40 search results for "blasphemy laws"

“In 2009, six Christians were burned alive, 140 houses were destroyed, and hundreds of Christians have been displaced by mobs after an insult to Muhammad was perceived.”

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“Pressured into converting to Islam, on the premise her death sentence would become life in prison, Shagufta refused, declaring ‘I would rather be hanged than deny Jesus Christ.'”

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If there is a genuine assault on liberty and free speech in the West, this is exactly how it will be carried out.

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In May, the UK government rejected a proposed definition of Islamophobia that was so vague it would essentially prohibit all criticisms of Islam. The definition, proposed by a cross-party group of MPs and adopted by the Labour party, states: “Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.” The proposed definition was backed by more than 750 British Muslim organisations, 80 academics and 50 MPs. Naz Shah, Labour MP for Bradford and shadow minister for women and equalities, argued the definition is crucial for fighting the rise of the far-right…

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When Tommy Robinson suggested that the Quran contains at least 100 calls to violence, Twitter suspended his account. Permanently. Robinson comments in the video below: What we are seeing is blasphemy laws by the backdoor and they are all complicit. Twitter, our police, our courts, our Prime Minister, our entire government and media. All of them raise one hand in support of freedom of speech while they rip it out from underneath us with the other. 

“Adopting a formal definition of ‘Islamophobia’ is a back door to Islamic blasphemy laws, which prevent open criticism of Islam’s beliefs and practices.”

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“Sutcliffe praised a group of students during a maths lesson, stating, ‘Well done, girls.'”

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Political correctness in its excessive form is the secular equivalent of Shari’a law. It might not have the full judicial weight of Western law behind it yet, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t trying to manipulate the system so as to implement it. I used to think that the only thing wrong with political correctness was the excesses that went along with it. Take the good, reject the bad. However, the more I learn from those who practice and enforce the ideals of political correctness, the more I arrive at the conclusion that political correctness is the secular version of…

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“The poor woman will now have to suffer in prison for years while her two children will be deprived of her love and care.”

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“Left-wing governments have turned the war on terror against the very people and culture it was designed to protect.”

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“By refusing to play along with the dangerously ignorant idea that criticising Islam is racism, Tommy Robinson was entombed in enmity. In his words, it’s nearly cost him his life.”

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“The grandmother of 11 and former MP was criminally charged for ‘hate speech’ in 2021 for publicly expressing her Christian convictions.”

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“Social media giants, with all of their billions of dollars, have demonstrated that wrong-speak cannot be policed with either a fair or consistent approach. A prevailing ideology always ends up punishing religious dissent while pardoning the sins of their own.”

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“I am 51, with a busted knee, and have never been violent in my life! It is not violence to speak the truth!”

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The cult of Covid is nothing short of the state religion of the day.

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“So here is my mea culpa on free speech, I was wrong to ever defend it.”

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What a woeful ideology it must be if it cannot survive without threats of fines and imprisonment, without public floggings or executions.

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Being a British Muslim is the most natural thing in the world because Mohammed had British values, according to the popular British newspaper, The Independent. In a non-satirical piece titled, The Prophet Mohammed had British values – so the only way to combat extremism is to teach more Islam in schools, Sajda Khan argues that if we want to stop people from joining Islamic terrorist groups like Isis, British children must be taught Islamic theology. “This is a golden opportunity to develop within our schools a curriculum based upon the biography of Prophet Muhammad, which clearly demonstrates and embed what…

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Kristina Keneally is hopelessly muddled about how freedom works, specifically freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I’m sure she’s had it explained to her before, but inexplicably comprehension yet eludes her – an alarming observation to make of a Federal Senator. I think leftists are often so mired in the prejudice of their anti-freedom propaganda they often end up shadow boxing, fighting against things no serious person believes. Take, for example, yesterday’s eleven-part Twitter challenge to the Prime Minister doubling down on her insistence that someone who tweeted something vile he then regretted, deleted and apologised for three years…

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Back in August 2016, in an article called, “Why Trump is not Hitler, & Why Evangelical Americans are Not German Christians”, I argued that the more pressing danger was Turkey’s, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the fanaticism surrounding him. His recent decision to use the tragic pro-Communist, eco-Fascist attacks in New Zealand, as a political whip, particularly against Australians, only furthers the point I attempted to make. The piece was written in response to the large amount of naysayers who were predicting another Holocaust if Donald Trump was to win the 2016 United States Presidential race. Equating Trump with Hitler was…

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