Love Is Love? Ridiculous
“To love your neighbour as yourself is to be honest with them, as you would like someone to be honest with you.”
A Good Man in Sport: “We’re a Family That Has Done Everything Together”
“Brown gave up a high paying job to prioritize his family. So many fathers and mothers today put career ahead of family. And so much of our society is broken as a result.”
The Johnny Depp Trial: A Loss for #MeToo, but a Win for Blind Justice
“All women making allegations of sexual assault should be taken seriously. But not all such women should be believed simply because they are women. This fact is as self-evidently true as the statement that not all white people should be believed when making criminal accusations against those of a minority race.”
Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely… Or Does It?
“Power does not corrupt. Power is not the source of corruption.”
Secularism Is a Lie
“Secularism is not an end goal for a society, it is a transition phase.”
The Transgender Origins of Feminism
“Shelley held a utopian vision that gender differences, ‘detestable distinctions’, as he called them in a letter, would ‘surely be abolished in a future state of being.’”
Breastfeeding Association Fires Counsellor For Using the Word ‘Mother’ on Social Media
“These extremists deny science and reject reality. Mothers deserve better than radical activism when they are seeking support to nourish and grow their precious babies.”
Mass Shootings Are Not a Gun Problem, They’re a Cultural Problem
“Unfortunately, when these mass shootings take place, the conversation rarely delves any deeper than the killer’s weapon of choice.”
Netflix Halts Woke Content, Tells Activists the Company “May Not Be the Best Place for You”
“With the added cancellation of projects from Kendi, and Markle, Netflix appears to have heeded the ‘go woke, go broke’ axiom.”
Female Skateboarder Speaks Out After Losing Multiple Events to Transgender Athletes: “I Am Sick of Being Bullied Into Silence”
“The trans competitor won qualifiers, finals, and best trick, taking a total of $5,000 in prize money.”
‘Adult Female Person’ Is Not Enough
“We’re not here because society decided to wage war on the dictionary. We’re here because society is at war with the Bible…”
Obvious Truths Are Not To Be Scorned
“People have gone from knowing basic, simple truths, to saying such simple truths are evil and oppressive.”
Pastor Wins Discrimination Case After Being Forced Out of Job for Warning Against LGBTQ Pride Events
“For sending one tweet, that raised genuine concern for children, he was vilified, threatened, and hounded out of his employment.”
The Unforgivable
“Shall I forgive my friends and family for abandoning me when I needed them most?”
Chris Pratt Targeted in Cultural Marxist Witch Hunt, Again
“Chris Pratt would never be replaced as Star-Lord but, if he ever was, we would all be going with him.”
Daily Wire Steps up to Compete With Disney LGBTQ+ Inc.
“If corporations decide to go woke, there must be competitors who assure that they will go broke. And we hope to fill that gap. We only hope others will follow our lead.”
Disney Includes Homosexual Kiss Scene in Upcoming Kids Film ‘Lightyear’
“Creatives within the studio have been working for years to incorporate LGBTQ identity into its storytelling in ways big and small.”
“Go Woke” Disney & “Get Woke” Dinklage Rebuked for Cancel Culture Attack on Snow White
“I get it, Peter Dinklage is the biggest dwarf actor, probably of all time, but that doesn’t make him king. It doesn’t make him king dwarf.”
We Should Have Heeded Schaeffer’s Prophetic Warnings
“I call for Christian radicals, and especially young Christian radicals, to stand up in loving confrontation, but confrontation – looking to the living Christ moment by moment for strength – in loving confrontation with all that is wrong and destructive in the church, our culture, and the state.”
Steyn: “In the Last Two Years, There Has Been a Great Absence of the Church in the Life of the Nation”
“You would think a society in the slough of despond, in and out of lockdown for almost two years, would be a grand opportunity for Christian ministry. Instead, the church meekly accepted their designation as non-essential.”