15 search results for "hate whitey"

Many on the Left are so far up their own version of racial purity, and “moral superiority”, that they can’t grasp the fact that they are creating the very thing their anti-white racism fears the most. Then again, perhaps that’s the plan? Manufacture an enemy, and exaggerate the threat, in order to maintain political power, and social relevance?

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“It’s NOT ‘extremist’ to make sure parents have a say in their children’s education. It IS extremist to call a group of patriotic moms a ‘hate group.'”

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“Prayer is a revolt against the disorder of the world.”

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“Yes23’s referendum loss was death by double standard.”

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“We’re not doing rhetoric anymore. We’re doing Woke studies, and I think that’s a shame.”

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“Their lack of response is cause for concern. Particularly considering the importance of the event and the issues discussed.”

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“Some sanity has entered the hallowed halls of Westminster.”

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“The U.K. government’s counter-terror program also red-flagged The Dam Busters, Bridge over the River Kwai, and the Complete Works of Shakespeare, as ‘key texts’ for ‘Right-Wing Extremists.'”

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Kendi asserted, the real groomers weren’t gay ‘child predators,’ they were ‘white supremacists.’

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“For a doctor to have their licence renewed, they must be Intersectionality approved.”

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“The hypocrite in chief, who has weaponised law enforcement against political opponents, said, he stands for ‘rejecting political extremism and rejecting political violence.'”

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“The Special Agent, turned FBI whistle-blower, inferred that he was punished for opposing the ‘FBI’s deviation from normal case-management protocols.’”

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Racism, Stoker said, ‘is completely unacceptable in modern Australia, but ideas like Critical Race Theory, only lead to greater racial division.’

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City of Beverly Hills officials have issued an indefinite order banning gatherings of no more than 10 people in residential areas. The ‘civil emergency order’ is a response to violent Black Lives Matter protesters disturbing the ‘peace and tranquillity’ of the “home of the stars”. The order cites, one ‘group called “Occupy” staging loud protests at night using bullhorns and loud music in residential areas’, with Vanity magazine adding that the ban also coincides with an earlier curfew put in place after ‘Beverly Hills was hit by violence, and property damage as looting began in the area, particularly around Rodeo…

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The tragic death of George Floyd was primarily about law enforcement’s abuse of deadly force. All the evidence suggests racism was not a motivator. Yet, many in the Leftist mainstream media, along with their celebrity sycophants, and some well-meaning community leaders jumped straight to the “it’s racist” button, using George’s death as an excuse to once again impose their vacuous ideological paradigm on the rest of us, as they parade their own self-righteous virtue all over social media. The majority of images, and comments, from “kill whitey”, to those laden with white guilt, and self-hatred, weren’t altruistic. They weren’t about…

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