Politicians Are Trading Our Children’s Future for Votes
“In their pursuit of political gain, our politicians have fundamentally reshaped Australia’s future. They have effectively traded Western culture for votes.”
Political Parties Court Hindu Vote: Promise More Indian Immigrants to Australia and More Taxpayer-Funded Hinduism
“This is just one obvious issue with multiculturalism. Our leaders often end up pouring taxpayer money into projects aimed at specific groups that undermine Western culture just to lock in their political support.”
You Can Have Multiculturalism Without Free Speech, But Not Democracy
“If multiculturalism can only survive with the suppression of free expression, then it inherently demands the undermining of democracy itself.”
Are We Witnessing the Erasure of White Europeans?
“This is not about addressing supposed past injustices; it reflects a systematic effort to rewrite history in a way that diminishes the contributions and significance of White Europeans from their homelands.”
Walsh: “America Is Distinctly Christian and European”
“Western civilization is the unique product of Christianity’s centuries-long sanctifying effect on the European people and their nations.”
New Report Highlights Australia’s Disregard for Human Rights Amid Pandemic
“A new report reveals that Australian authorities utterly failed to prioritize human rights during the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving lasting consequences and validating the warnings expressed by Caldron Pool and the authors of the Ezekiel Declaration.”
Hindu Idol Unveiled as Australia’s Tallest Metal Statue: “A Loss of Australian Identity”
“So, the question we ought to be asking is, does India represent the kind of nation that Australia ought to model itself on? Without proper integration, increased immigration could reshape Australia in ways that challenge its foundational values today, and lead to a very different Australia in the future.”
Multiculturalism: Diluting Western Culture Hurts Everyone
“While politicians may feign virtue by promoting diversity in harmony, they ultimately refuse to acknowledge what many have recognized for decades: Western civilization, rooted in the Christian religion, has been one of the greatest forces for good in history.”
The Recipe for a Nation: Why Ingredients Matter
“We altered the recipe without realizing how it would impact the final product, and now we face the consequences: fragmented, low-trust societies where foreign conflicts spill onto our streets…”
Nations as an Extension of the Family
“Understanding nations as extensions of family helps preserve both national integrity and social unity.”
Can You Legislate Your Way to Social Harmony?
“Unless our politicians can recognise the necessary role of Christianity in promoting social harmony, they can do nothing but threaten to arrest their way out of favour with everyone – stomping on basic freedoms just to maintain some facade of civil order.”
J.D. Vance Defines ‘America First’: “It’s A Very Christian Concept”
“It doesn’t mean you hate anybody else. It means that you have leadership…”
Why Can’t Europeans Think Like Selena Gomez?
“Family sentiments are good, natural, God-given affections that are necessary to cultivate stable families and societies. That is why God employs these concepts to communicate heavenly and spiritual realities.”
Transethnicism: The Dissolution of National Identity in the West
“Transethnicism is to reduce a nation to the property of the world, belonging to no particular people group, subscribing to no particular religion, and living by no particular culture. When anyone and everyone can ‘become British,’ the term is virtually without meaning.”
Abraham, Isaac, and the Misunderstood Sacrifice
“This was a test, but not to see if Abraham loved God so much that he had no love left in his heart for his own son. This was a test, but not to demonstrate that Abraham believed Isaac would die. This was a test that proved Abraham believed that Isaac would live.”
Sacrificing Freedom for Safety: How a Godless Nation Is Ripe for Exploitation
“Whether it’s enforcing lockdowns to protect the elderly or pushing for Digital IDs to secure the young, those pursuing power will never let a crisis go to waste.”
How Trump Could Save Free Speech in Australia and Worldwide
“Trump’s free speech initiative, alongside Vance’s recent remarks, is being viewed as a stark warning for Western governments closely allied with the United States.”
Is It Evil to Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils?
Of two evils, choose neither?
We Should Reject the Idea of “Hyphenated Citizens”
“A nation divided by hyphens cannot stand.”
“Top-Down Christianity”: Critics of Christian Nationalism Have Spent Decades Compromising to Woo the Elite
“While these sorts claim to be championing justice, they’re doing nothing more than eroding the very foundations of it.”