Police and security remove cricket fans displaying “It’s OK to be white” banner.
Police and security guards removed three men from Optus Stadium after the trio displayed a banner which read, “It’s OK to be white.” According to The West Australian, the banner was hung from the top tier for less than a minute before the men rolled it up and walked away. “It is not clear if any futher action will be taken against the men as the decision is understood to lie with Cricket Australia.” Channel Ten have praised the actions of authorities for removing the men saying, “There’s no place for this in our society.” “Why don’t they unfold that…
UK man details run-in with Britain’s thought-police: “No crime has been committed, but I need to check your thinking…”
A former police officer in the UK has had his thoughts “checked” by police claiming to represent the LGBTQ community. Humberside Police tracked Harry Miller to his place of work, after acquiring 30 tweets, including a number of limericks that he had “Liked” from his personal account. According to the officer, Miller had not committed a crime by “Liking” the tweets, but the event was still to be recorded as a “hate incident.” After being subject to a 30-minute police inquiry, Miller was warned to watch his words or risk losing his job, as potential LGBTQ employees would not have…
Muslims boycott M&S toilet paper because it “has Allah written on it.”
More than 2,500 Muslims have signed a petition calling on Marks and Spencers to stop selling toilet rolls “deliberately insulting” Islam. “They have the word ‘Allah’ written in arabic on their aloe vera toilet rolls,” the creator of the petition said. The claim was initially made in a video posted on YouTube which has so far attracted just over 24,000 views. M&S responded to the criticism on Twitter saying: “The motif on the aloe vera toilet tissue, which we have been selling for over five years, is categorically of an aloe vera leaf and we have investigated and confirmed this…
WATCH: Woman sexually assaults man at Women’s March, and it backfires marvelously.
Owen Shroyer from InfoWars has shared footage of the moment he was groped by a woman at the 2019 Women’s March. “So if our President can grab a woman by the p-ssy, I can grab you by the b-lls,” the woman said after assaulting Shroyer on camera. “She just grabbed my d–k,” a stunned Shroyer said. “Is that sexual assault?” “Yes, I did assault you,” the woman replied. “Should you be arrested?” Shroyer asked. “Arrest me! There are police officers right here,” she said. “So, look at this: Women have so much privilege she can sexually assault me and get away…
Disney Producer Tweets About Murdering Children Wearing MAGA Hats: They “Go Screaming, Hats First, Into the Woodchipper”
Disney producer Jack Morrissey has tweeted about throwing children who support President Trump, headfirst into a wood-chipper. “#MAGAkids go screaming, hats first, into the woodchipper,” Morissey tweeted after fake news media outlets falsely accused a Trump supporting high school student of taunting a native American man at the Lincoln Memorial. Morrissey, who has since set his Twitter account to private, attached a gruesome image to the tweet, depicting a man shoving a human body into a wood-chipper that was spewing blood. “Look at the bigger picture,” Jack Posobiec, One America News host, tweeted. “The media is now normalizing the targeting of Christians…
New footage exposes dishonest media, busts claim that MAGA students taunted Native American.
This week CNN claimed, “A crowd of teenagers surrounded a Native American elder and other activists and appeared to mock them after Friday’s Indigenous Peoples March at the Lincoln Memorial.” A CNN tweet linking to the report also claimed: “Video shows a crowd of teenagers wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ hats taunting a Native American elder…” The video, which was widely shared by numerous news media outlets, shows a student from a Catholic high school staring at a Native American man as he chants and beats a drum in the young man’s face. What’s been implied is that the student…
Store paints the dress off parent-and-child parking sign because it was offensive to males and non-gender-conforming parents.
While Australian councils are busy installing female only pedestrian symbols, a supermarket in Bedfordshire, England decided to paint over the dresses on their parent-and-child parking signs. The signs, situated in an Aldi car park, were used to reserve parking spots for parents with young children. The symbol used depicted a woman in a dress holding hands with a child. However, the store reportedly felt the image was not inclusive of male and non-gender-conforming parents. A spokesperson for Aldi told The Telegraph: “All parents and child car parking spaces at Aldi stores are gender-neutral. The sign was painted incorrectly and will be changed.”…
WATCH: Huge video billboard in the middle of Times Square promotes 10-year-old drag queen wearing fake breasts.
A large digital billboard displaying a child dressed in drag is on show in the middle of Times Square NYC. The billboard, situated on the Viacom building, features the 10-year-old “drag queen” known as Desmond is Amazing and is part of a advertisement for Vicaom’s new production, Hype & Influence. The video series is designed to “explore the cultural trends that matter.” Episode 2 is titled “Drag’s Impact on Culture” and features the child’s journey into drag dress. Weep for our culture. WATCH: One of the biggest companies in the world is advertising a 10-year-old drag queen in the middle…
Double Standards: Fire and Rescue NSW says, Community Board is not to push “personal opinions or social or political agendas.”
Newtown Fire and Rescue Station has been let off with a warning after putting up a message on their noticeboard that was said to contain “personal and political agendas”. The statement which read, “House fires are toxic. Our masculinity isn’t” was placed on the station’s noticeboard after the release of the widely criticised Gillette commercial, portraying masculinity as a negative and damaging characteristic in men. Newtown’s Fire and Rescue is well-known throughout the local and extended community for their outspokenness on particular social and political issues, oftentimes using their noticeboard to convey their message through one liners, such as “Hey…
Record numbers of transgender children in the UK: One child, under the age of 16, changes gender every day.
The United Kingdom is seeing a record number of children, under the age of 16, identifying as transgender. According to the UK Deed Poll Services, in the past five years there has been a surge of parents seeking to change their child’s title from Miss to Master and vice versa. The rise in transgender children now averages at least one child making the switch every single day. Louise Bowers, a senior deed poll officer, told The Sun: “We used to issue a couple every couple of months — but now it’s seven to ten a week.” According to Bowers, most…
WATCH: Today Show reporter blames white people for aboriginal crime, “I don’t want to celebrate Australia day.”
Nine’s Today Show report Brooke Boney has said she doesn’t want to celebrate Australia Day because the arrival of the British was “the beginning of – what some people would say – the end.” “I can’t separate the 26th of January from the fact that my brothers are more likely to go to jail than school,” Boney said. “Or that my little sisters and my mum are more likely to be beaten or raped than anyone else’s sisters or mum. And that started from that day.” Whose fault is it that aboriginal men commit crime? Whites. Whose fault is it…
Here’s something you may not have noticed in Gillette’s “toxic masculinity” advert.
You’ve probably seen it by now. In just two days Gillette’s “short film” combating “toxic masculinity” racked up over 12 million views on YouTube. The almost two-minute feature is currently the third most trending video, but to Gillette’s dismay, the general feedback has not all been positive. Since being uploaded onto YouTube, the video has received just over 300k ‘thumbs up’ by viewers, while over 700k viewers voted it down, mostly for its negative portrayal of men and masculinity. But according to folks on social media, there is another issue with the video that most viewers seem to have missed.…
Gillette slammed for legitimizing “toxic masculinity” ideology.
Proctor and Gamble is under fire for a Gillette ad pushing men to shave their “toxic masculinity”. The ad depicts men getting into fights, standing in front of barbecue grills, and verbally harassing women. The ad, dubbed “We Believe” also heavily features news clips discussing the recent #MeToo movement. The once popular razor blade maker has hemorrhaged market share in recent years. A decade ago, Gillette controlled about 70 percent of the U.S. market. However, last year, its market share dropped to below 50 percent, according to Euromonitor. In an effort to salvage its plunging popularity, Gillette has jumped on…
Men who identify as women are being invited to have their non-existent cervix tested.
In July 2017 the publicly funded National Health Service (NHS) in England released a 24 page booklet specifically for transgender and non-binary people. The purpose of the booklet was to provide information regarding available screening programs and further explain who is invited to take part in the publicly funded tests. These tests include, breast screenings, cervical screenings, aortic aneurysm screenings, and bowel screenings. When it comes to breast screenings, both men and women are offered the procedures. Regardless of surgeries or the removal of breasts, breast tissue can still be present, so there is a need for these tests to be completed. However,…
Christian cross destroyed because it was offensive to Muslim migrants.
A Greek Orthodox priest was beaten by Syrian “asylum seekers” outside of his own church last week. According to Proto Thema, the group became violent after they were confronted for parking their motorcycles in the courtyard of the sanctuary of St Nicholas in Patisia, Athens. The attack comes just months after the destruction of a large Christian cross at Appeli on Greece’s island of Lesbos. Prior to its destruction, leftist, pro-migrant NGOs had demanded the removal of the Christian symbol, claiming it promoted “hate” towards migrants and labeling it a “Crusader Tool.” “‘Coexistence and Communication in the Aegean’ had filed…
Children’s library introducing young kids to LGBTT2SQQIAA pride.
UPDATE: Library coordinator has since apologised for displaying this book in the Junior Area and acknowledged the book was incorrectly labeled as a Junior item and should not have been displayed in the children’s area. The library have corrected the labeling of all copies of the book to ensure the book is located in the Adult Non-Fiction section in future. Queensland’s North Lakes Library attracted numerous children during the holidays. The library hosted a variety of events over the Christmas period specifically targeting youngsters. During this time, the library thought it would be a good opportunity to promote LGBTQ Pride to…
Linda Sarsour: “If you’re Muslim, you’re political… President Trump is a fascist, but Muhammad was a human rights activist… and Islam has always been a feminist religion.”
Last month Muslim activist Linda Sarsour gave a speech in Sacramento in which she urged Muslims to become political because “Muhammad was a human rights activist,” and Trump a fascist. The self-described “Islamophobe’s worst nightmare” went on to claim that Islam has always been an “anti-racist, feminist, and empowering religion,” and that our modern understanding of human rights are unnecessary because Islam already teaches these things. Sarsour explained: “I go to a lot of mosques or community centers and this is what they say to me. They say: ‘Sister Linda, we know that you’re very political, but in my mosque,…
Being manly is psychologically “harmful” says the American Psychological Association
The American Psychological Association has warned mental health professionals to consider “traditional masculinity” as psychologically harmful. According to researchers, “stoicism, competitiveness, dominance, and aggression — is, on the whole, harmful” to both boys and men. APA’s new Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Boys and Men strive to recognize and address these problems in boys and men while remaining sensitive to the field’s androcentric past. Thirteen years in the making, they draw on more than 40 years of research showing that traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful and that socializing boys to suppress their emotions causes damage that echoes both inwardly and outwardly. According…
Nine News poll against Senator Fraser Anning backfires, big time.
I don’t think they were expecting that! The official Facebook page of 9 News Gold Coast created a poll today, asking their followers if they want Senator Fraser Anning “ousted from parliament.” “Senator Fraser Anning has charged taxpayers for travel to-and-from three far-right protests,” the Facebook post reads. “Do you want to see Fraser Anning ousted from parliament?” In the first four hours the poll gathered more than 47k responses, with over 38k participants voting NO. That’s over 80% of the voters. “I wonder if Channel 9 will report this tonight?” Senator Fraser Anning said on Twitter. “At the time of writing,…
WATCH: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says, being morally right is more important than being factually correct.
OKAY, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an easy target. And she’s had a lot of cringe-worthy moments. But could this one take the cake? During a recent interview on 60 Minutes, Anderson Cooper highlighted the fact that the Washington Post had criticized Ocasio-Cortez for misstating statics about Pentagon spending. Ocasio-Cortez responded: “If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they’re missing the forest for the trees. “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right,” she added. WATCH: OH MY GOD. ?THIS…
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