robinson for “breach of the peace” while live-streaming a report on the grooming gang trials. Conservative journalist, Lauren Southern, who was arrested in the UK under the Terrorism Act in March this year said, “There is a UK reporting ban. No one there is allowed to talk about it.” Southern went on to say, “This is a death sentence… The British government that sent him to prison today… they know for a fact that he’s most likely going to die…

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Tommy Robinson has just been arrested outside Leeds Crown Court. Robinson was at Court to report as the first of ten accused grooming gang members arrived. Police said they were arresting Robinson for “breach of the peace.” A recording of the arrest was posted online: Watch: Tommy Robinson has been arrested in Leeds court for reporting on grooming gangs. More updates to follow — Caolan Robertson (@CaolanRob) May 25, 2018

A woman from Portland, Oregon has said she felt “invaded” after receiving a disturbing phone call from one of her husband’s employee’s. “Unplug your Alexa devices right now,” he said. “You’re being hacked.” In an “unlikely string of events” the couple’s Amazon Echo recorded a private conversation and sent the audio to the man without their knowledge. “I felt invaded,” the woman said. “A total privacy invasion. Immediately I said, ‘I’m never plugging that device in again, because I can’t trust it.” Amazon confirmed the private conversation had been inadvertently recorded and sent to a contact. According to a statement…

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A high school in New Jersey will now accept everyone onto the cheerleading squad in an attempt to be more “inclusive.” The decision from Hanover Park High School staff came after a parent complained because her daughter failed to make the cut during tryouts. In a letter from the superintendent, students and parents were informed that the high school administration decided to “be more inclusive and not penalize any student” from making the squad that did not achieve the necessary score. Cheerleaders who had trained hard to earn their position were naturally upset by the decision. “I did not put in 18…

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