Doug Wilson once said, there are two tenets of atheism: 1. There is no God; and 2. I hate him.
Last week at the University of Utah, Associate Professor, Dr Greg Clark perfectly proved that point during a fiery debate about the existence of the Christian God.
The debate, which took place on October 3, saw Dr James White, of Alpha & Omega Ministries, and Jeff Durbin, of Apologia Church, debate Dr Greg Clark and Dan Ellis, the past President of the Utah Atheists, now State representative for American Atheists.
Things were off to a good start with Jeff Durbin and Dr White offering their opening presentations. It wasn’t until Dr Clark was handed the microphone that things took a bizarre turn.
Visibly enraged, the furious professor rambled on with incoherent arguments, before shouting down his opponents, throwing a Bible off the stage, urging members of the audience to drink poison and seemingly attempting to physically intimidate Dr White. In fact, Dr Clark’s outbursts were so bizarre that even teammate, Dan Ellis, appeared uncomfortable at times.
It’s awkward and uneasy viewing, but eye-opening nonetheless.