Category Archives: Culture

“There are certainly times and circumstances to apologise and make amends for collective sins. But it’s a currency that risks being devalued if people use it to shift the blame elsewhere in order to regain their own moral high ground on the issues of the day.”

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The updated version, which will be released on Disney+ under the more appropriate title, White Privilege and the Seven Persons of Short Stature, will replace the controversial scene with the prince patiently waiting for Snow White’s consent.

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“We must resist the temptation to allow secular ideologies to redefine Biblical virtues and truths.”

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Other messages shared by the group include an image of a black man executing bound white people along with the caption, “Yes all whites.”

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This is an essential shift our culture needs to make to prevent false allegations, and victimhood mentality from drowning out real victims of crime.

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If you want to see true invisibility in the art world, look for openly conservative artists. Those who manage to fight their way through education systems that mark them down and galleries who refuse to show their work are forced to compete in the open market without the wealth of state-funded activism.

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I’m confident in saying that it is one of the most important books I’ve read in a while.

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“Your article, satire or not, is a copyright infringement and breaking multiple defamation laws. Remove this or we will proceed accordingly.”

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Consensual incest advocates are today backing a New Yorker’s efforts to marry their own adult child. The parent, who has remained anonymous for obvious reasons, is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice.

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The world has created its own problems – it has taken morality out of sexual relationships; it sees uniformity as the answer to all ills; and it calls on the law to achieve these goals.

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Is it ever right to disobey the state? If so, when and why? Is there a right to rebel against authority?

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Heed Chavura’s call, because he’s right: “Courage is the only way forward.”

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The overbearing weight of being governed by a government that has confused the Creator with the creature is inevitably unjust, corrupt, and self-destructive.

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We are on the cusp of what could be labelled as ‘therapeutic totalitarianism’.

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“So, let me get this straight. Peterson is a Nazi simply basically because he exhorts young men to take responsibility and clean their room. Yeah…I still don’t get the link?”

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“What’s our message to this nation? You’re under judgement. It’s too late. Judgement has been unleashed. You can hear, but not understand. You can see, but not perceive. Your heart may be attracted, but hardened by God.”

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“It’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.”

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Feminism hasn’t delivered a utopia for women, it’s in fact bought them a ticket on the Titanic.

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Governor Spencer Cox said the measure would send an “important message” about preventing children from accessing explicit content online.

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Communism is the new black, and it’s finding its latest iteration in the West through the leftist agenda of sexual identity politics. But as with every other form of socialism, it is already manifesting the underlying totalitarian tendencies.

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