
“They’re Coming After Your Kids,” Warns Australian Academic and Author

"When you feed power-hungry technocrats you only ever create more of an appetite for power, because that rush, that dopamine rush that they get from seeing everyone fall in line becomes an addiction."

Australian author and academic, Dr Stephen Chavura, has issued a dire warning to Australians: “They’re coming after your kids.”

In a two-minute video posted to Twitter on Thursday, Dr Chavura responded to recent news that the New South Wales and Victorian Premiers are joining forces to pressure Prime Minister Scott Morrison to vaccinate children under 12 years of age.

According to Sky News Australia, NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet and Victoria Premier Dan Andrews will ‘present a united front’ to the Prime Minister at Friday’s national cabinet meeting ‘to demand further COVID-19 jabs.’

During a Thursday press conference, Andrews said, “I think that the Premier of NSW and I will be putting a number of very important points to the PM and by the end of the meeting, if not before, he will be in no doubt about what Victoria and NSW needs.”

Andrews went on to say, “It’s not over here, it’s not over in NSW, it’s not over anywhere really until we get boosters in people’s arms but there are some things we can work together on, Dominic and I, and that’s exactly what we’ve been doing.”

Dr Chavura said he wasn’t surprised by the announcement, saying our political leaders have tasted power, and are now out for more.

“Well, I guess we all saw this coming,” he said. “It’s never enough. When you feed power-hungry technocrats you only ever create more of an appetite for power, because that rush, that dopamine rush that they get from seeing everyone fall in line becomes an addiction. And that’s exactly what’s happened.

“They’ve mandated vaccines, and the modelling originally said 80% of people with double vaccination should be fine. Now they’re pushing it up to 95%, and of course, the NSW Health Minister says he’s uncomfortable at the proposition that 5% of New South Welsh people don’t want the vaccine.”

Dr Chavura went on to warn that “it’s getting out of hand” with the new push by the state Premiers to vaccinate children under 12 years old.

“Let me tell you right now, they’re not talking about asking for your permission to vaccinate your children,” Dr Chavura said.

“They’re just going to do it and if you don’t comply, they will lock your children out of civil society in the same way that unvaccinated adults are being locked out of civil society right now in NSW and in Victoria until 2023.”

“This is what happens when you feed power-hungry technocrats and rulers,” he added. “They become totally addicted to it and they get a power-entitlement complex, and that’s what this is.

“It’s a power-entitlement complex. In their minds, your children are not yours. You’re just their custodians. Children really belong to the state in their minds, and if you don’t want them to get vaccinated, that’s just tough luck. And they will make you suffer, and they will make your children suffer.”

Dr Chavura then urged Australians to vote out power-hungry political parties, even if it means bringing in a political party we wouldn’t necessarily want. He also encouraged Australians to “hit the streets hard,” saying “we can do this if we really want to.”

“I think now that they’re coming after the kids with all of this, I think we’ll want to more than ever,” he said.

In September, parents in Australia were told school children as young as 12-years-old may obtain a COVID vaccination without parental consent.

According to an email sent to parents from Victoria’s Department of Education and Training, a health professional will assess the maturity levels of students under 18 years and decide whether the child is mature enough to give “informed consent.”

The Victorian COVID-19 Vaccination Guideline stipulates that immunisers may administer the COVID-19 vaccine to an individual under the age of 18 based on their assessment of the child’s capacity to provide informed consent. This is determined by whether the child is able to understand the risks and benefits of the vaccine.

The guide states: “For children or adolescents under the age of 18 years, who are presenting for vaccination without a parent, guardian or other medical treatment decision-maker, capacity to consent will be assessed based on the principles outlined in Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority.” 

The 1985 decision ruled that children aged under 16 years may give consent to a treatment, independently of parental consent, if they display intelligence and understanding of the issues. The ruling applies in Australia under common law.

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