
Australian Labor’s $3 Billion NBN Gamble Is a Desperate Political Pitch

"Albanese deploying the 'free and fast' promises of his populist political forebears is a sure indication of election desperation."

Anthony Albanese wants to throw more money into the National Broadband Network’s (NBN) black hole, and it smells like electoral desperation.

Twice the Australian Prime Minister announced the $3 billion NBN bid on X.

Hidden in the announcement was the reassurance that a vote for Labor was a vote to deliver on #Kevin07 Rudd, and Julia Gillard’s “fast and free, fibre-optic end to the era of copper.”

Albanese’s $3 billion dip into the pockets of Australians will add to the $4.5 billion+ already “invested” into NBN Co by the Liberal National Coalition (LNP) from 2020 to 2022.

According to the ABC, Albanese is resurrecting Kevin07’s “original plan.”

The ABC then warned that spending billions to boost internet speeds is not a quick fix, and comes with the risk of being a complete waste of money.

Australians, they admitted, are moving away from fixed-line internet service providers, to satellite.

This includes the Rudd-Gillard “multi-billion-dollar white elephant” (the ABC’s words, not mine.)

As Tony Abbott argued when Rudd and Gillard promised “fast and free” internet, satellite tech would make fibre redundant.

The Abbott-Turnbull updates to copper over fibre were seemingly made, with both the cost to taxpayers and satellite internet advancements in mind. 

This would mean less cost to tax-payers, who might just prefer to keep their hard-earned money and spend it on what Elon Musk is now offering.

Starlink’s service outpacing NBN Co’s fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) proves Abbott was right.

The Rudd-Gillard “white elephant” isn’t delivering.

Tons of Aussies are still connected to copper. Tons still have poor internet connections.

I am one of them.

When a previous ISP called in NBN to solve our intermittent, and problematic internet issues, NBN arrived on site 3 times.

During those 3 visits, nothing improved.

At least one of the obviously fresh non-English speaking workers sent to solve the internet issues appeared indifferent, and unconcerned.

On their final visit, NBN blamed us for the problem, saying it was the modem.

After replacing said modem, and paying a significant sum to replace old copper with new copper wiring – an amount I’m not legally allowed to reveal because NBN issued a bizarre, non-disclosure agreement – the problem still exists.

Rudd and Gillard’s “free & fast” internet promises were a pipe dream.

No amount of money promised then fixed internet speeds and no amount of money promised now will either.

At the time, Tony Abbott warned us NBN Co. would be redundant tech.

The proverbial Faustian deal anchored an albatross of more debt around the heads of Australia’s poor, and working class.

Since then, Canberra’s Clueless Morgans have thrown billions of dollars into the broadband black hole.

There’s also the election angle to tackle.

Like Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Australia’s National Broadband Network (NBN), appears to be welfare weaponised for the Australian Labor Party.

These government programs are designed to keep Labor in power at ALL costs.

If the LNP or another party declares cuts, Labor will scream, “threat to democracy,” or “putting lives at risk.”

They seemingly deploy any manner of manipulative emotionalising in order to deceptively win votes.

If you think I’m stretching the truth, go look at the conveniently timed deployment of “SAVE Tafe,” and Labor’s carefully scripted SMS dump, known as Mediscare propaganda.

Many of Australia’s big government dependency programs function as fearmongering bullhorns for leftwing bureaucrats.  

TAFE, NDIS, NBN, and Medicare provide Labor with political capital.

All of it paid for with other people’s money: Australian workers, past, present, and emerging.

Labor’s recent blame-shifting on inflation and government spending proves there is a tangible contempt for what these “investments” return to the taxpayer.

A just weight for the investor is money management 101.

Cost-to-benefit scrutineering is also Godly stewardship.

Leaders are expected to conserve, create, and show concern for what He has entrusted to them.

This is why genuine conservatives believe in a safety net for the widow, orphan, sojourner, and the deserving poor.

The hard work is in making sure everyone – that’s the just weight bit – are not made poor in the process.

Labor have shown little to no concern for communicating how these public programs benefit the majority paying for them.

Albanese deploying the ‘free and fast’ promises of his populist political forebears is a sure indication of election desperation.

They evidently don’t care about the cost of living.

Neither do they seem to care about how government spending is debasing the worker’s dollar, causing inflation, and impacting interest rates.

It’s worth restating, the Australian Labor Party are shearing pigs, and asking Australia’s voters to reward them for it.

So, don’t.

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