Cheers for a True Blue Aussie Hero
“Now retired, the former Senior Constable Stephen Fitzpatrick put his life on the line way beyond the normal call of duty…”
“A Night of Shame”: Australia Passes Social Media Ban for Under 16s
“Let everybody look back on tonight as a night of shame.”
Bold New Creed Rejects “Biology Is Bigotry” Sexual Heresies in the Name of Sexual Integrity
“Such a formal stand is necessary because we live in an era where Eros is rapidly eroding free speech and religious freedom.”
Victory for Free Speech: Albanese’s Misinformation Bill Defeated in Senate
“The draconian Big Brother legislation being pushed by Albanese and his Labor government has just been declared null and void!”
Online Child Protection Bill Bans Kids From YouTube but Not P-hub
“If YouTube falls under the law as a video-sharing platform, why wouldn’t P-hub, which also hosts user-uploaded video content?”
‘Nuremberg Trial Stuff’: UK Oncology Professor Calls for Accountability Over COVID Response
“I think everybody who went along with this should stand trial to defend themselves. This is unbelievable.”
The Agreement That Robbed Our Country
You were robbed.
“Deceive the People”: Musk Says Australia’s Misinformation Bill Is About Controlling the Narrative
“They want legacy media to continue to deceive the people of Australia,” he said.
How Trump Could Save Free Speech in Australia and Worldwide
“Trump’s free speech initiative, alongside Vance’s recent remarks, is being viewed as a stark warning for Western governments closely allied with the United States.”
Victoria’s New “Death Tax”: Families Could Pay Up to 650% More in Fees
“This is what happens when Labor goes on a spending spree with no economic plans – they come for more of your tax money.”
Social Media Age Verification May Soon Be Mandatory for All Australians
“If there’s going to be age verification, everybody is going to have to go through that age verification process…”
Albanese Says He’d Ban All Australians from Accessing Social Media If He Were Dictator in Resurfaced Clip
“The clip resurfaced after the Australian Government this week introduced a proposed online ‘misinformation’ bill and announced plans to ban all teenagers under 16 from accessing social media.”
Respectful Dismissal
“Unless of course, Senator Thorpe’s words are meaningless. That seems to be the two options. Either she willingly misrepresented her initial allegiance, or she melodramatically lied to the King.”
When So-Called Christians Turn On the Faithful
“With a handful of exceptions, the Australian Church is starved of real leadership.”
COVID Inquiry Recommends Bigger Government, More Power
“Instead of bringing to the table a bill of rights to protect citizens from politicians abusing power, the Labor government jumped all over the recommendation for more power.”
Candace Owens Cancelled
“She appears to have done the impossible and united Israelis and Palestinians around a common cause: gagging a black mother of three because ‘racism!'”
Dwindling Delights and Mobile Frights
“For the past couple of weeks, my mobile phone has been leading the charge for my tossing and turning at night.”
Libertarians Fight for “No Jab, No Job” Justice: John Ruddick Calls for Day of COVID Reckoning
“We printed billions, paid people to do nothing, and surprise, surprise! Today we are menaced by inflation.”
Lidia Thorpe Should Be Removed From the Australian Senate
“It is crucial for the Australian Senate to uphold its customs and traditions lest our culture be irreparably corroded from within.”
Students at “Inclusive” Christian School Told to Remove “Offensive” Christian Crosses
“As is almost always the case in the West today, all worldviews, beliefs, religions, and ideologies are just fine – except Christianity.”