“No dignity, no justice in it”: Nurse shattered after finding baby left to die following failed abortion, mother left inconsolable
In the early ’90s, Caren, an agency nurse in Sydney, Australia, came across a baby boy who was left alone to die next to a hospital clinical waste bin. The baby was born alive and left in a cold stainless steel kidney dish for about two hours after his mother decided to abort him at 20-weeks. “I didn’t know what to do,” Caren said. “Because this was an abortion and you’re not allowed to intervene, I just did not know what to do. But there was nobody treating that baby. That baby was breathing and yet I couldn’t go and…
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
I recently went to see my local member who also happens to be the NSW Opposition Leader, Jodi McKay, about the now notorious ‘Reproductive Rights Bill’ which she had so jubilantly spoken in favour of in the Lower House. And she very kindly gave me a copy of her speech in which she made the oft-repeated assertion: Between 20 and 25 per cent of women in Australia will have an abortion in their lifetime. Seeing that Ms McKay is a former lobbyist for Family Planning NSW—and is still the ‘phone voice’ you hear when you call—I initially took the accuracy…
Mark Latham’s Churchillian Moment: “Gladys Has Betrayed NSW”
In a speech on Tuesday night, One Nation MP, Mark Latham, joined a growing chorus of opposition voicing their concerns over the poor process applied to the recent NSW abortion bill. Latham joins Liberal MP Natasha Maclaren-Jones, the National Party’s, Barnaby Joyce and Dr David Gillespie, in criticising the rushed bill, deceptively called ‘The Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill’. The abortion bill passed the lower house (legislative assembly) by 59 to 31 on August 9. The MP responsible for introducing the bill was “Independent” member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich, whose candidacy (for context) was backed by Leftist golden girl, and…
The looming leadership crisis in the NSW Liberal Party
Just weeks away from what’s sure to be a roiling State Council meeting, the realisation is dawning that Gladys Berejiklian is not the party leader Liberals are looking for. Anger is also growing, especially amongst socially conservative members, with the feeling they were deceived into helping her get elected only to implement radically ‘progressive’ policies much of the party opposes. It was not the leadership of Gladys Berejiklian which remarkably wrested likely government from the New South Wales Labor Party at that election. Far more significant was a simple question from Senator Eric Abetz which resulted in the resignation of Labor Leader,…
It’s time to fight for society’s most vulnerable
Many people are rightly outraged at just how extreme Alex Greenwich’s “Reproductive Rights Bill” is, which will soon be before the NSW Upper House. It allows for abortion up until the day of birth, on the basis of sex selection, and if the child happens to still be born alive then the withdrawal of all medical assistance. It is quite simply, horrifying. But one aspect which seems to be completely overlooked is that babies with congenital conditions—such as Spina Bifida (see from the thirteen-minute mark in the following link), Downs Syndrome (just see what they’ve done in Iceland) or even…
Director of Australia’s largest abortion provider says banning sex selection abortion discriminates against multicultural communities
Along with concerns around late-term abortion, the general public are greatly concerned by the issue of sex-selection abortion. While the NSW Legislative Assembly rejected an amendment to ban sex-selection abortions, they included in their draft Bill, a statement of disapproval of the practise. Many abortion advocates are strenuously denying that sex-selection abortion occurs in Australia, yet there is both anecdotal and research evidence that it does. Phillip Goldstone, Director of Marie Stopes, one of Australian’s largest abortion providers, in his submission to the Inquiring Committee, says: We do not support the inclusion of gender selection in the Bill and we…
10 Reasons Why You Should Be Anti-Abortion
I like Twitter because there’s a much higher concentration of people with opposite views to me, compared to the opportunity for engagement beyond like-minded people on my Facebook page. I subscribe to the philosophy that my ideas are only as strong as the strongest criticism I expose them to. Sincerely wanting to pursue Truth and share what I have – as opposed to simply scoring ego points – I enjoy the arguments while they remain civil. It comes as no surprise to anyone that there’s also plenty of opportunity for wasting time engaging people completely devoid of sincerity with absolutely…
WATCH: Reporter stunned as top abortionist admits he has no problem killing ‘babies’
A top US abortionist has left a BBC reporter lost for words after admitting he has no problem killing “babies.” Life Site News shared a short portion of the interview between reporter Hilary Andersson and abortionist LeRoy Carhart, which was filmed at a Maryland abortion clinic in July for a thirty-minute segment titled America’s Abortion War. During the interview, Ms Andersson asked Carhart how late in the pregnancy he would perform an abortion. Carhart refused to respond on camera, but then left Ms Andersson visibly stunned by saying: “To the fetus, it makes no difference if it’s born or not…
NSW Treasurer delivers powerful defence of the unborn: “Human rights don’t depend on the feelings of other people”
The Treasurer of New South Wales delivered a powerful speech last week in response to the Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019. The bill, which passed the lower house 59 to 31, would essentially throw open the doors to late-term abortion, on-demand, by any method, no matter how abhorrent, up to 22 weeks, as Dr David Van Gend pointed out. Beyond that point, right up until birth, all that is required is the consent of two abortion doctors. In his speech, Dominic Perrottet MP pointed out that the worst parts of our history have come from a refusal to recognise the…
Make pro-abortion politicians as rare as pro-slavery politicians
It’s my fault killing babies is legal in Australia. I am responsible for the fact abortion on demand has been legally available for so long in Australia, and I’m sorry. The first Australian liberal abortion legislation was passed in the South Australian Parliament in 1969. Attorney General Robin Millhouse was the architect of the radical abortion laws. Forty-five years later he admitted great regret for laws which were [predictably destined to be] interpreted too widely resulting in abortion on demand. That legislation received the assent of the Governor and came into effect on January 8, 1970. However, the first legalisation…
Where has Gladys Gone?
I can’t think of a more pathetic display of non-leadership than that of Premier Gladys Berejiklian and her Deputy John Barilaro regarding the ‘Reproductive Rights Bill’ currently before the NSW Parliament. In fact, it’s nothing other than total political cowardice because neither person is going to speak in the debate even though they have both indicated that they will be voting for the Bill. As Linda Silmalis, the Chief Political Reporter for The Sunday Telegraph tweeted: The Premier choosing not to speak and now co-sponsors of the Abortion Bill plan to move amendments…what a mess #abortion #NSWpol — Linda Silmalis…
When a nation supports the killing of their own children, the future is bleak
Sometimes I think the abortion debate is like street crime – many people just don’t want to get involved. Some people seem uneasy with the idea of killing the unborn, but they are unsure about the “grey areas” around restricting the rights of others and “legislating morality”. Most of us don’t think that way about regular everyday murders, do we? If a dad kills his toddlers, we expect justice to be served. But if the same man coerced his partner to abort them it all becomes OK? Why is this permissible? Because we have been bombarded with the idea that…
Here’s how you can help defeat the NSW abortion bill
Below is a copy of my recent letter to my local member of Parliament, the Hon. Melinda Pavey, M.P, asking her to consider voting against the abortion bill, which is currently before the N.S.W parliament. This is an important issue and due to the rushed nature of the bill, it’s imperative that we give an immediate response in writing. If you’d like to reuse the main body of the letter below, first, copy and paste the text into an email. Next, address your own local M.P and sign off under your own name and town in the space provided. Finding…
NSW Considering Shocking Late-Term Abortion Bill
What’s on the agenda for ‘social progressives’ after the redefinition of marriage? The decriminalisation of abortion. At least, that’s what Alex Greenwich MP—former Co-chair of Australian Marriage Equality—is now focused on. And quickly. With Parliament resuming this week, Greenwich is tabling a bill to decriminalize abortion in NSW, and to require doctors with conscientious objections to refer patients to those who will perform the grisly procedure. The Bill has the support of the Health Minister, Brad Hazzard and, Caldron Pool understands, Premier Gladys Berejiklian. However, of even greater concern than the issue itself is that the Bill will not follow…
Thousands of users drop Netflix after the streaming service threatened to boycott pro-life states
Netflix has experienced their worst month in years after the streaming service threatened to boycott the state of Georgia for passing the Heartbeat bill, which would ban abortions after a foetal heartbeat can be detected. The online streaming service had projected growth of 352,000 subscribers in the United States, however, according to their second-quarter earnings report, Netflix witnessed a drop of more than 126,000 subscribers. When Georgia passed the Heartbeat bill, @netflix threatened to stop doing business in the pro-life state. Thousands of pro-life customers expressed their outrage. Now Netflix's last quarter shows a huge drop in subscribers.#ditchNetflixhttps://t.co/lBNlcvveRb — Lila…
WATCH: Democratic candidate says, ‘trans females’ should have the right to an abortion
Democratic candidate Julián Castro has said transgender females should have the right to an abortion. When asked during the first 2020 Democratic debate if his reproductive rights plan would cover abortion, Castro said: “I don’t believe only in reproductive freedom, I believe in reproductive justice. “And what that means is just because a woman or—let’s also not forget someone in the trans community, a trans female—is poor, doesn’t mean they don’t have the right to exercise that right to choose. And so, I absolutely would cover the right to have an abortion.” WATCH:
Ten Reasons Men Should have a Say on Abortion
In a recent interview with Andrew Denton, Madonna has said that she wants to challenge the Pope regarding the Catholic Church’s opposition to abortion. Not only that, but she double-down and said that Jesus would support a woman’s right to choose. Is it just me, or is Madonna looking and sounding like the product of a computer-generated deep fake? But there’s a fundamental problem with her approach here, and it’s that it betrays the underlying feminist rhetoric of #NoUterusNoOpinion. Because both the Pope and Jesus are men. So, doesn’t that mean that their opinions should be automatically excluded? For example,…
Government bans advert that says ‘a heart beats at four weeks’ after Facebook user is offended by the fact
An Emily’s Voice promotional which featured the words, “a heart beats at four weeks”, on four Newcastle buses has been removed. The action was taken after an outraged Newcastle resident accused the pro-life promotional material of being “dangerous propaganda; a guilt driven directive on what [a woman should] do with their body.” The complaint was posted on Facebook to the NSW Transport Minister’s page and “action was immediately taken” to tear the material down. Emily’s Voice is an organization that seeks to encourage people to consider alternatives to abortion. Their mission is to “help Australians fall in love with the…
Judge orders 22-week pregnant woman to have an abortion against her will
A British judge has ordered that an abortion be performed on a 22-week pregnant mother, despite objections from the woman and the woman’s mother. Justice Nathalie Lieven said the ruling was in the best interest of the woman after she was diagnosed with “moderately severe” learning difficulties. “I am acutely conscious of the fact that for the State to order a woman to have a termination where it appears that she doesn’t want it is an immense intrusion,” the justice said in the ruling. “I have to operate in [her] best interest, not on society’s view of termination.” A social…
Who’s the Nazi now?
Pro-lifers grow accustomed to all sorts of insults, the most unimaginative being ‘Fascist’ or ‘Nazi.’ But this pro-abortion writer takes the prize for being the biggest tyrant of all when he applauds abortion for wiping out the ‘undesirables’. His fairly bizarre article appeared in Quadrant this week, singing the praises of abortion, but also – surprisingly – of eugenics. The author, William D Rubenstein, apparently lives in Australia but used American statistics to prove his point that killing babies is good for society. Especially when those babies belong to underprivileged mothers. Rubenstein’s article makes three points: that abortion has long-term demographic consequences…
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