Labor and Greens weaken Australia’s border security. Refugees who plead ‘mental illness’ to be treated in Australia.
Australian Labor and the Greens, together with crossbench MPs have passed new laws making it easier for Leftist doctors to order medical evacuations of illegal immigrants held in offshore processing facilities. Prime Minister Scott Morrison slammed the move in a press conference, calling it “proof positive that Bill Shorten and the Labor Party do not have the mettle, do not have what is required and do not understand what is necessary to ensure that Australia’s border protection framework and broader national security interests can be managed by the Labor Party.” Our border protection framework works. We stopped the boats, stopped…
University installs ‘all-gender’ bathrooms to make students feel safe on campus because ‘unisex bathrooms’ were not inclusive enough.
The University of Technology Sydney has introduced “all gender” bathrooms in an effort to fulfill their commitment to being a university with a “culture of inclusion.” The all gender bathrooms can be found in ten UTS campus buildings, including the university’s main tower building. A statement from UTS reads: “Some people within our community don’t identify with traditional binary genders (male and female). Others don’t feel comfortable using a bathroom designated by gender, sometimes because they’ve had a negative experience using a single-gender bathroom due to their appearance or gender identity. “All gender bathrooms provide a space that can be…
Dr Stephen Hicks: ‘Are we fighting the postmodernists with one hand tied behind our backs?’
Are we fighting the postmodernists with one hand tied behind our backs? Intellectual battles are the cognitive lifeblood of a healthy society. Life is complicated and the stakes are high, so thoughtful and passionate people have lots of arguments. Only by argument can we sort out the facts about complicated matters. Only by putting our ideas to the test of evidence and by being willing to change our minds can we make progress. Intellectual fighting is not often fun, but it is better than settling our differences by physical fighting. The advantage of being an intelligent species, Austrian philosopher Karl…
Victoria to make it against the law to help LGBTQ people who question their own sexuality: They’re denying the experiences of all former homosexuals
Daniel Andrews, the Premier of Victoria, has announced ‘conversion therapy’ will be against the law in the state of Victoria. In a post on Facebook, Andrews announced: “Gay, bi and trans people don’t need to be ‘cured’ – because there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them. And if you think otherwise, maybe there’s something wrong with you. “‘Conversion therapy’ destroys lives,” he went on to say. “It creates shame and stigma. And soon, it will be against the law in Victoria. This is an Australian first. And it’s the right thing to do. Because bigoted quackery has no place in this…
‘Refugee’ on Manus Island wins more than $100k and top Australian literary award, despite not being Australian
A ‘refugee’ on Manus Island has won a Victorian Premier’s Literary Award despite not being an Australian citizen or a permanent resident. Behrouz Boochani, a Kurdish journalist, took out the non-fiction section, scoring $25,000, before going on to win the $100,000 Victorian Prize for Literature, which is said to be the most valued literary award in the country. Conditions for entry stipulate that authors must be Australian citizens or permanent residents, however organisers decided to make an exception for Boochani. .@BehrouzBoochani’s book No Friend But the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison (@picador_aus) wins the Prize for Non-fiction. #vpla2019…
Profiteering from Falsehood: Proof that Leftist Australian media needs a narrative of racism and oppression to stay relevant.
I’m not sure what the online content editor was thinking, but the “KKKennerley” clickbait headline, from Fairfax media (Australia’s biggest Leftist behemoth, outside the bloated solely tax-payer funded, state owned ABC) is ludicrous. This only serves division, and shows that the Leftist cult of modern liberalism in Australia needs a narrative of oppression, racism and bigotry, just to appear relevant. In other words, it serves their system to keep people divided, angry, confused and fear driven; convinced that their “racist white” neighbours are out to get them. What a disgusting headline from Fairfax. If deranged Leftist activists falsely accuse a…
Australia Day protesters have no idea what they’re protesting.
Avi Yemini has hit the streets of Melbourne again, this time to speak with folks protesting Australia Day. Well, something like that, at least. They’re just not really sure what’s going on. “Are you against Australia Day?” Yemini asked a protester at the rally. “Yeah,” the man replied. “What’s the problem with Australia Day?” Yemini asked. “I’m not quite sure. I’m not from here. I’m not a local,” the man responded. Another protester told Yemini that the problem with celebrating Australia Day on 26 January is that, “on this day James Cook arrived in Australia.” Actually, James Cook landed at…
Police and security remove cricket fans displaying “It’s OK to be white” banner.
Police and security guards removed three men from Optus Stadium after the trio displayed a banner which read, “It’s OK to be white.” According to The West Australian, the banner was hung from the top tier for less than a minute before the men rolled it up and walked away. “It is not clear if any futher action will be taken against the men as the decision is understood to lie with Cricket Australia.” Channel Ten have praised the actions of authorities for removing the men saying, “There’s no place for this in our society.” “Why don’t they unfold that…
Unisex toilets are a magnet for sexual offenders.
Unisex toilets are costing taxpayers big-time, as council after council allot taxpayer funds to renovate, upgrade, and install completely new facilities in publicly accessed areas. Some of these areas include beaches, parks, reserves and public schools. While some might wonder whether taxpayers should even be funding such projects, a more important question would be whether unisex toilets pose a risk to the general public. According to the Sunshine Coast Daily, councillor Vivien Griffin invested $450,000 of tax payer money into a toilet block at ‘Tickle Park’, “consisting of unisex and wheelchair accessible toilets, wash basins and external showers.” The location…
Double Standards: Fire and Rescue NSW says, Community Board is not to push “personal opinions or social or political agendas.”
Newtown Fire and Rescue Station has been let off with a warning after putting up a message on their noticeboard that was said to contain “personal and political agendas”. The statement which read, “House fires are toxic. Our masculinity isn’t” was placed on the station’s noticeboard after the release of the widely criticised Gillette commercial, portraying masculinity as a negative and damaging characteristic in men. Newtown’s Fire and Rescue is well-known throughout the local and extended community for their outspokenness on particular social and political issues, oftentimes using their noticeboard to convey their message through one liners, such as “Hey…
WATCH: Today Show reporter blames white people for aboriginal crime, “I don’t want to celebrate Australia day.”
Nine’s Today Show report Brooke Boney has said she doesn’t want to celebrate Australia Day because the arrival of the British was “the beginning of – what some people would say – the end.” “I can’t separate the 26th of January from the fact that my brothers are more likely to go to jail than school,” Boney said. “Or that my little sisters and my mum are more likely to be beaten or raped than anyone else’s sisters or mum. And that started from that day.” Whose fault is it that aboriginal men commit crime? Whites. Whose fault is it…
Scott Morrison can’t save the election, but he can save politics.
The problem with Australian politics is the paradox of a lack of clear choices and a context of unprecedented polarisation. If I can even be so naive as to suggest there is only one problem, or even only one main problem, optimism about political debate and futures could be greatly improved simply by the major parties clearly distinguishing themselves from each other. There’s a common frustration about both parties being nearly indistinguishable. MPs in the parties often feel this is unfair, especially those further from the centre, and their feelings are not without merit. But neither are the comparisons. For…
Convicts arriving in Botany Bay in 1788 is not “Invasion Day,” the Imperial Japanese bombing of Darwin in 1942 is.
Most of Australian history is a neglected subject. That history didn’t end in Botany Bay, 1788, and it’s high points, although they are among them, isn’t just Gallipoli 1915, or in the numerous corrections to sporadic injustices carried out by a Social Darwinist induced indifference towards Indigenous Australians. The significance of the Bombing of Darwin on the 19th February 1942, by over 260 Imperial Japanese aircraft is unjustifiably neglected by politics, politicians, political parties, their pawns in the news media, and in their pawns in the Australian academic industrial complex. The high level of attacks from Imperial Japanese forces on…
Children’s library introducing young kids to LGBTT2SQQIAA pride.
UPDATE: Library coordinator has since apologised for displaying this book in the Junior Area and acknowledged the book was incorrectly labeled as a Junior item and should not have been displayed in the children’s area. The library have corrected the labeling of all copies of the book to ensure the book is located in the Adult Non-Fiction section in future. Queensland’s North Lakes Library attracted numerous children during the holidays. The library hosted a variety of events over the Christmas period specifically targeting youngsters. During this time, the library thought it would be a good opportunity to promote LGBTQ Pride to…
Nine News poll against Senator Fraser Anning backfires, big time.
I don’t think they were expecting that! The official Facebook page of 9 News Gold Coast created a poll today, asking their followers if they want Senator Fraser Anning “ousted from parliament.” “Senator Fraser Anning has charged taxpayers for travel to-and-from three far-right protests,” the Facebook post reads. “Do you want to see Fraser Anning ousted from parliament?” In the first four hours the poll gathered more than 47k responses, with over 38k participants voting NO. That’s over 80% of the voters. “I wonder if Channel 9 will report this tonight?” Senator Fraser Anning said on Twitter. “At the time of writing,…
The double-standards of liberals
Context and explanation meant absolutely nothing to the outraged leftist media complex collaborating with self-interested politicians when accusing Senator Fraser Anning of Nazi levels of racism for saying the words “final solution”. Senator Anning declared, “In the days of Menzies, immigrants arriving here were not allowed to apply for welfare and that attracted exactly the right sort of hard-working people this country needed. We should go back to that and ban all immigrants receiving welfare for the first five years after they arrive. The final solution to the immigration problem is, of course, a popular vote.” Turnbull called the reference…
Banning the Holy Spirit and chaining the Word
As Western societies lurch from one disastrous fad to another, there have been increased efforts to ban what are called gay conversion therapies. Hollywood has naturally offered its obligatory contribution with the movie Boy Erased, Academia chipped in with a report from La Trobe University – the institution that birthed the Safe Schools Coalition – which joined with the Human Rights Law Centre and Gay & Lesbian Health Victoria to produce research to show that ‘LGBT conversion therapy remains a real problem in Australian religious communities.’ The Victorian government over 2016-2017 banned such therapy, and the Conservative government in the…
School children to undergo secret sex education lessons: “bootie calls”, “friends with benefits”, and “one night stands.”
Western Australia imports extreme anti-masculinity ‘Respectful Relationships’ material from Victoria. The $1-million program teaches kids to reject gender roles in fairy tales, embrace same-sex parenting, and reject ‘gender bias’ phrases such as “good morning, princess”, “boys don’t cry” and “girls can’t play with trucks”. The deceptively named ‘Respectful Relationships‘ program was announced during the holidays to keep parents unaware of plans to sexualise and degender OUR kids. The Labor spokesman was unwilling to reveal the exact content, nor which content providers were getting the $1-million in funding, nor which schools would even use the program. This is NOT in the domain of principals…
WATCH: Vietnamese shopkeepers fight off African gang in Melbourne
Remember when you were a child and your parents would let you run to the local store, take your dog for a walk, or ride your bike around the streets with your friends? Would you let your children do the same now? Another violent brawl involving a gang of African men has been filmed by terrified onlookers in Melbourne. The incident, which took place on Christmas Eve, allegedly began when the gang asked a group of Vietnamese men for cigarettes. When the men refused to hand over the cigarettes, they were violently attacked. WATCH: African Gang Attacks Vietnamese Food Patrons.(St…
More Australian Muslims are travelling to Iraq and Syria to fight with the Islamic State.
Australian Federal Police have issued 27 arrest warrants for terror suspects fighting for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Since 2012, 230 Muslims from Australia have traveled overseas to fight for Islamic terrorist groups. Almost 100 of those were killed while fighting for the Islamic State. So, what sort of treasonous act does somebody have to commit to have their passport canceled and be stripped of their Australian citizenship? WATCH: New figures have revealed more Australians are travelling overseas to fight with Islamic State than ever before. #9Today — The Today Show (@TheTodayShow) December 23, 2018
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