An NBA basketball announcer of over 30-years resigned on Tuesday after tweeting “All Lives Matter.”
Grant Napear of the Sacramento Kings resigned after responding to a tweet from former Kings star DeMarcus Cousin asking for his take on the Black Lives Matter movement.
“Hey!!!! How are you? Thought you forgot about me. Haven’t heard from you in years. ALL LIVES MATTER…EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!,” Napear said.
Hey!!!! How are you? Thought you forgot about me. Haven't heard from you in years. ALL LIVES MATTER…EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!
— Grant Napear (@GrantNapearshow) June 1, 2020
Bonneville Sacramento, operator of sports radio station KHTK released a statement on Twitter saying they were saddened by Napear’s comments.
“While we appreciate Grant’s positive contribution to KHTK over the years, his recent comments about the Black Lives Matter movement do not reflect the views or values of Bonneville International Corporation.
“The timing of Grant’s tweet was particularly insensitive. After reviewing the matter carefully, we have made the difficult decision to part ways with Grant,” the statement said.
Bonneville Sacramento has parted ways with Grant Napear.
— Sports 1140 KHTK (@Sports1140KHTK) June 2, 2020
Napear later apologised for the tweet, saying it came across “dumb” which was not his intention.
“That’s how I was raised,” he said. “It has been ingrained in me since I can remember. I’ve been doing more listening than talking the past few days. I believe the past few days will change this country for the better!”
If it came across as dumb I apologize. That was not my intent. That's how I was raised. It has been engrained in me since I can remember. I've been doing more listening than talking the past few days. I believe the past few days will change this country for the better!
— Grant Napear (@GrantNapearshow) June 1, 2020
Twitter reacts:
Would expect nothing less from a closet racists
— Matt Barnes (@Matt_Barnes22) June 1, 2020
I don’t normally comment on this stuff because I don’t want to get into it but you PERFECTLY broke it down. All lives do matter….but right now…black lives matter most. Until we’re treated with equal respect…all lives matter is not relevant.
— Ethan Jackson (@Klockwurk) June 1, 2020
You should be fired
— Brandon Jefferson (@NORTHSIDE916ER) June 1, 2020
— Harrison Faigen (@hmfaigen) June 1, 2020
His answer means yes but their lives aren’t the only ones who matter
— Dee (@Str8OuttaSacto) June 1, 2020
Damn bro he gave you a layup and you still missed @boogiecousins
— Jake (@JakeMarc23) June 1, 2020
Ohhh boy, he is a racist!
— Fat Face (@fatface1981) June 1, 2020
How very white and rational of you Grant
— John Bos (@JBDLO55) June 1, 2020
Bring your hood on the next broadcast, Grant.
— Michael Gallagher (@MikeSGallagher) June 1, 2020
Napear is MAGA? Go figure.
— Ron Wenig (@RonWenig) June 1, 2020
Someone bully this man’s kids
— fuck12 (@29thst_) June 1, 2020